Category Archives: Organizing the Diaspora

Discussions about how to organize, educate and mobilize the Diaspora.

Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition Holds Pan Afrikan Town Hall at Temple of New African Thought in East Baltimore

July 13, 2024 saw the “rebirth” of the effort to bring out, organize and harness the voice of the Pan Afrikan grassroots community so that our voice can be included in the larger effort to bring that Pan Afrikan voice to the World Stage.  The first Pan Afrikan Community Town Hall Meeting since 2019 (post-COVID) was held at the Temple of New African Thought (TNAT) at 5525 Harford Road in East Baltimore.  The meeting was organized by the Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition (MPACC), a broad coalition of Pan Afrikan organizers and activists from the areas of spirituality, culture, economics, education, political organizing, law, prison outreach, grassroots organizing, revolutionary Pan Afrikanism and more.  (More on the Cooperative Coalition can be found on this site under the heading “Spokes of the Wheel”.)  These activists hail mainly from Baltimore City, but several are also located in Laurel Maryland, Randallstown Maryland, Washington DC and Virginia, with occasional participants from Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Chicago Illinois, Detroit Michigan, South Carolina, Georgia, Texas and Panama.  The Cooperative Coalition hopes to spark similar efforts across the United States and throughout the Diaspora, either as local Cooperative Coalitions that then link together or by expanding directly from Maryland into a national or global Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition.

The plan for the July meeting is to regain momentum for these Pan Afrikan Community Town Hall Meetings throughout the entire global Pan Afrikan community that had been dissipated when the COVID pandemic struck in 2020, and to move the work of organizing our community forward once again, led by the voice of our grassroots communities.

Purpose of the Town Hall

The Pan Afrikan Community Town Hall Meetings, originally organized in Baltimore starting in the summer of 2007 by the Maryland Organizing Committee of the Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (SRDC) under the direction of the SRDC Secretariat, brought together members of the grassroots Pan Afrikan Community to bring out, organize and harness the voice of the community so that we can be included in the larger effort to bring that Grassroots Pan Afrikan voice to the World Stage.  SRDC had started holding these Town Hall Meetings in California, New York, Ohio, South Carolina and Washington State in 2006 and early 2007, with other groups doing similar work in Central America and Europe.  The overall plan for the Town Hall Meetings was to accomplish the following goals within our local communities:

  • Explain the strategy of bringing our voice to the World Stage
  • Discuss the role of the African Union (and, later, the United Nations and other international organizations) in the pursuit of that strategy
  • Discuss issues that are important to the local community and show the connection of those issues with the international work
  • Build a Local/State Pan Afrikan Agenda with the Community
  • Have the Community nominate & elect a Representative Delegation who will be able to speak for them (Council of Elders, Representatives, Observers)
  • Discuss how the Representative Delegation can work with other Delegations from throughout the Diaspora to bring a voice from the people to international gatherings of the AU, UN and other bodies

The effort in Maryland was designed to bring that local voice to SRDC’s national gatherings (Summits) with other local communities across the United States and elsewhere in the Western Hemisphere.  The local Pan Afrikan Agendas would come together to form a larger Pan Afrikan Diaspora Agenda, which would then be taken to the African Union, the United Nations and the Organization of American States (OAS) through civil-society organizations they have established to hear the concerns and the ideas of “non-state actors” from our grassroots communities.

The Town Hall Meetings in Practice

From 2007 through 2017, Maryland averaged about one Pan Afrikan Town Hall Meeting per year, plus an annual Kwanzaa presentation when SRDC was invited to participate in weeklong Kwanzaa celebrations by the Baltimore-based Pan African Liberation Movement (PLM), a strong Pan Afrikan grassroots organization in the Baltimore area.  These meetings continued in Maryland despite occasional indifference from several African Union officials, the United Nations’ failure to effectively respond to those it considered “stateless” (Afrikan Americans, for example, do not possess an official state of our own, even though we often refer to ourselves as “a nation within a nation”) and the resulting discouragement among Afrikan Diaspora populations that often resulted from the lack of progress toward our organizational goals.

In 2017, SRDC “cranked up” the frequency of the Town Hall Meetings, with five in the second half of that year which resulted in the formulation, with the community who attended them, of a Maryland Pan Afrikan Agenda document and the establishment of what would become the Maryland Council of Elders (MCOE) in January of 2018.

In 2018 and 2019, MCOE and SRDC held seven more Town Hall Meetings in which guest speakers made presentations to the community on political issues, international meetings if the United Nations and the history and legacy of Pan Afrikan organizing.

The COVID Pandemic, with the constant reports of family, friends and celebrities falling ill and sometimes dying from the disease, the overrun hospital emergency rooms , the stressed-out medical personnel and the sense of insecurity and paranoia that gripped the populace, interrupted the momentum that had been built up from those Town Hall Meetings, as public gatherings as a whole were curtailed in favor of occasional virtual meetings over Zoom, Google Meet and other online providers.  As a result, the progress gained by the steady in-person Town Hall Meetings was slowed until COVID was essentially brought under control.

Sis. Kim Poole and Sis. Tomiko.

The year 2024 brought a renewed focus on holding in-person Town Hall Meetings, either because the pandemic had lessened in its severity, or because better treatments had been developed to render COVID less deadly, or simply because the people became tired of the isolation that had been endured over the previous three to four years.  In-person gatherings from African Liberation Day and Race 1st Rallies in West Baltimore’s Lafayette Square Park in the summers to Town Hall Meetings co-sponsored by the Maryland Council of Elders (MCOE) and Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) since the fall of 2023 began to bring out the community again.  At this point, the Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition (MPACC), which had been meeting over Zoom for just over two years, began holding the Pan Afrikan Community Town Hall Meetings once again, this time as a cooperative effort of SRDC, Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign (APP-HRC), The National Black Unity News and other organizations and activists with whom we have been meeting over the previous two-plus years.

The July 13, 2024 Pan Afrikan Community Town Hall officially began the process of picking up where the effort had left off in 2020.

The July 13 Town Hall

This event, as was mentioned above, took place at the Temple of New Afrikan Thought (TNAT), located on Harford Road in East Baltimore.  We thank Dr. Ausar Winkler for making TNAT available for this important community event, as he has for several Pan Afrikan organizations in the area. 

The event started with a brief introduction of the Central Committee of the Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition:

  • Sis. Tomiko is a Cultural Anthropologist specializing in systemic & institutional identities, culture of racism, historical & generational trauma, healing paradigms & models.  She is the Founding Director of Aging People in Prison-Human Rights Campaign (APPHRC), which works for the release of aging men & women incarcerated in US prisons.  She is the Principal Organizer of SOLITUDE, an international human rights think tank studying the impact of intergenerational incarceration and loss of human resources to Black women of African descent in the US over the last 500 years.  In November 2023, she led a delegation to the Organization of American States Inter-American Human Rights Council (Washington, DC) to discuss the impact of the last 40 years of mass incarceration on Black Women.  In April 2024, she led another delegation of experts to the Third Session, UN Permanent Forum on People of African Descent in Geneva, Switzerland.  She is a major supporter and champion of the Community Defense Proposal and the Emergency Preparedness Plan.  She is also an Executive Committee member, Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition.
  • Baba David Murphy is the Publisher of The National Black Unity News, founder and manager of the Black Information Portal and widely known as the “Networker of Networks”, supporting journalists, columnists and podcasters through the paper, its associated Web site, and regular podcasts.  Baba Murphy is also a Founding Member of BlackMen Unifying BlackMen, a grassroots organization that has built unity among Black Men through monthly breakfast meetings at Black-owned establishments for over nine years, as well as an annual event to honor Black Men who have made major contributions to the community.  He is a member of the Maryland Council of Elders as well as the National Black Council of Elders, bringing information, wisdom and guidance to the Pan Afrikan community in Maryland and across the country.
  • Bro. Cliff Kuumba is the Maryland Facilitator of the Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (SRDC) which seeks to elevate the grassroots voice of the Pan Afrikan diaspora to the world stage through international organizations such as the African Union, United Nations, Organization of American States and independent Pan Afrikan Conferences and organizations; is a member of the North America Regional Coordinating Committee of the Pan African Federalist Movement (PAFM) whose mission is the building of a federalized Afrikan Continent (55 Afrikan nations, Afrikan countries in the Caribbean and Central America, and Black populations in countries around the Diaspora) as the United African States; and is the moderator of the Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition and serves with Sis. Tomiko and Baba David Murphy on the MPACC Central Committee.  Bro. Cliff is also the Editor of KUUMBAReport Online.

Several special presentations were also made:

Baba Bomani Uhuru Jihad Shakur and Dr. Ausar Winkler, Proprietor of TNAT.

Baba Bomani Uhuru Jihad Shakur is a Conscious New Afrikan Citizen living in the New Afrikan Population District of Dr. John Henrik Clarke Town.  He is a New Afrikan Revolutionary Nationalist, New Afrikan Propagandist, New Afrikan Ourstorian, Author, Poet, Advocate of New Afrikan Political Prisoners, New Afrikan Prisoners of War, New Afrikan Political Exiles, Captured New Afrikan Citizens and Political Prisoners/Prisoners of War from the Black Liberation Movement.  He is the Vice Chancellor of George Jackson University, Acting Spokesperson for George Jackson University, Host of George Jackson University Radio and a member of the Black August Organizing Committee.  Baba Bomani has been a Conscious New Afrikan Citizen since 2002, as well as various associations in other organizations and collectives.  He has traveled from the state of Georgia to be with us today and share some of his knowledge, experience, expertise and wisdom. 

Baba Bomani’s presentation stressed specific provisions we all need to be ready to make in response to an emergency, such as:

  • “Bug-out bags” so that important documents and supplies (food, medicines, identification, clothing, defensive weapons) will be at a person’s fingertips in the event of an emergency requiring an immediate evacuation
  • Alternate sources of power: battery, solar cells
  • Provisions in case of emergency (Food, Medical supplies. Tents, blankets and other provisions) stored in the home or on the premises in case of the collapse of the power grid or isolation from food sources
  • Phone trees and communications to look out for each other

Baba Thomas Ruffin, Esq.

Baba Thomas Ruffin, Esq. is a Washington, DC-based lawyer who has regularly lent his legal expertise and personal time to the pursuit of justice, in particular for the efforts to win the freedom of a number of Political Prisoners that resulted from the US government’s efforts to destabilize and destroy the Black Liberation Movement in the 1960s and 1970s.  He serves on the board of directors of the International Association of Black Lawyers, and he is the legal counsel for the Maryland Coalition for Justice and Progressive Change, which is chaired by local activist and Elder Rev. Annie Chambers in East Baltimore.  Baba Ruffin has been a participant in the building of the Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition since its founding in January 2022, and has made strong contributions to the development of the Coalition over that time, including the proposal for a Cooperative Community Defense Plan, which he traveled from Washington, DC to share with us. 

The essence of his proposed Cooperative Community Defense Plan includes the following elements:

  • License, certification and training in defensive weapons to respond to terrorist or vigilante attack
  • Adequate provisions in case of an emergency that causes a disruption to the electrical grid or to food and water access
  • Property: where to go in an emergency?  Identifying safehouses and similar locations 75-250 miles from the location of an environmental or civil defense emergency
  • An up-to-date passport in case of the need to leave the country in response to a national emergency or civil defense disaster
  • Phone trees and communications to look out for each other

Mama Marcia Bowyer-Barron.

Mama Marcia Bowyer-Barron is a longtime Baltimore City Resident and member of the New Shiloh Seniors Community.  She is a member of the Maryland Council of Elders which was founded in December 0f 2017.  She has been a contributor to the mission of the Maryland Organization of the Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (SRDC), and she is a participant in the building and advancement of the Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition. 

“MotherMarci”, as many of us in the Maryland Pan Afrikan community call her, gave a presentation about the plan to build a Pan Afrikan Senior Advocacy Network to accomplish the following objectives:

  • Basic Needs of Seniors: Shelter, Food, Clothing, Phone
  • Health and Medical Care, Response to Senior Emergencies
  • “Buddy Care”, Regular Well-Being and Status Checks
  • No Senior should be suffering or struggling with poverty, homelessness, illness or isolation
  • Lift Our Seniors from “Survival Mode”
  • Senior Entrepreneur Expos
  • The intent is also to replicate this program in other areas.

Baba Leon Waters, appearing from New Orleans via Zoom.

Baba Leon Waters is the curator of the community-based Louisiana Museum of African American History, based in New Orleans, Louisiana, and the founder of the Hidden History Project,  Baba Leon Waters has educated the New Orleans community and Afrikan history students about the historic 1811 Slave Revolt, sometimes referred to as the “German Coast Uprising”, considered the largest slave revolt in US history, which took place from January 8-10, 1811 on the east bank of the Mississippi River and swept through seven plantations covering three modern-day parishes in Louisiana.  Baba Waters is a direct descendant of the Afrikans who led and participated in the Revolt, as recounted in the book On To New Orleans: Louisiana’s Heroic 1811 Slave Revolt by Baba Albert Thrasher, available at  Baba Waters has led numerous 1811 Slave Revolt tours in which the path of the revolt is followed as a reminder to participants of the importance of resistance to enslavement and tyranny.  Baba Waters was also instrumental in the organizing of the largely-Afrikan community in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, riding out the storm when it hit in September 2005 and then gathering together local activist organizations to fight against the forced removal and gentrification efforts that were taking place, particularly in New Orleans’s hard-hit Lower Ninth Ward.  Together with Baba Malcolm Suber and Baba Kali Akuno, Baba Waters helped organize the week-long September 2007 Hurricane Katrina Tribunal, which brought together an international panel to hear analysis and testimony about the city, state and country’s failure to adequately prepare for and respond to the hurricane, as well as atrocities that took place in its wake.  Baba Waters still lives in the New Orleans area and continues to bring knowledge and a commitment to struggle to the community.  He wrote an essay about his experience in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the effort of the local and national political ruling class to use the disaster to reshape the area through gentrification, “State Terror and White Supremacy Triumph ‘Temporarily’ in New Orleans”, which can be read here.

Baba David Murphy.

Baba David Murphy, who we introduced you to at the beginning of this article, spoke about the importance of building an independent Black Media network as the Publisher of The National Black Unity News.  The degree to which the lack of positive images of Blackness in the media had built up his feelings of anger as a young man, and the community healing he has witnessed as a result of his work with The National Black Unity News and the work of other providers of constructive, positive information for the people, were and are a constant motivation for him to continue with his important work.  The newspaper is currently published quarterly, and it serves as an outlet for numerous commentators, Black businesses and podcasters that include Bro. Vernon Streeter of Unity TV and Mama Kim Williams and Mama Cynthia Jahi, who assist homeowners facing financial difficulties with their business.

The holding of this Pan Afrikan Community Town Hall Meeting is important for a variety of reasons, perhaps the most important of which is that it marks a return to a level of community engagement that we had not seen in over three years.  TNAT has been host to several important community events over the last year, from the UNIA Barca-Clarke Chapter No. 106 in Baltimore City, from the Pan African Liberation Movement (PLM) and from a number of other organizations and individual activists.  TNAT also features the Diasporan Soul Cafe, which offers a variety of delicious dishes that take one back to the communities of Afrika and the Caribbean, including curry dishes, ginger beer, sorrel bisap and vegan meals that are sure to please the palate.  Music from Afrika and the Diaspora soothes the soul, while a variety of books, Afrikan masks and health items rouse the spirit, spark the intellect and lead one to a sense of balance.  When you are in East Baltimore, be sure to check out the Temple of New African Thought, get some nourishment from the Diasporan Soul Cafe and stimulate your mind by interacting with others or checking out one of the events that are held in the space.  The Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition will be scheduling more Pan Afrikan Community Town Hall Meetings in the year 2024 and beyond, and the Temple of New African Thought will surely be an important meeting place for us and for other organizations, a prominent fixture on the Pan Afrikan community landscape.

UPDATE: Maryland Pan Afrikan Community Town Hall Meeting Set for Saturday, July 13 in East Baltimore

The Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition (MPACC), in cooperation with Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign (APP-HRC), the George Jackson University (GJU) and the Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (SRDC), will hold our first post-COVID Pan Afrikan Community Town Hall Meeting at the Temple of New Afrikan Thought, 5525 Harford Road in Easy Baltimore, on Saturday, July 13 from 12 noon to 4 PM.  

  • We will briefly introduce the Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition.
  • We will share ideas for a Community Cooperative Defense Plan.
  • We will discuss issues of Emergency Preparedness and how the community can be ready to respond to emergencies.
  • We will explain and discuss the process of organizing and establishing our grassroots voice on the world stage that was started by SRDC in 2007, continued until COVID and will be resumed this year.

Confirmed guests include:

  • Baba Bomani Uhuru Jihad Shakur, George Jackson University, Host of George Jackson University Radio, Black August Organizing Committee (Emergency Preparedness Plan)
  • Baba Thomas Ruffin, International Association of Black Lawyers and the Maryland Coalition for Justice and Progressive Change (Community Cooperative Defense Proposal)
  • Baba Leon Waters, Louisiana Museum of African American History, New Orleans Historian of the 1811 Slave Revolt and Hurricane Katrina Tribunal
  • Rev. Mother Marcia Bowyer-Barron, Maryland Council of Elders, Pan Afrikan Seniors Advocacy Network
  • Baba David Murphy, Publisher of The National Black Unity News, Maryland Council of Elders, National Black Council of Elders, Founding Member of BlackMen Unifying BlackMen

Other Important Information

  • Free admission; Diasporan Soul Cafe at the Temple of New African Thought will be selling healthy delicious food on the premises.
  • For more information, contact Bro. Cliff at Also, announcements concerning the Town Hall and the Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition can be found on the Web Site of KUUMBAReport Online, and of the Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (SRDC),

Several Pan Afrikan Community Events for Baltimore, Frederick and Washington, DC in June

One of the principal goals of the Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition (MPACC) is to facilitate our organizations supporting each other by supporting their events, or at least helping us all avoid conflicts between our events when possible.  Beyond that, the hope is that we will develop greater respect for each other and work together so that our efforts in our community will all be successful.  A large part of that is simply being aware of the events and programs we are all sponsoring in our community.

In service to that specific goal, this post is to announce several upcoming Pan Afrikan community events in the Baltimore Maryland, Frederick Maryland and Washington DC area coming up in June.  The list of events may be updated as we learn about more events that are being held, and we also plan to make a similar announcement about events in the Washington DC-Maryland area coming up in July.  Here’s what I have on the list so far:

  • Saturday, June 15: Maryland Council of Elders and Black Alliance for Peace Town Hall, Douglass Memorial Community Church, 1325 Madison Avenue, Baltimore, MD, 1 PM to 3 PM.
    The Black Alliance for Peace Web site (Baltimore Town Hall: Youth Organizing Youth: Rising Up Against Repression — The Black Alliance for Peace) describes the event as follows:

    Youth are heavily impacted by decades of worsened material conditions, which hinder their quality of life. Where young residents attempt to exercise autonomy and help shape a changing society, they are met with disregard for their legitimate concerns. Actions against youth in the city, state and region are some of the most punitive. Reliance on curfews, racist legislation and the constant surveillance of our youth disrupts any collaboration on solutions to the problems all African/ Black youth face in Baltimore. Heightened sensationalized media coverage further compounds the issue.

    Join the citywide alliance for this youth/ student led town hall for discussions on how to support to their efforts to create conditions to forge an alliance of student and youth organizers throughout the state.

    Masks Required. Masks Provided. Food & Refreshments Available. Childcare provided. (doors open at 12:30pm)

  • Saturday, June 15: Camp Harambee The People Fatherhood and Manhood Celebration, Greenmount & 24th Streets, Baltimore, MD, 1 PM to 6 PM

    Baba Charlie Dugger and Camp Harambee The People have organized, supported and run important community events in Baltimore for over 50 years.  A veteran educator, he has consistently sought to bring messages of positivity and self-awareness to youth and Elders alike in the Baltimore area.
  • Saturday, June 15: Suns Of Reawakening 7th Annual Juneteenth Freedomfest, Mullinix Park, Frederick, MD, 12 PM to 7 PM

    We became aware of the Suns of Reawakening and their Juneteenth event at the recent African Liberation Day commemoration in West Baltimore this past May 25.  Western Maryland has an important Afrikan and Afrikan-Descendant community that has, in many circles, gone unnoticed.  We hope that this event will make more of us aware of this community of Black Maryland and help us all to expand our knowledge and build a more cohesive and organized Pan Afrikan community.
  • Saturday, June 29: Street Law Soldiers Unity Festival, Fort Lincoln Park, 3201 Fort Lincoln Drive Gazebo #2, Washington, DC, 12 PM to 7 PM

    General T’Shaka Sankofa of the Street Law Soldiers, Washington DC (Facebook) sponsors regular Unity Festivals in the Washington, DC area.  Street Law Soldiers has chapters in Washington DC, and elsewhere across the US.

If you have an event scheduled for June that is not on this list, and you would like it to go out to our emailing list, feel free to send us the pertinent information, along with a flyer and contact information, and we will see about putting it together with other events in a future post as well as in the next group email we send out.  If we are to truly start building unity in our community, it starts with us recognizing the positive events we all are sponsoring, producing and promoting, helping make the people aware of these events and programs, and supporting them when we can.  Of course, when several events are happening at the same time, we can’t attend them all, but at least this way we can all be informed about what our various organizations and activists are doing for the sake of the people.

“Join an Organization”: African Liberation Day 2024 in West Baltimore

Baba Chawki Irving, All African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP), introduced African Liberation Day (ALD) to the crowd of supporters gathered in Lafayette Square Park on the afternoon of Saturday, May 25. African Liberation Day, known in some parts of the world simply as Africa Day, not only marks the 61st anniversary of the founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) on May 25, 1963, it has also served as a clarion call to Pan Afrikan activists and organizers around the world to continue to organize our communities and resist injustice and oppression wherever it continues to impact Afrikan people and People of Afrikan Descent in Afrika and around the world. The Maryland Council of Elders (MCOE), founded in Baltimore in December 2017, in cooperation with veteran community activist Baba Charlie Dugger, has sponsored African Liberation Day observances in Lafayette Square Park since 2019, each time embodying a specific theme to exhort organizers, activists and the general Pan Afrikan community to continue, indeed to intensify, our organizing and resistance activities.

Baba Chawki explained the focus of this year’s observance.  “This African Liberation Day has a theme. That theme is ‘Same Struggle: Smash Zionism in Occupied Palestine, the Americas, Africa and Oceania’. … The All African Peoples Revolutionary Party, if you don’t know anything about it … our objective is one unified socialist Afrika. The United States of Afrika. Marcus Garvey said, in a book called The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey, he made a statement that caused me to join the All African Peoples Revolutionary Party. … He used the word ‘race’. A race without power and authority is a race without respect.”

This year’s observance featured a long list of organizers, speakers and performers, sharing information, analysis, food, poetry and music for a full day of uplifting Pan Afrikan culture for all ages.

Baba Senghor Baye, of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League Rehabilitating Committee 2020 (UNIA-ACL RC2020), was one of the early speakers.

“Marcus Garvey warned us, [Jean-Jacques] Dessalines warned us, and it goes all the way back to Ancient KMT (Kemet, what modern historians now call ‘Egypt’ — Editor), when we had peace and harmony on the planet. Then Yurugu (European conquerors — Editor) came on the scene, which is our lost-soul children, you hear me? All humanity comes from Afrika. Afrika must be free. No Afrikan anywhere on the planet will have justice and freedom until we free Mother Afrika. But it ain’t about me, he or she, it’s about we, collectivity. If you really overstand, you will check your Blacktricity and get involved with the synchronicity of the revolution that is taking place. Despite the monopoly capitalism that you see happening all around the world. Despite what you’re looking at on your ‘boob tube’. I want you to know that the Garvey Movement, along with other movements that are sincere, are building not only in Afrika but all over the world. Don’t listen to me, check yourself out, because if you don’t know yourself, you will miss the revolution.

“Marcus Garvey warned us, Amy Jacques Garvey warned us, Dessalines warned us, our Ancestors are waiting and watching, children are still crying and dying, because we, the people that are still here, are too apathetic to understand the real reason why we were born in the first place. [We think] that you’re born to die. But remember, in the Afrikan tradition, you never die if you are an Afrikan. You move to the next level of life, which is called the Ancestral Realm. And our Ancestors are very much alive. Make no mistake, because you will be punished of you do not find out who you are in the next realm. Now, I’m not here to glorify you with a speech, but I’m here to warn you. The time is now. The majority of youth in the world are on the Afrikan Continent. The next continent is South America. So y’all folks in North America need to get your act together and overstand, Brothers are waiting that speak Portuguese, that speak French, that speak Spanish, that speak all kinds of Afrikan dialects. And believe me, what you see happening in the Sahel (with the recently-established Alliance of Sahel States between Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso — Editor) is the beginning of us coming together.

“People talk about ‘Marcus Garvey never went to Afrika’, but I want you to know, we’re in Ghana, we’re in Sierra Leone, we’re in Guinea, we’re in Burkina Faso, we’re in Kenya, and we’re going to end up being everywhere. Because you know what? We’ve been supportive of the All African Peoples Revolutionary Party since its inception in the United States of Snakes. But in 1957, the President-General was with Kwame Nkrumah in Afrika. Many of you don’t know because you’re reading the wrong story. You need to read the story [of] Brothers like Runoko Rashidi, Tony Martin, there’s so many others, Dr. [John Henrik] Clarke, Dr. Ben [Yosef Ben-Jochannon], they all have done the research, but we’ve still got people like Tony Browder, still doing the work. We’ve still got Marimba Ani. Let the circle be unbroken.

“I want you to know, we are winning. It might look like we’re not, but we’re winning. That is why Yurugu is fighting each other all over the world. That is why they’re in Palestine, killing all our Brothers and Sisters, but never forget the Congo. I say never forget the Congo. Because once we run out all the capitalists in the Congo, the Congo has enough land, enough resources to feed the whole planet. But we’re not just talking about Central Afrika or the Congo. We’re talking about Baltimore, Tubman City. We’re talking about Banneker City, Washington DC. We’re talking about Chicago. The saying Kwame Ture always told us, ‘Organize! Organize! Organize!’

“But do not think that if you’re in one organization, that you have completed the organizing efforts that are required. Also, you’ve got the Pan African Federalist Movement, you’ve got the Nubian Leadership Circle, you have the UNIA-ACL Rehabilitating Committee 2020, which I serve today as the First Assistant President-General. I served eight years as the President-General [of the parent UNIA-ACL–Editor] following the works of Marcus Garvey, but as I say, it ain’t about me, he or she, it’s about we, collectivity. Check out yourself, raise up yourself, don’t be discouraged if you don’t see the multitude of the people, but I can remember when ALD at Malcolm X Park in Washington DC [was] loaded with thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people. But we’ve been hoodwinked. We’ve been hoodwinked and tricked. So be very, very aware, Brothers and Sisters, that the majority of Afrikan youth are looking for organized people who are conscious to give them the proper direction. Self-reliance. We talk about reparations. We’re demanding reparations. But I want you all to know we exonerate Garvey, and we’re about repairing our own selves. So, whether or not they open the door to give us back what belongs to us, we’re going to knock down the door and take it back. That is what real revolution is all about.

“So, as I close, I want to remind you, never be content with the food of chickens. It’s time for Afrikans to rise up to their traditional greatness. … So let’s hook up with one another, meet somebody, greet somebody, join an organization, get organized, and meet us at the work table. Afrika must unite. One God, one aim, one destiny. One Afrika!”

Sista Free, host of radio’s Ghana Café, sang several songs including “One Note Samba”, “Harvest For The World” and “What A Wonderful World”.

Baba Paul Pumphrey of Friends of the Congo spoke about the historic and continuing injustice being visited upon what has been referred to as “the jewel of Afrika” and “Afrika’s breadbasket”, the nation once known as Zaire and now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

“Back in 2004, I got together with two other friends because we saw a need here in the US as well as around the world, and that was exposing what is going on in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I’d like to start off by giving a few facts. The Congo is in the center of the Continent of Afrika, the equator runs straight through the middle of the Congo, it is the second largest land mass in the Continent of Afrika, it has a mineral wealth of over 22 trillion dollars, and if those minerals were refined in the Congo, it would be worth well over 400 trillion dollars. But not only that, it has the second largest rain forest in the world, and the Congolese River is the second largest and most powerful river in the world, only second to the Amazon. What does that mean? That if you capture the power of the Congolese River with hydroelectric dams, you could produce enough electricity for the Continent of Afrika for the next 30 years. Think about that, and what that would do for the economies of Afrika.

“Yet, the United States has been involved in keeping the Congo colonized. What do I mean by that? When the Congo won its independence from Belgium in 1960, and they had an election, they chose a new Prime Minister by the name of Patrice Lumumba. And the United States allowed Lumumba to live for about six months after his election, after he came into power, simply because he asked that his country be allowed for the people of his country to take advantage of some of the wealth that the country had. And the United States, and Belgium and Great Britain and the NATO nations said ‘Hell, no, the wealth of Afrika belongs to them, not to Afrikan people’.

“And this is where we are today when we say that we need to stand up and say ‘No More’. We need to say that the United States needs to stop spending billions of dollars supplying weapons and logistical support to the armies of Uganda and Rwanda and clearing people off of land in the eastern part of the Congo so that mining companies can go and steal the minerals. … The UN wrote a report, back around 2010, that stated from the year of 1996 to 2006, that six million Congolese were killed just in the area where those minerals were located. And one asks ‘Why?’ It’s simple. The mining companies knew that it’s kind of hard to ask for the rights to mine on some land where there’s a village sitting on top of it. So they brought the armies across the river from Uganda and Rwanda, and they slaughtered the people. At the same time, another tactic they used to discourage people from being on that land was they brutally raped women and girls. … And you end up having hostels specifically set up to do one thing, and that was to try to repair these women … that’s how brutal they were. And the point we need to be clear about is this is being done with US tax dollars.

“People wonder why the cost of going to college is high. People wonder why we don’t have money for affordable housing. People wonder why we don’t have money for national health insurance. The answer is simple. The US government, both Democrats and Republican Party, is sending that money to carry out war. In the Congo. In Gaza. In many other parts of this world. For one simple reason: because they want to rob them. And it’s left up for us here in this country to demand that the politicians of this country either change their policy or look for another job. A lot of times, people sit back and they say ‘Oh well, I have this Black politician that’s from my district.’ What is that politician’s position on Rwanda and the United States supplying weapons to Rwanda, or what’s that politician’s position on the United States giving money and weapons to Kenya to go send people into Haiti? We need to be clear that just because we have Black politicians who look like us, doesn’t mean that they’re serving the interests of our people. And we need to question them, and have them answer, what was their vote when they talked about sending money to Kenya to send troops into places like Haiti or weapons over to Rwanda? And of course, you see the media running around and they’re highlighting that Rwanda is the most developed country in all of Afrika. Well, I guess a little small country like Rwanda stealing all the minerals they can get their hands on out of the Congo, would make this country able to have more wealth that an average country would have inside of Afrika today.

“So, I want to encourage each and every one of you to go to our Web site,, and get the updates, and sign up where we can actually send you an email once a month … on the latest issues about what’s going on in the Congo. Because this madness needs to come to an end, and if we’re talking about reparations, we clearly have to address the issue of having Afrika be able to refine its own resources, because if they were able to do that, they would be in a position to clearly develop the whole Afrikan Diaspora. I thank you very much.”

Bro. Sami brought a perspective on the Israel-Hamas conflict that the major news media do not share with us, that of a liberation movement by an oppressed and occupied Palestinian population and not a wanton attack by terrorists, as he spoke on behalf of the Palestinian Youth Movement, “a transnational, independent grassroots movement of Palestinian youths in the Diaspora, fighting for the liberation of our homeland and our people from Zionism and imperialism. Today, on this African Liberation Day, we commemorate and reflect upon those liberation struggles of Black Afrikan people against the forces of slavery, settler colonialism and imperialism, struggles that are hundreds of years old, and continue to this day.

“One particular part of this long, rich history of revolution that stands out to me, is something that I want to speak about briefly. Over 200 years ago, there was a group of Afrikan peoples who were stolen from their homelands and forced into slavery on a small Caribbean island ruled by French colonialism. These people overthrew their masters and the entire system, liberating themselves and their newly-found state and shocking and sending fear into the most powerful global [regime] of the time, in what we now call the Haitian Revolution.

“I tell you this because it sticks out to me. And it sticks out to me because it shows the possibility of revolution and liberation under the most brutal and seemingly insurmountable odds against seemingly invincible world powers. It serves as inspiration for other peoples and their liberation movements. And most of all, it reminds me of the resistance and steadfastness of the Palestinian people, most recently on October 7. October 7 was a day when Palestinians … despite living under 17 years of a brutal siege at the hands of the Zionist entity of Israel, with the full backing of the US and other Western powers, were able to liberate themselves [from their open-air prison in Gaza] and shock the entire global imperialist order.

“Yet on this African Liberation Day, we also take time and recognize that true freedom is still yet to be achieved, and to use this day to serve as a reminder that our primary goal still remains total liberation. For although Afrikan peoples in Haiti freed themselves over 200 years ago, they continue to this day to be punished for daring to revolt against their oppressors. Western imperialists continue to [impose] an armed intervention and another illegitimate government on the Haitian people. Since October 7, the Zionists have [pursued a policy of genocide against the Palestinian people] with the full support of the US, murdering over 40,000 Palestinians… . Even here in Baltimore, nearly 10 years after the uprisings following the murder of Freddie Gray, we still see collaboration between Zionists and anti-Black forces. We see cops of Cop City [training with] the Israeli police, we see the police force of Johns Hopkins University, a university that invests materially in the Israeli genocide, we even see collaboration between local Zionist institutions and the Black Misleadership Class. …

“I say all this to you not to [bring] gloom and doom, but to say we must take note of this. Not just because they are major threats to our collective liberation, but because they [present] lessons of how our enemies are operating, and consequently how we must operate. Our enemies are organized and united. Not just locally here in Baltimore, but internationally. With military alliances like NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization], AFRICOM [Africa Command], RIMPAC [Rim of the Pacific, US Pacific Fleet], and economic alliances like NAFTA [North American Free Trade Alliance] and AIPAC [America-Israel Public Affairs Council]. And that … is why it’s more important than ever to get our people organized and united. I urge you, every single one of you here, if you have not already found an organization here, find one, and see how you can join and get involved with some work. Make a lifelong commitment to organized struggle in some sort of liberation movement. It is how we will achieve that total liberation I spoke about earlier. And you may feel overwhelmed, and disheartened at times by the task ahead. Even I sometimes feel like that. But when I do, I need only look back at history, because history has shown us, whether we’re talking the Haitian Revolution, or October 7, or beyond that, that when we organize and unite, not only is liberation possible but it is inevitable.”

Comrade Nnamdi Lumumba, Ujima Peoples Progress Party (UPP), which is building a Black worker-led political party in Maryland and stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people, echoed and reinforced the words of Bro. Sami and Baba Paup Pumphrey.  “I want to greet you all with a Swahili word, Uhuru Sasa, Freedom Now. Something that we say should be on the minds of oppressed and colonized people all the time.

“I want to talk to you a little bit today about the world that we’re living in. As we sit here in Baltimore City, state of Maryland, the capital of imperialism here in the United States, there is genocide being carried out in [occupied] Palestine. There is mass murder and genocide being committed in the Congo as Comrade Paul mentioned. There are resources all over South America, Afrika, and hell, right here in Baltimore that are being extracted, so that the richest class of people ever known, the richest nation ever known, can have not just trillions of dollars, but more money than they could ever imagine. We raise that because it’s important to not just associate the liberation of Afrika separate from the real world, that we exist in the real world to defeat imperialism, to defeat White Supremacy, to defeat colonialism. That we exist in a world where we have a role, with other struggles, to liberate the world. We obviously have to liberate ourselves, but the fact is, if you liberate Afrika, you start to choke out imperialism. You steal back all the wealth that Europe has used to build itself. What is France without Afrika? What is England, who had an empire upon which the sun never set, without Afrika and the oppression of the Indigenous peoples in the Americas? If we take back the resources, we begin to choke out Western imperialism and any of their lackeys who we call neocolonialists, Black faces, Brown faces, serving the interests of White power.

“Afrikan people can live without imperialism. Afrikan people can live without capitalism. We can live without White Supremacy. That is the only solution that makes sense.”
— Comrade Nnamdi Lumumba

“We have this upcoming election cycle that many of you are either impressed by or don’t give a damn about. The truth is, you should care, not whether you vote, but you should care. Because right now, millions of people in this country are being told that they have a choice between Genocide Joe Biden from the Democratic Party or Fascist Donald Trump, and then you have to decide, when you vote, which one you can live with. The truth is, Afrikan people, you can live without White power. You can live without imperialism. You can live without capitalism. Do not pick representatives that will impoverish your people. Do not pick representatives that will impoverish the world. I don’t know how you feel about that. But Genocide Joe just sent 43 billion dollars to be used to make weapons pf destruction to destroy babies, and innocent men and women, and to keep colonialism in the hands of the Zionist state. People tell you to be afraid of Hamas. Don’t be afraid of Hamas. If you are afraid of Hamas, you’re afraid of Nat Turner. Because they told Nat Turner, the only way to get free is to negotiate with your oppressor. How the hell is Hamas supposed to negotiate with its oppressor? If you really want to understand Pan Afrikanism, then you have to understand who is the oppressed and who is the oppressor. That’s what you have to understand. You don’t have to make a compromise choice. Afrikan people can live without imperialism. Afrikan people can live without capitalism. We can live without White Supremacy. That is the only solution that makes sense. Not the lesser of two evils. Not choosing between one bad guy and another bad guy. The truth is that we have to build our own organization. We have to have our own clarity about what the world looks like. We have to be able to develop the future, not just for ourselves and our children but for our whole planet. We have an imperialist monster that is literally making it impossible to breathe. Making it literally impossible to have fresh water. Changing the environment. You can’t wait for a good White man to get elected next time. You have to build institutions. You have to build liberation structures. You have to develop cadre for the next phase of the struggle. That is what we’re talking about on African Liberation Day.”

The Prophet of Poetry shared his poem “Mama Prays”.

Grandmother Edna and Mama Earth (UNIA-ACL Baltimore).

Mama Earth, Lady President of UNIA-ACL Baltimore Division 106 Barca-Clarke, performed a musical number after greeting the amassed crowd. “Peace and love, everybody. I greet you all in love. … I’m gonna do this, and I hope that I do it in a way that I’m paying respect to our Ancestors who paved the way for us.”

She introduced Bro. Everett Winchester, President of the UNIA-ACL Baltimore Division 106 Barca-Clarke, and then she did a rendition of The Star Spangled Banner that many will find unfamiliar but perhaps more accurate on this African Liberation Day (“Oh say, can you see, by the blood in the street … This is not the land of the free, but the home of the slave”).

Proverbs Reggae Band took the stage and performed for about an hour, entertaining the crowd with several reggae and protest songs.

Proverbs Reggae Band performs.

Bro. Andre Powell of the Baltimore Peoples Power Assembly spoke about the campaign to force the Baltimore City Council “to pass a resolution to call for a cease fire and to divert from financial dealings with Israel, especially the cooperation between the Baltimore City Police and the Israeli Defense Forces,” in the spirit of the 1970s student protests against the Vietnam War and the 1980s effort to force the Baltimore City Council to divest from the South African apartheid government. He noted that US imperialism has been targeting Afrikan nations as well, “with security forces in cooperation with repressive regimes through AFRICOM” in a continuing effort to exploit Afrika’s natural resources. He contrasted this with the more cooperative arrangements that have been reached between countries like Zimbabwe and China, which has resulted in US trade embargos and sanctions.

Sis. Sheena, NAACP, spoke about the grassroots effort to support Marilyn Mosby, who was targeted by the system after her efforts to bring the officers under whose custody Freddie Gray died in 2015, and similar activism against corrupt police officers and on behalf of wrongly incarcerated citizens despite budget cuts from Annapolis and threats from then President Donald Trump. was established to share information and amass popular support. She credited grassroots activist Bill Goodin, local radio host Tyrone Bost and others for their steadfast support of Ms. Mosby.

Bro. Jackie, saxophonist, wrote a piece for Freddie Gray’s mother, which he performed on the stage. First, he had this to say: “It’s good to see people come together for Marilyn Mosby [who prosecuted the police and paid for it], but we have to stick together between these crises. How many of us are exchanging phone numbers? How many of us are gathering together [to] consolidate our various talents?” He spoke briefly about the history of Lafayette Square Park as the location of a civil war-era Union garrison (1861-1865) located inside Maryland, which was a Confederate state. He quoted legendary local civil rights activist Rev. Vernon Dobson, who had stated 25-30 years ago that “we live in a state of cultural apartheid but we don’t really know it.”

Minister Abdur Raheem Shakur from the Lost Found Nation Of Islam and Afro Descendant Nation stated that under the Honorable Silas Muhammad, our political identity according to the UN became known in many circles as the Afro Descendant Nation as a result of outreach from the Lost Found Nation Of Islam. He noted the UN’s definition of Afro Descendants as “people who were forcibly dispossessed of their homeland Afrika, were transported to the Americas for the purpose of enslavement, were subjected to slavery, were subjected to forced mixed breeding, have experienced the loss of mother tongue, culture and religion, and have experienced racial discrimination due to lost ties and partially lost ties from our original identity.” He called for “land that we can call our own” and “separation from the Whites”, and used the UN’s recognition of the Vatican with “800 people” as a separate nation as justification based on the UN’s recognition of the Afro Descendant Nation, and voiced the need for Afrikans to be free from both the Democratic and Republican parties, noting Biden as “the lesser of two evils” even as he pointed out that Trump’s aim to “make America great again” is designed to come at our expense.

Bro. Cliff, Maryland Facilitator of the Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (SRDC), Deputy Coordinator for North America of the Pan African Federalist Movement (PAFM), mentioned his favorite statement from The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey:
“The thing to do is to get organized. Stay separated and you will be exploited, you will be robbed, you will be killed. Get organized and you compel the world to respect you.”

“That was an instruction, and it is an instruction that many of us are trying to follow but not enough of us are trying to follow it.

“The Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus was founded in 2006, and its primary mission is the organization of the voice of the grassroots Pan Afrikan Diaspora, so that it can be expressed on the world stage. We do it through Pan Afrikan Town Halls that we invite the grassroots community to come out to, so that the community can itself determine not only what its key issues or Pan Afrikan Agenda are, but also so the community can decide who speaks for us on the national and international stage, in other words, not appointing someone, not anointing ourselves, but asking the community, Who do you want to speak for you, and what do you want them to say? And that is what SRDC has been pushing for since 2007, 2006. Off and on, we’ve had success or not success. But that’s one of the hats I wear.

“The other hat I wear is [the Pan African Federalist Movement]. PAFM’s purpose is to unify the 55 Afrikan countries, the 15 or so Afrikan-ruled nations in the Caribbean and Black populations in countries around the Diaspora in a political organization known as the United African States. Instead of just the African Union with 55 Afrikan countries, the idea is to create a continental entity that includes all of us. Diaspora and everyone else. It’s a political orientation as far as organizing our people.

“So, SRDC is involved in raising the voice of the grassroots. PAFM is involved in political unification. They’re different missions, but they actually work together. And the point is, neither of those organizations can actually accomplish its own mission all by itself. As a result, the main thing that I’ve been involved with over the last several years is [what we call] the Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition. I have seen at conference after conference, convention after convention, event after event, organizers take the stage and say, ‘We must come together; Afrika must unite’, and yet somehow or another we seem to be in the same position year after year after year. A lot of it is because of the failure of many of our organizations to actually come together in these coalitions to unify our people like we say must be done.

“We should have learned the lessons of history. We should have learned what happened to the Black Panther Party when they were subjected to a campaign of media demonization, infiltration by agents provocateur and simultaneous prosecution of Panther leadership from coast to coast. Because the Panthers didn’t have enough friendly organizations standing beside them, ready to defend them in court, ready to deal with the media demonization and ready to help them root out [infiltrators], the Panthers were ultimately brought down by the forces of this country. We should have learned from Black Wall Street, a great economic achievement, but it couldn’t sustain itself. Why? Because it was destroyed by a military style attack. The point is, our organizations all have part of the answer. They don’t have all of the answer. Too many of us think that we can handle the problems of our people all by ourselves. And the fact of the matter is, we can’t do it. We’re all here together at African Liberation Day, gathering together, talking about organizing, because we all at some point realize that we, as organizers, can’t solve the problems of Afrikan people without each other. It’s not just ‘I Have The Answer’. It’s not just ‘Under My Leadership’. It’s about all of us together, building something cooperatively.

“So, toward that end, we’ve been meeting as a Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition over Zoom for the last two years. We’re going to start holding public meetings. We’re going to have a public Town Hall Meeting on July 13 at the Temple of New Afrikan Thought. The idea will be to once again start organizing our community on the grassroots level, but also to bring in as many different Pan Afrikan organizations as we can. Again, The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey said we have to organize. We also have the words of [Black Panther Party] Field Marshal George Jackson. He said ‘Settle your quarrels. Come together. Understand the reality of our situation. Understand that fascism is already here. That people are dying who could be saved. That generations more will live poor, butchered half-lives of you fail to act. Do what must be done, discover your humanity and your love of revolution.’

“We can come together [for] African Liberation Day and we can take the stand and we can talk about how Black people must come together, but at some point or another we have to actually get down and do it. We have to actually get down and do it. And what we’re trying to do with the Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition, which, if things go the way we hope they will go, will become a general Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition which will pull our people in from across the country and around the Diaspora, is to create a vehicle by which that can actually happen.

“The structure that we propose is this: I call it ‘Spokes of the Wheel’. It’s not my idea. Mary McLeod Bethune came up with an idea just like this [with the National Council of Negro Women] in 1935. Mary McLeod Bethune saw in 1935, and we should know already by now, that none of us can accomplish our own mission by ourselves. The idea of a Cooperative Coalition is to bring together different types of Pan Afrikan organizations, bring revolutionary Pan Afrikanists together with the economic builders, together with the media, together with the lawyers, together with the educators, together with the cultural activists, together with the international activists, the scientists and the health professionals, the prison activists, and on and on and on, bring all of our different organizations and activists together, and get away from this ‘I Have The Answer’ mentality that prevents so many of us from actually unifying and coming together. … What we want to do is bring all of our different Pan Afrikan organizations together, not under one person, but as a Cooperative Coalition working together as equals. This is not a hierarchical chart. This chart depicts different types of organizations gathered around a central goal in a circle. And their missions to achieve that goal, a free, united, prosperous Afrika at peace with itself and its people, are represented as spokes.”

Baba Rafiki Morris, of the Maryland Council of Elders (MCOE), A-APRP, Black Alliance for Pece (BAP) Coordinating Committee, member of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea-Bissau/Cape Verde (the party of Revolutionary Ancestor Amilcar Cabral), gave what amounted to a keynote address.

“African Liberation Day is one of the few chances we get to look back on the year that we have lived, and to record and to take note of the victories and defeats that we have suffered over that year. And this year has been a historic year. Since we were here last, three states in West Africa have come together to form the Alliance of Sahel States. Since we were here last, the US is being thoroughly trounced in Ukraine. Since we were here last, they had a meeting of Uncle Toms in Afrika with Uncle Sam to discuss how they’re going to divide up Afrika’s resources and give more to the US. Since we were here last, these Zionist pigs have killed over 35,000 men, women and children. Since we were here last, imperialism is being pressed to the wall. I said, imperialism is being pressed to the wall. I said the enemy is being pressed to the wall! And we intend to keep the pressure on them.

“I told you before, before you leave here you would understand the relationship between the struggle that is going on in Palestine right now and the struggle pf Afrikan people around the world. And that relationship is this: Israel is the US sounding board, the US post, in the Middle East. It’s the gateway to Asia, it’s the gateway to Russia, it’s the gateway to Europe and it’s the gateway to Afrika. And as someone said earlier, all Israel does is disrupt the lives of all the countries around it. And they do that to implement the US’s agenda. To implement the US’s plan to steal the resources of the people of the world and bring them to the US so that they can make money. When the Palestinians rise up and take Palestine back from the Zionists, the US has got a problem, y’all. And that problem benefits us. The US is weaker without Israel. The US doesn’t have the control that it has over the Middle East without Israel. The US can’t continue to do what it’s doing in Afrika. You know Israel is the world’s number one processor of diamonds, and ain’t no diamonds in Israel. The diamonds come from the Congo. The diamonds come from South Africa. The diamonds come from Rwanda. The diamonds even come from Haiti. So, bringing down the illegal, racist, settler-colonial state of Israel is part and parcel of the struggle to liberate Afrika. Now, I want to make sure you understand what I’m saying — Israel is a settler colony, right? Y’all sound like you ain’t sure. Israel is a settler colony. Y’all know another settler colony? The one you’re sitting in! That’s a settler colony. This is occupied territory. You don’t see native American people around here. Why? Because they committed genocide against them people. Where do you think the Israelis learned how to commit genocide? They learned it from the people that committed genocide right here and stole you from Afrika and brought you here. That’s where they learned how to commit genocide. They learned to commit genocide watching the Australians, the British prisoners that they shipped to Australia, who massacred the Australian Aboriginal people with smallpox, killed 97% of their population, to take Australia. That’s where they learned how to commit genocide. So if you’re against settler-colonialism in Palestine, you must be against settler-colonialism right here in America where you live, where you grow, where they miseducate your children, where they send your children off to wars to die for American imperialism. If you are against settler-colonialism anywhere, you must be against settler-colonialism everywhere.

“… imperialism is being pressed to the wall.”
— Baba Rafiki Morris

“We’ve had a very interesting year. The [pro-Palestinian protesters] started in the streets, and they left the streets and they moved to the college campus. And they set up encampments on the college campus. And they said they were going to stay there until all the money that these colleges invest in Israel is divested. But they didn’t know that the university professors are all Zionists, and them Zionist administrators at these universities sic’d the police on these kids for sitting down and asking for justice. Over 3,000 of them got locked up for justice. Locked up for fighting against imperialism. Locked up for fighting for your liberation. You hear what I said? Fighting for your liberation! Well, why are they fighting for your liberation? Because they’re fighting imperialism, that’s how. They’re fighting your enemy. And you ain’t always out there with them. And I’m gonna tell you the truth. I don’t understand that.

“I’ve been having conversations with people that come up to me and ask me, ‘Well Rafiki, why y’all don’t talk about the Congo?’ And I asked [them], ‘What are you doing for the Congo?’ Because I talk about the Congo all the time. I talk about Afrika, all of it. Every country in Afrika. We want to free the whole of Afrika. But these people are running around here talking about ‘Why you ain’t talking about the Congo’ are trying to justify why they ain’t talking about Palestine. And not talking about the Congo is not a justification for not talking about Palestine. If you’ve got a heart in your chest, if you’ve got morals and a conscience in your mind, if you have human compassion and you look at that TV, and see what the Israeli Zionist pigs are doing to the Palestinian people, it is your duty to support those people! It is your duty to stand up! You don’t have to know nothing about Palestine. All you gotta know is right or wrong, and I know your Mama taught all of y’all right and wrong. So if you know right from wrong, you know Uncle Sam is wrong, and the Palestinians [are] right.

“We have had a very interesting year. And I’ve heard the talk that we’ve had today about unity. But I’ve got in a position, unplanned, where I could look at the national activity of a number of organizations, and become intimately connected with their inner workings, and seeing how they interact with each other. And in the process — I wasn’t expecting this, but this is what happened — I got to see how the enemy divides us. Because I saw the same thing happening over here that was happening over there. Same thing happening in Tennessee that’s happening in California. Same thing happening in Baltimore that’s happening in Philadelphia and Boston and Raleigh, North Carolina. The same thing that’s happening to our people all over the United States is the same thing that’s happening to our people in Afrika. What is this thing? It ain’t infiltrators. It ain’t agent provocateurs. It’s our own pettiness. Our own individualism. Our own ambitions. Our own unwillingness to submit ourselves to organizational discipline so that we can carry out the objectives that we collectively have defined and decided, that is what we want to do. We are our own worst enemy in this state. The enemy doesn’t have to come in us and among us to divide us, because he put his ideas in our heads. He put his way of thinking in our minds. He has made us think that their culture is our culture. That what they should do is what we should do. That our way to get what we need is the same thing to do how he got what he wanted. And it ain’t true. ‘Cause this pop culture, that ain’t our culture. That’s the enemy’s culture. Our culture is resistance. How do you think we survived 500 years of this stuff? Resistance. How do you think we overcame slavery? Resistance. How do you think we crushed Jim Crow? Resistance. How do you think we’re gonna defeat capitalism and imperialism? Resistance! Resistance is what we need. And the reason we need to unify is so that we can resist better. We don’t need to unify so that we can hold hands and walk down the streets skipping, singing “We Shall Overcome”, no. We need to unite so we can fight our enemy. We need to unite so we can defeat our enemy. We need to unite so we can let the masses of the people of the world know, that we are in this fight with you until the very end. You’re in the belly of the beast, y’all. And your job is not just to survive this place. Any old thing can survive. A cat, a rat and a dog, they can survive. And they can be complete and totally developed rats, cats and dogs, and don’t do nothin’ but survive. But we are human beings. We have to do more than survive. We have to grow. We have to develop. We have to build. We have to raise civilizations from the ground, and bequeath what we produce to our children. We have to give more to this world than we take from it. This is our task. It’s not just to survive America. It’s not just to make noise to America. It’s not just to speak truth to power. No. Our job — and we’re the only ones who can really do this, you know — our job is to bring this system down! Our job is to destroy capitalism. Ain’t nobody else in America ever burn 65 cities. That’s what we did. We know how to do this thing. And the reason we ain’t doing it now is because we just ain’t organized.

“And this brings me to my conclusion. Afrikans, you gotta get organized. You gotta join something. You gotta join somebody. The most simple task you have is to educate yourself. To free your mind of the backward ideas that you have. But I’m gonna tell you something. You can’t do that alone. You have to do that with other people. Y’all need to share ideas. Y’all need to come up with a collective understanding. Y’all need to develop a strategy to go forward together. So if you really, really want to free your mind, you need to join an organization that’s fighting for the masses of the people.

“I never — and they’ll tell you — I never ask anybody to join the A-APRP. I’ve been a member of the All African People’s Revolutionary Party for 50 years. And I never ask anybody to join our party. And the reason I don’t ask them is because [Baba Yahya] will ask them, but the other reason I don’t ask people to join the party is because this is some serious stuff we’re into. And if you join it because I asked you, you probably ain’t going to stick around long enough to do what we’ve got to do. So I need you to be thinking, and make up your own mind, to check out all of the organizations around you, and figure out which one best suits your understanding of what needs to be done. Join that organization. If it’s the A-APRP, the All African People’s Revolutionary Party, that’s fine. If it’s another organization, that’s fine. But if it’s no organization, that’s not fine. My Brother, Kwame Ture, said ‘If you are a member of an oppressed people in need of organization, and you refuse to join an organization, by the very act of your inactivity, you’re against your people.’ So if your people need you to do something, and you do nothing, then you’re against your people. How many of y’all are against your people? How many of y’all ain’t doing nothing? Raise your hand. There, we’ve got one honest person. The rest of y’all ain’t talking. But that’s all right.

“So, I’ve taken a little extra time today, because this is a historic moment, a historic moment, where one of the most important aspects of the capitalist imperialist enterprise is about to fall. Everything is going to change when Zionism is destroyed. Everything is going to change when Israel falls. And I hope, against hope, that we are organized and ready to make that change.

“I want to announce that on the 15th of June, at Douglass Memorial Church on 1375 Madison Avenue … from 12:00, we’re having a Town Hall. This Town Hall is called ‘Students In Resistance’. It’s about the youth and the students coming together and figuring out what you’re going to do. We’re not coming there to tell you what to do. We want you to come in there, and fight with each other, and figure out what you’re going to do, and then tell us what you want us to do. We think the youth have to be at this stage. We think the youth have to be the tip of the spear. And in order to be that tip, you have to also be organized. So we want you to all come out to the Town Hall. You will find flyers on the table over on this side. That’s the A-APRP table, and you will also find flyers at the Black Alliance for Peace table. Please come out, please join us in these Town Halls. They are very important. … Once again, we want to thank you all for coming. We want to say to you as we say every time we come in front of you, as always, we stand ready for the revolution. Thank you very much.”

Mama Abena Disroe Morris, co-chair of MCOE, usually performs a spoken word piece as the “High Priestess of Poetry”, and she did so at this African Liberation Day. But she also had advice for the gathered people. “If you belong to an organization for the liberation of our people, us, raise your hand. … Now, those people who did not raise your hands, there’s a lot of organizations present today, A-APRP, A-AWRU, BAP, Ujima, there’s a lot of organizations here, if you’ve been paying attention and listening to the organization that they’re speaking on behalf of. … Every Afrikan should belong to an organization fighting for the liberation of our people. … If you do not belong to one, you need to join an organization next week. If you don’t know what organization to join, start studying … but you need to join an organization.”

Rev. Kobi Little, president of the Baltimore chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), has helped to raise the profile of that venerable civil rights organization since becoming the president of its Baltimore chapter. He offered the following words to the audience: “Whether we believe we are Afrikan people or not, we are. The front line for Afrikan liberation in Baltimore is in all the legislative bodies, all the commissions and committees. Those are the places where they make the policies that oppress us as Afrikan people. And so, we need our Sisters and Brothers who believe in resistance, we need our Sisters and Brothers who believe in Afrikan liberation, we need our Sisters and Brothers who want to be on the front lines of the fight for freedom and justice and equity, we need you to be showing up and bringing the truth, bringing the Afrikan perspective, to the City Council, to the School Board, to the General Assembly, to the Police Accountability Board, and all of these White Supremacist bodies and these bodies that carry the water for White Supremacy. We need you to show up and influence them when they’re trying to make these oppressive policies, because if you wait until the oppressive policies are made, then we’re playing catch-up. And it’s time for us to be on the offense and not always playing defense. What we saw about Marilyn Mosby was not just about Marilyn Mosby. That was about White Supremacy beating back our quest for justice. And we have to be able to discern and understand when the issue is bigger than a person or a personality. So, I’m grateful to be here on African Liberation Day, to share in solidarity with the Sisters and the Brothers.”

Rev. Kobi Little (on stage) with fellow activists, including Bro. Tyrone Bost (hat, left), Bro, Bill Goodin (hat, right) and Baba Charlie Dugger (also on stage).

Bro. Tyrone Bost, local podcast and radio host, gave credit to several of the activists who worked on behalf of Marilyn Mosby in her federal court case, several of whom joined him on the stage. The previous week, Ms. Mosby was sentenced to one year of home detention followed by two years of probation after having been convicted on charges related to financial fraud that her supporters have insisted were nothing more than a witch hunt for “using her own money” and for relatively minor infractions that have been committed by others in the past but were highlighted in her case mainly because of her prosecution of the Baltimore police officers in whose custody Freddie Gray had died in 2015. “This is bigger than Marilyn Mosby. Marilyn Mosby herself has said that, that this is bigger than her. As I said in court, if the police can go into a neighborhood and break a man’s neck, or commit police murder and crimes in our community, and the prosecutor [can’t] prosecute him without the expectation of being punished, then we live in a de facto police state. How many of you want to live in a police state? Raise your hands. If you don’t want to live in a police state, the next phase for Marilyn Mosby is they’re going to try to take her law license. We need to be at that hearing. … We’ll get that date later and we’ll post it to the Web site. Just recognize, this fight is not over. Home detention is not freedom. It was the best thing we could get. She’s home with her children where she belongs. But she does not deserve any charges. She does not deserve to be a felon for doing her job. Thank you for your time.”

Sis. Sylvie Bello from Washington, DC and originally from Cameroon announced that she was inspired by Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass and Baltimore’s own Robert Turner to walk 40 miles from Douglass Maritime Park in the Baltimore Inner Harbor to Washington, DC on the early morning (4:00 AM) of Friday, June 7 to send a message to president Biden that the time has come to put forth an Executive Order in support of HR 40, the Reparations Bill to establish a commission to study reparations that has languished in Congress for decades. She said Biden must do this to “Earn the Black Vote.” She shared a part of a verse from a Cameroonian Makossa song in support of reparations. is the Web site, associated with longtime reparations activist Kamm Howard.

“[W]hile everybody is running around talking about they’re ready for the revolution, you all had better really get ready because the enemy is getting ready.”
— Mama Saray Vassell

Mama Saray Vassell, who made a major contribution to the event by preparing food that was shared with those in attendance, issued a challenge to all of us who speak of being “ready for the revolution”: “Who has warehouses where food is stored, who has warehouses where the medical supplies are stored, who has warehouses where the weapons are stored? … Everybody thinks that they’re ready for the revolution but I’m telling you, I’ve watched those skinheads … on Instagram, on Facebook, and they are prepared. They are waiting for anything to jump off. They have arsenals, they have food, they have water. If anything happens, we wake up the next day and the water is off, we get up and go to the market and the market is closed. All our enemies have to do is turn the water off, turn the electricity off, and close the supermarkets, and most of us will kill each other for food and water. So, while everybody is running around talking about they’re ready for the revolution, you all had better really get ready because the enemy is getting ready.”  Mama Saray’s organization, Prime Time 4 Unity, is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that is “raising funds to ensure that the people of the community have food on a regular basis” and looks for “opportunities to help by providing people with clothes, shoes, and personal hygiene products for the homeless and less fortunate.” The organization recently began “The We Care Unity Team Food Program” dedicated to feeding our Elders in the community who are shut-ins, with limited mobility and other health issues, delivering home cooked meals. Visit their Web site,, for more information and to assist their efforts.

Mama Ujimma Masani, WOMAN (Working, Organizing, Making A Nation), Njia Ya Tayare Martial Arts, Brothers Who Can Cook/Sisters Who Can Burn and The Original Caribbean Sorbet, greeted the attendees and talked about her organization’s participation with local Baltimore schools.

Baba Charlie Dugger, who has been at the forefront of these African Liberation Day events and has been an organizer, supporter and financial sponsor of both African Liberation Day and Garvey Day events for over 50 years, offered some closing remarks. “Malcolm X’s birthday was a week ago, May 19. If he were alive today, he would be 99 years old. … So Malcolm said many things to us as he grew … a man of constant growth. One of the biggest things he said, one of the biggest things we can share on this African Liberation Day, is education. We used to bring Queen Mother Moore here … and Queen Mother Moore would say that Black people are suffering from a constipation of the brain, and we need a brain surgery on our beautiful brain, and the answer to that is education. Then she said the master has mastered the master key, and that instead of him destroying us, we will destroy ourselves. We’ve got to see that, like Brother Rafiki was saying, the saying used to be that we have met the enemy and he is us. And Malcolm X said, the White man has perfected the art of image making to such a degree that he can make the oppressor look like the oppressed and the oppressed look like the oppressor. He can make the criminal look like the victim and the victim look like the criminal. So we’re in a bad way. …

Bro. Tyrone Bost and Baba Charlie Dugger.

“Please, like Brother Rafiki was saying, join an organization. Don’t be a spectator! Life is not a spectator sport. This is really happening. We got a wicked, whiny White man who might become the president again. How can you tell a child it’s not if you win or lose but how you play the game and then you’ve got a sore loser, who’s a convicted rapist and a liar and thief, etc.? But the problem is that we don’t vote. That’s not the only problem but it’s a problem. What’s wrong with us waking up? ‘Well, I’m not gonna vote, I don’t like Biden and I don’t like Trump.’ Well, who do you like? Are you running? I ran for Baltimore Mayor twice. I don’t think I’m all that. I’m a retired teacher, 46 years. But my issues were education, which is still the issue, and the police, which is still the issue. Back in ’87 and back in ’99. We’ve got to develop leadership among our younger people. We gotta do it. Stop standing back. Voting is not the only thing to do. We’re honoring Malcolm. He said ‘By Any Means Necessary’. ‘Education is our passport to the future; tomorrow belongs to those people who prepare for it today’. We talk about Malcolm … he only lived to be 39. Martin only lived to be 39. But they lived filled lives. So we talk about them like they were old men. … We’re stuck in the ghetto of cement. … Gil [Scott-Heron] said ‘No one can do everything but everyone can do something.’ Malcolm said ‘If we don’t think for ourselves, if we don’t see for ourselves, we’re gonna end up hating our friends and loving our enemies.’ …”

Baba Kenyatta Howard performed several songs from Marvin Gaye and Gil Scott-Heron to close out the event on a musical and cultural note. First, he repeated the call for everyone to join an organization “if it’s no more than your block club … There are many community organizations and block clubs looking for young people just like all of you walking around here today. … Your grandmothers and your mothers are looking for your leadership in these community associations. Join an organization. You don’t have to be Einstein. You just have to show up. That’s half the battle in life, is just showing up. Most of us are missing in action while the community is dying. Y’all know these are the end of times. What you waiting for? So I just want to ask you a question. Who really cares to save a world in despair? Who really cares?”

Maryland Council of Elders Announces African Liberation Day in Baltimore, May 25, 2024

The Maryland Council of Elders (MCOE) has sponsored African Liberation Day at Lafayette Square Park in West Baltimore for the last 6 years, having worked with Baba Charlie Dugger since 2018.  Every year, African Liberation Day has grown in scope and popularity, now reaching our people in Washington DC, Philadelphia PA, New York NY, and cities further north, south and west.

This year’s theme is “Same struggle: Smash Settler-Colonialism in Occupied Palestine, Africa, the Americas, and Oceania”.  This year’s gathering is dedicated to the Centenary (100 years) of Ancestor and Freedom Fighter Amilcar Cabral.

There will be vendors, music, children’s activities, health screenings, and updates on the local, national and international struggle for freedom.

For those who are coming from Washington, DC and are looking for transportation to the gathering, check out the flyer “Need A Ride to African Liberation Day?” which is attached to this email.

The gathering will be preceded by an International Webinar on May 24 at 12 noon.  Check out the attached African Liberation Day flyer for more details, or contact the Maryland Council of Elders at, or phone (202) 528-6884.

Also, the Maryland Council of Elders is conducting training for those who wish to become members of MCOE.  The training session will be held on Saturday, April 20, 2024 at Douglas Memorial Community Church, 1325 Madison Avenue in Baltimore at 10:45 am, to be followed by a Town Hall Meeting at 1:00 pm.  I’ve attached a flyer for the training to this email as well.  Again, for more information contact the Maryland Council of Elders at, or phone (202) 528-6884.

April 16-19, 2024: Third Session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent, Geneva, Switzerland

April 16-19, 2024 is the Third Session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent (PFPAD), which was created by the United Nations just under two years ago.  PFPAD has held two Sessions already, one in Geneva, Switzerland in December 2022 and another in New York City in June 2023.  This Third Session will be held in Geneva, Switzerland from April 16-19, 2024.

Our interest in this Third Session stems from one of the “Spokes” in the “Spokes of the Wheel” diagram of the Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition ( that has served as sort of an unofficial logo for the Cooperative Coalition: International Pan Afrikan Activism.  Many of the issues we face on the ground where we live stem from decisions that are made by heads of state and by international bodies like the United Nations, African Union, and Organization of American States that deal with the human rights of the citizens of countries, of ethnic and religious minorities, of women and children, and of migrants.  Misdeeds by states (apartheid in South Africa and the genocide in Darfur are two examples) can often be mitigated and finally brought to a halt by concerted and persistent action by international grassroots activists, either through protests at embassies or presentations at international conferences and sessions such as those held by the Permanent Forum.  Thus, this Third Session in Geneva is directly related to our work as a Cooperative Coalition to bring a variety of forces to bear in a combined, cooperative effort to improve and enrich the lives of Afrikan People.

Sis. Tomiko of Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign (APP-HRC), SOLITUDE and the Maryland Pan Afrikan Cooperative Coalition (MPACC) is leading a delegation of experts to the Third Session, concentrating on issues of Mass Incarceration, Reparative Justice and Women of Afrikan Descent.  She led this same panel of experts to the Organization of American States (OAS) Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in Washington, DC last November, and her panel made quite an impression on the OAS Commissioners.  Our prayer to the Creator and the Ancestors is that they will guide her panel at this Third Session so they can make a similar strong impression on the Third Session of PFPAD and strike yet another blow for Afrikan People.

The following come from the Web sites that are linked below, in case you want to know more about the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent (PFPAD) and the Third Session taking place next week in Geneva, Switzerland.  Each session listed below includes links (full Web addresses that can be copied and pasted to your browser in case the link doesn’t work) to learn more about the Sessions and to arrange to attend the Sessions over the Internet.

(1) This first link is to general information about the Third Session of PFPAD.  You’re invited to check the link for more detail on this Session:

Third session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent | OHCHR

Third session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent

DATE: 16 – 19 April 2024


The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is pleased to announce that the third session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent will take place from 16 – 19 April 2024 in the Palais des Nations of the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland.

(2) There are also several specific Side Events taking place during the Third Session.  This is one of the early events of the week.  Our own Sis. Tomiko is helping organize this Side Event for Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign, which will take place on Tuesday, April 16:

Third session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent: Side event – Global Mass Incarceration a… (


Date: 16 April 2024, 18:15 – 19:45 (6:15 pm – 7:45 pm Geneva Time; 12:15 pm – 1:45 pm Eastern Time)


  • Geneva Graduate Institute-Gender Centre;
  • Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign/SOLITUDE

Language of the event: English

Description of the event:
This roundtable discussion will explore the issue of mass incarceration of African descendent women and women of color on a global scale. Our speakers will shed light on the historical links between slavery, colonialism and mass incarceration, and discuss activist struggles and the global reparations movement against the overarching carceral landscape of the world.

Location: Auditorium A2, Maison de la paix, Geneva Graduate Institute


Moderation: Nicole Bourbonnais, Geneva Graduate Institute.

This is a hybrid event. Please register below to attend the event online or in person.



Person to contact: 

  • Nicole Bourbonnais; Director Gender
  • Tomiko Shine; Director Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign/SOLITUDE,

(3) Sis. Tomiko is also organizing the following discussion on Friday, April 19:

Third session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent: Side event – The Second International De… (

The Second International Decade Challenge; Protecting Women and Girls of African Descent after 400 years of State Violence

Date, time and time zone of side event: Friday, April 19th, 9:45 – 10:45 am Geneva Time (3:45 am – 4:45 am Eastern Time)

Sponsoring organization(s) or entity/ies:

  • -The WAPB is a Community Policing and Human Rights social entrepreneurship whose mission is to become the premier organization providing services, education, and training to eradicate violence against women during policing encounters, including female officers.
  • APP-HRC/SolitudeSolitude ( – A international human rights research consortium focusing on black women of African descent across the Diaspora building on a foundation of reparative justice.

Language(s) in which the side event will be held: English

Description of the side event:

This side event/workshop will look at the qualitative and quantitative cost of state violence through various institutions, laws, and policies to the black woman of African descent over generations. The panelists will also provide reparative justice models and recommendations that protect and re-define the African woman’s womb as a renewed space of generational healing, wealth, and nation building.

Contact details of the organizer: Crista Noel,

Sis. Tomiko: Cultural Anthropologist and Mitigation Specialist
Founding Director: Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign

“The seed you plant in love, not matter how small, will grow into a mighty tree of refuge” Afeni Shakur

“I believe in the sweat of love and in the fire of truth” Assata Shakur

In Recognition of Black Herstory Month

We remember Anti-Apartheid Icon Winnie Madikizela Mandela, former political prisoner and solitary confinement survivor (1936-2018)

In Recognition of Black History Month

Free Civil Rights Icon and Aging Prisoner
Imam Jamil al-Amin aka H. Rap Brown (incarcerated 2000-Present)

Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign Holds Hearing at the Organization of American States on “Loss of Resources and Generational Mass Incarceration’s Impact on Black Women”

We decided to petition for this hearing today because we are an organization that works to get people out who have been in for 30, 40, 50, 60 or more years in prison. Our organization is made up of mostly women who are working to get their folks out of prison. Right now in the United States you have two and three generations of men and women, mothers and fathers from the same family, incarcerated. All of them are attached to generations of women. For us today, this is not simply a hearing, this is a trial. This is something for 400 years we’ve been waiting. What you see here is, we are the daughters of the plantation, daughters of Maroons, daughters of Abolitionists, daughters of Freedom Fighters, daughters of Garveyites, daughters of Revolutionaries, and we are versus the United States, and they have been found guilty. The crime is the war on the Afrikan woman’s womb. Anything that has come out of the Afrikan woman’s womb in the last 400 years has been attacked, assaulted, decimated, incarcerated, imprisoned, and this will no longer be tolerated. This is unacceptable. Walter Rodney, in his book How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, talks about this underdevelopment. Thus, 400 years later, the Afrikan person that comes out of the Afrikan woman’s womb is still being underdeveloped by institutional racism and White Supremacy racism.

“So therefore, today, we sentence the US, and all the Western World that has benefited from our human resources, to 100 years of reparations that is to be paid in full. Reparative justice. In the next 10 to 20 years we want this abolition of prisons to commence. We want the extraction of our human resources from the human resource of the Afrikan woman’s womb to stop feeding the pipeline of institutional racism and generational incarceration. This will no longer be tolerated. We close the chapter today on the Department of Justice, the Prison Industrial Complex, any system entire that oppresses our bodies, our people, the Afrikan woman’s womb.

“Edward Baptist in his book, The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism, emphasizes this, that the extreme amounts of money that has been made from the human resources of Afrikan people, Dr. [Tasseli] McKay [has calculated] the price, so we say the [price] to be paid is 7.16 trillion dollars to the Black woman, only for the last four decades of incarceration, and we’re talking about one institution. Today’s verdict that has been passed is sealed. It cannot be undone. The seven testimonies and interventions that have occurred [here today and documented below are akin to the story of] the Walls of Jericho, and they will fall, tomorrow being the seventh day [November 7]. This verdict is sealed today by our ancestors, Alberta Williams King, Winnie Mandela, Maria Elena Moyano, Safiya Bukhari, Louise Little, La Mulatresse Solitude, and Fannie Lou Hamer. [The walls of Jericho] will fall today. I thank you.”

Thus the objective of this hearing, held at the offices of the Organization of American States (OAS) at 1889 F Street, NW in Downtown Washington, DC on Monday, November 6, was proclaimed by the organizer of this session, Ms. Tomiko Shine, cultural anthropologist, Founder and Director of Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign (APP-HRC), an organization dedicated to securing the freedom of those who have been held in penitentiaries and prisons for upwards of 20 to 50 years. Many of these aging people in prison are what we often refer to as Political Prisoners, members of organizations such as the Black Panther Party (BPP), American Indian Movement (AIM), MOVE and other political-dissident groups who were targeted under the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Counter-Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO). Others were convicted in tainted trials on questionable evidence in spite of their lack of political activism, and still others were handed draconian sentences for relatively minor offenses and have been imprisoned for decades. Practically all of the prisoners and former prisoners represented by APP-HRC have grown old under incarceration, and have faced struggles not only in securing their release through parole or exoneration, but also in adjusting to “life on the outside” after being freed. In practically all of these cases, the burden of their imprisonment has been felt most acutely by their families, particularly by Black women.

This hearing was presided over by the OAS’s Inter American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) for its 188th Session. The Commissioners on the panel were Ms. Margarette May Macaulay (President), Ms. Roberta Clarke (Second Vice President), Ms. Julissa Mantilla Falcón, and Ms. Tania Reneaum Panszi (Executive Secretary).

Ms. Maccaulay, President of the IACHR, opened the session, welcomed the presenters and received their testimonies, after which she and the Commissioners present asked several follow-up questions and offered their words of support and encouragement, and a request to remain connected to the presenters so they can receive further updates and calls to action from them.

Introductory Presentations by the Expert Panel

Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq., South Carolina-based human and civil rights attorney, director of the Malcolm X Center for Self Determination, founder and coordinator of WMXP Community Radio, chair of the US Human Rights Network’s Political Prisoners and State Repression Working Group, past co-chair of the National Jericho Movement for the release and freedom of all US-held political prisoners, was the first presenter:

Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq.

“The United States is party to several human rights treaties and conventions, and the issue of mass incarceration has raised concerns about violations of these treaties in the context of the disproportionate impact on Black women. Some of the key treaties include the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ratified in 1992, the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment, ratified in 1994, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, ratified in 1994, and the Universal Periodic Review along with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These treaties encompass fundamental human rights principles, including non-discrimination, the right to a fair trial, the prohibition of torture and cruel treatment, and economic and social rights. The impact of mass incarceration on Black women, including issues such as racial disparities in the criminal punishment system, access to education, health care, family separation, has led to concerns about these violations. Mass incarceration in the United States disproportionately affects Black women, and as a result they face various lifelong human rights challenges.

“My colleagues will detail the key human rights issues that Black women suffer as a result of these violations.

“The issues reflect systemic disparities in the criminal punishment system, a system which is grounded in the US history of slavery, apartheid, and racial violence. Viewed through a human rights lens, they are violations of fundamental human rights, particularly the right to equality, non-discrimination and dignity. Ongoing advocacy and reform efforts to address these human rights challenges and to promote a more just and equitable system are frustrated by the United States’ self-proclaimed exceptionalism, use of reservations, understandings and declarations when signing on to treaties, and a total lack of public and professional human rights knowledge, in the courts and the legislatures especially.

“Addressing mass incarceration and the associated human rights violations against Black women requires a multi-faceted approach. We suggest (1) Reparations. The US must create a commission to study the continuing impact of slavery, apartheid and centuries of White violence reflected in the criminal punishment system. It must devise and fund proposals for remediation and prevention of their perpetuation, including ensuring Black women full and complete access to legal representation and resources necessary to realize our full human potential. Legislative changes must occur at the federal and state levels to address laws and systemic issues contributing to mass incarceration and racial disparities in the criminal punishment system including data collection and transparency, racial bias training to raise public awareness about human rights, mass incarceration and the specific challenges that are faced by Black women.

“I thank you.”

Ms. Simone Harris read a letter from her son Rashid Harris, age 36, incarcerated since age 23 at James T. Vaughan Correctional Center, at Smyrna, Delaware with a sentence of life plus 527 years due to a habitual offender law, to his mother.

She concluded by saying, “My recommendations are to abolish the three-strike law, abolish life sentences, and to stop incarcerating juvenile minorities in their prime, which equates to genocide. Thank you.”

Ms. Krystal Young spoke about her experience, a struggle of several years against a bogus arrest and a threat of decades of imprisonment on a false charge. In 2015, she was arrested with her mother and twin brother for burglary and trespassing, was released after 9 days but was rearrested three months later on warrants based on false allegations stemming from a series of complaints of a neighbor. Her seven-year-old daughter began exhibiting psychological issues. She recounted the suffering of her grandmother, mother and daughter as she went through five different attorneys over the course of a two-year fight during which she was confronted with the possibility of facing 127 years in jail. Her case was finally dismissed, but the damage was done to her family. “It should be mandatory for any state government official to obtain any arrest history of police districts as some form of compensation for falsely accused victims. Thank you.”

Dr. Avon Hart-Johnson, president and co-founder of DC Project Connect, coming today as a support specialist, advocate, author and researcher, conducting studies in the United States and abroad, focused on several key recommendations for reforming the current carceral system (a prison, confinement and surveillance-based system of punishment):

Dr. Avon Hart-Johnson

“Today, I focus on four key areas and recommendations. First, Black women are largely incarcerated for crimes associated with survival and coping, in essence, criminalized mental health conditions, domestic violence, unaddressed substance use, has likely led to their incarceration. Recommendation number one: abolish prisons. When sanctions of a last resort are warranted, these women should be offered holistic care as a community-based alternative to restore health and well-being. Second, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 5 states in part: ‘No one should be subjected to cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment’, yet alarming reports of physical and psychological violations occur in women’s prisons every day. In 2015 alone, there were 25,000 incidents and allegations of sexual abuse, extortion, rape, groping, or other sexual related abuses in prison. Recommendation number two: we demand reparative justice, holding carceral systems responsible for past harms, current harms and preventing future harms. All prisons and halfway houses should be converted to healing centers, with emphasis placed on mental and physical health care, funded by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Third, the United Nations recognizes the right to the highest attainable standards of physical and mental health, in particular Article 25. The denial of adequate mental health intervention and gender specific health care needs, and adequate menstrual products, in prison, result in women making dehumanizing tradeoffs between basic needs and hygiene. The use of medically unsafe trauma-inducing restraints and shackles on pregnant women should cease today. Recommendation number three: we demand that incarcerated women have access to adequate health care as a matter of human rights as a public imperative. Finally, and fourth, maternal incarceration has the greatest impact on children and intergenerational incarceration. According to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights Article 12, incarcerated persons have the right to family life, a protective factor that can mitigate the cycle of incarceration. The fourth recommendation: incarcerated women should not be arbitrarily separated from their families, and their right to family life must be respected and restored, with efforts made to ensure that contact is maintained between mothers and children, and vital family bonds preserved.

“Thank you for the opportunity to testify.”

“The total harm in under 50 years of mass incarceration comes to 7.16 trillion dollars. That’s more than half the value of the entire Black-White wealth gap. No other form of domestic state violence carried out in the United States since the beginning of the 20th century compares to the scope and scale of these effects. If we are ever going to move beyond mass captivity, beyond the mass exploitation of Black women’s bodies and labor on this continent, we need universal understanding in the US and around the world of the vast harms of mass incarceration.”
— Dr. Tasseli McKay

Attorney Maya Hylton-Garza, Esq. has worked with prisoners who have relatives who have been incarcerated, worked in cities like Baltimore, Oakland and Los Angeles. She spoke “about the primacy of the American criminal justice system from the perspective of someone who works inside it.

Attorney Maya Hylton-Garza, Esq.

“To put it plainly, it’s a mess. But calling it a mess is [insufficient]; what it truly is, is a horror show. The United States incarcerates more people than any other country, being responsible for about a quarter of the world’s imprisoned people. Despite accounting for only about 13% of the US population, Black people comprise 38% of that incarcerated population. Along with incarcerating more people than any other country, the US also incarcerates more women than any other country. Racial bias permeates every facet of the system, reflecting the … lineage from the present-day system to the earliest days of slavery. At the onset, we had Slave Codes, a separate and more severe set of crimes and punishment for slaves. Following emancipation, the existence of this dual system did not disappear. While we may no longer explicitly have a separate set of crimes and punishments for Black people, evidence of racially disparate treatment can be seen throughout the system. While the United States has not yet consistently and accurately [shared] data on arrest, prosecution and incarceration trends, what we do know is that there is clear evidence pf racially disparate arrests, racially disparate sentencing, [with] more and longer sentences given to Black people and racially disparate administration of parole and probation. Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign is an abolitionist organization that [argues that] the process of emancipation for all Black people in the United States cannot conclude until the criminal justice system is abolished. The Supreme Court … very explicitly acknowledged the possibility of racial prejudice influencing a jury’s decision in any criminal case. When faced with actual statistical evidence of racial bias influencing a death penalty case, they found it as ‘not unacceptable’, allowing the death penalty to stand. With a Supreme Court so comfortable with allowing an ‘acceptable amount’ of racial discrimination to infect every Black person’s interaction with the criminal justice system, there is no reform that could occur that would be able to repair the corrupt White Supremacist heart of the current system. Aging People in Prison seeks the dismantling of the systems that support and reify such oppression, including the police, the judiciary and the carceral state. Nothing less will set us free.”

Dr. Tasseli McKay, a social scientist and record of policy scholar at Duke University, shared “new figures from my research on the economic impact of mass incarceration on Black women.

Dr. Tasseli McKay

“For all of this century in the US, the huge Black-White wealth gap that is the legacy of slavery was slowly narrowing. Those gains, small and slow, were very hard won. But in the 1970s, following great Civil Rights progress in the US, our criminal legal system began to be mobilized against Black Americans in an intensely violent and far-reaching way. As it did, the wealth gap also began to widen again, in a way it had not since the ferocious anti-Black mass political violence of the late 1800s. During the mass incarceration years, the wealth of the typical Black household has dropped 75%, while that of the typical White household has risen 14%. Mass incarceration has brought tremendous harm to Black women, families and communities, and social scientific evidence makes it possible to rigorously calculate its economic impact. I’ve written two academic books about this work, carefully reviewed by top economists and criminal legal system scholars, and so I have great confidence in what I’m about to tell you about these costs. The criminalization of Black children and youth, and their pipelining out of educational and supportive institutions has sapped 4.31 trillion dollars. The perpetual punishment of formerly incarcerated Black adults, particularly their long-term exclusion from the formal workforce, has sapped 1.07 trillion dollars. The burdens and harms shunted onto partners and mothers of incarcerated Black adults total 434 billion dollars. The lifelong repercussions for Black children of the incarcerated, particularly in lost educational opportunity, total 452 billion dollars. And the community and population-scale damages, particularly impacts on Black infant mortality and adult life expectancy, total 890 billion dollars. The total harm in under 50 years of mass incarceration comes to 7.16 trillion dollars. That’s more than half the value of the entire Black-White wealth gap. No other form of domestic state violence carried out in the United States since the beginning of the 20th century compares to the scope and scale of these effects. If we are ever going to move beyond mass captivity, beyond the mass exploitation of Black women’s bodies and labor on this continent, we need universal understanding in the US and around the world of the vast harms of mass incarceration. We need reconstruction of the abusive public institutions that did these harms. And we need at least 7.16 trillion dollars in reparations to Black women and communities for mass incarceration. Thank you so much.”

Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq. made additional comments:

“I would simply add to the information and comments that have already been made in that when we talk about reparative justice, when we talk about reparations, we’re talking about full and complete reparations, and the full and complete reparations go far beyond the money that necessarily includes the rebuilding of the individual and of a people or peoples, like the abused adopted child. We long to know who and what we are, where we were kidnapped from, what were then our names, what would have been our language, what would have been our spiritual development system, what would have been our social and familial structure. There is no price that can be put on that; at the same time, every effort must be made to do so.”

Dr. Tasseli McKay added some historical context to the discussion of the harms caused to Black women and Black families, highlighting the intentional and official US policy nature of these harms, dating back to the Richard M. Nixon administration and even before that.

“I’d like to read a quote from John Ehrlichman, who was the domestic policy advisor to Richard Nixon, widely understood by people in my field as the forefather of mass incarceration. And I’m quoting him now:

‘The Nixon Campaign in 1968 and the Nixon White House after that had two enemies: the anti-war left and Black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or Black, but by getting the people to associate the hippies with marijuana and Blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.’ [from an interview Ehrlichman gave to Dan Baum in 1994, published in the April 2016 issue of Harper’s Magazine — Editor.]

“I’d like to add that I think it’s important that we understand this as the domestic state violence that it is and has been, and that the impacts of that state violence on Black women in particular have been concealed of necessity, because the work that Black women have taken on in the face of this state violence has been to absorb, to cushion and to defend their families and communities against it, perpetually, and without their permission concealing the true magnitude of its effects. The costs of this system are so much greater than we have ever acknowledged and those costs have been borne by the most vulnerable among us, and because those costs could not come out of bank accounts, they have come out of bodies. Chris Wildeman’s research on the impacts of mass incarceration on population health in the United States shows that yes, mass incarceration has done definitive damage to our health as an entire population, and yes, those effects on life expectancy and infant mortality have been concentrated predominantly in Black communities. And yes, those effects on life, the years taken off of American lives by mass incarceration, have come off of Black women’s lives. When we look at the effects of rising Black male incarceration rates, beginning around 1978, on population health in the US, we see that the years of life lost came primarily from Black women. There’s so much that has happened, so much that has been concealed and so much strength that has been standing in resistance to this domestic state violence for many decades. Thank you so much for the time to speak to you.”

“I don’t understand why the American establishment doesn’t recognize this, and it doesn’t augur well for the reputation of the state, for this sort of thing to go on. And then I hear politicians on TV, in Congress and the Senate, Senators and Congressmen, talking about how America is not a racist country. That is the biggest, what I call ‘real politics’, because everybody looking around can recognize it, and yet they’re denying it, so how much trust can one have in the system?”
– IACHR President Margarette May Macaulay

The IACHR Commission members ask questions to the presenters.

The members of the Commission asked a number of follow-up questions. President Margarette May Macaulay added a comment and a question: “Thank you for the personal stories that show what these policies do to life and families. Thank you also for the empirical evidence that combines the information into research in action about these punitive policies that have been repeated from 1940 until today. You referred to identity reparations, and we would like to hear more about that. What are the triggers that cause the increasing harshness of the penalties?”

Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq. offered some additional perspective on the Black reparations struggle.

Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq. makes a point.

“To talk about reparations, the (IACHR) President rounds it out in a simple word: personhood, that full and complete reparations required restoration of personhood. We have since the Civil War in the United States, made demands for reparations, and the visibility and the intensity of that struggle has risen and fallen depending upon political circumstances. At the moment it enjoys great visibility and global recognition, and we credit that to the 2001 Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, which was the opportunity to globalize the issue and to bring together the Afrikan community globally in formulating the consensus that the DDPA is [important], and even more importantly and recently is the struggle to protect and defend the DDPA against the onslaught of the former, well, the colonizers, because some of them are still in place, and enslavers attempting to distract us from the consensus that was reached with the DDPA, and most importantly its civilization and expression of self-determination, setting forth the crimes against humanity and the basis for global reparations, slavery, colonization, apartheid and genocide, and that we must not allow the creation and the mandate that was given to the Permanent Forum on People of Afrikan Descent or the Agenda 2030 SDG’s, Sustainable Development Goals, to become the shiny objects that take us away from the DDPA and the significance of that expression of self-determination, which of course also includes the Five Elements that define those guidelines as to what would constitute full and complete reparations. We look forward to submitting further information on that point, and consistent with the questions that you have asked here, suffice it to say that the greatest violations continue to occur in the South, what we call ‘the Black belt’, which is where the Afrodescendant population was enslaved in the largest numbers and continues to this day to live despite our apparent mobility and our escape from bondage. Finally I would add that the US Constitution provides for the continued enslavement of people generally and Afrikan people particularly. It was a concession that was made to the South wherein the 13th Amendment is thought to abolish slavery, however it does not. It only shifts the enslavement of persons from private hands to public hands, the hands of the government. It provides that a person cannot be held in involuntary servitude except in the case of a crime. And of course it is the enslavers who have defined what human behavior is criminal. And that invariably falls heaviest on people of Afrikan descent and Afrikan women in particular. Thank you.”

“We have since the Civil War in the United States, made demands for reparations, and the visibility and the intensity of that struggle has risen and fallen depending upon political circumstances. At the moment it enjoys great visibility and global recognition, and we credit that to the 2001 Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, which was the opportunity to globalize the issue and to bring together the Afrikan community globally … and even more importantly and recently is the struggle to protect and defend the DDPA against the onslaught of the former, well, the colonizers, because some of them are still in place, and enslavers attempting to distract us from the consensus that was reached with the DDPA …”
— Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq.

Attorney Maya Hylton-Garza, Esq. spoke about state-run versus private institutions, racialized arrest practices and released prisoners being saddled with heavy debts to the state that had imprisoned them.

“I want to speak to two things, the question of abuse in state-run versus private facilities and the question of racialized arrest practices. … The United States Congress mandated under the Prison Rape Elimination Act a comprehensive study of sexual assault and sexual abuse in United States correctional facilities. That study … included a representative sample, i think, of maybe 400 United States correctional facilities. That study used state of the art methods and it did document the very substantial prevalence of sexual assault around the country and it highlights not only in adult prison facilities but in detention facilities that house children, very widespread prevalence of sexual assault and abuse. And further, I’ll note that to my knowledge there is no established difference in rates of abuse in private-run versus state-run facilities, and that isn’t intended to be offered in defense of private facilities so much as I think it speaks to the extent to which our public institutions have been harnessed to abusive ends in a time of mass incarceration.

“With regard to the question about racialized arrest practices, in the contemporary United States, 49% of Black men can expect to be arrested by the time they reach age 23. We’ve seen in the work of … Vesla Weaver and colleagues, [which] demonstrates that in fact, over the decades of mass incarceration, we have seen what she calls a great uncoupling of arrest from criminalized behavior such that arrest is now so racially targeted that it is less and less correlated with engagement in any criminalized activity and more strongly correlated with perceived race, and that racial disproportionality of course, as you all know well, continues at every level of the system and its impacts are so devastating, even at the point of arrest and policing as your remarks highlighted, many jurisdictions have implemented what they euphemistically call ‘proactive policing strategies’: stop-and-frisk, hotspot policing, various forms of aggressive police engagement and implementation of these policies we know from several rigorous social scientific studies is strongly correlated with a drop in well-being across the Black population of those cities. So, for example, we see Black students’ educational achievement drop in New York City with the implementation of stop-and-frisk, and there are examples like that from social science research across the country.

“I also want to speak to this question, which is very well taken, of individuals released from incarceration with tremendous debt to the state. To my knowledge, that practice is much more the rule than it is the exception, and those debts have to do with everything from system fees, parole monitoring fees, court fees, victim restitution, and an enormous contributor to that debt is child support enforcement. Many families have enormous debt to the child support enforcement system after the incarceration of a loved one, and often a five-figure debt, in particular because, in most states, that continues to rack up those arrears during incarceration, even though earning enough funds to pay those commitments is a true impossibility during that time. And to the also quite well taken question of what happens when individuals are released with debts that are far beyond their capacity to pay, what happens to those debts, there is fairly strong indication that those debts are paid by the women family members of incarcerated and released individuals. They are not forgiven. They are shunted onto those who can least afford them.”

Dr. Avon Hart-Johnson made further comments on behalf of mothers of incarcerated persons and the impact on families.

“I’d like to address the question about what happens when the mother is incarcerated. The first thing I want to say is that, when you incarcerate the mother, it has the greatest impact on the children. Let me give you an example. In Washington DC, we don’t have a prison. So therefore, when mothers are separated from their children, they are sent across the United States to serve their sentences. That could be California, Texas, West Virginia, for example. We know that in Washington DC, the zip codes that have the highest incarceration rates also have 16% of the people living at or below the poverty level. So how do you stay connected? Let’s talk about what happens in the family system. Well, first of all, it’s recognized as a crisis. Children are often not told where their parents are because of the stigma and shame associated with it, or perhaps the adults who are raising the children at home don’t want to emotionally burden the children. We know that about 11% of the fathers are taking care of children. We know that 11% of the children are going to go into foster care. And the vast majority are going to stay with the grandmother or grandparents who may be on a fixed income. So when we start to think about what happens with the children and why is this thing about intergenerational incarceration showing up, well, the short story is, parental incarceration is an adverse childhood experience. Probably 60% of us in this room have gone through an adverse childhood experience. It could be a frequent change of caregivers, it could be abuse, neglect, it could be violence or conflict in the home, or parental incarceration. The thing is, when children are exposed to contiguous stressors, it actually changes their genetics. So, there’s this science called epigenetics, and so when children are living in these situations, incarceration is probably just one issue, there are many complex issues going on at the same time. When the body is exposed to contiguous stressors, over and over again, it stays in a state of hyper-vigilance, and the cortisol levels are bring produced, and those kids are always in fight-or-flight, even if it doesn’t look like it, they’re in fight-ir-flight, and so therefore, the genes in the body will adjust, and it will start to put all of this energy in the fight-or-flight, rather than fighting off infections.”

Attorney Maya Hylton-Garza, Esq. spoke about efforts at reforming the carceral system:

“I just wanted to speak briefly on some reforms that are occurring. In the state of California, the Racial Justice Act was passed, which specifically tries to address the effects of racially disparate sentencing and arrests, and allows for somebody who has been convicted to bring forward evidence of racially discriminatory behavior and then allow for some type of reduction in sentencing. The law is extraordinary in the fact that it is retroactive, and it covers all families and anybody who has picked up a juvenile case, so as far as we’re concerned that’s basically everybody in the state of California who has been arrested and experienced … confinement. The law has been passed. We don’t know yet how the judges are going to handle that responsibility. It’s the Racial Justice Act, 2021. Right after George Floyd, people were very inspired to suddenly realize discrimination existed. And so, we don’t know yet. It leaves a lot to the judges in terms of how they’re going to handle each of those cases. But it does allow [for evidence of] racially discriminatory behavior to be used as evidence to prove the case, and so that is one example of reform. There are two other states that have passed Racial Justice Acts. Neither one of those are effective in any way. One is so broad that no one can use it and the other one is so narrow that no one can use it. The first one was so broad that it was repealed, and the second one is so narrow that it’s useless. We don’t know yet how California is going to handle this, how California judges are going to handle this power. I’m going to stay optimistic, but what we’ve seen in the United States is that there is a fear of too much justice, that because everyone has experienced racial discrimination, Black and Brown and Native American people have experienced racial discrimination that has impacted the way in which they engage with the carceral state, that reform would require everyone to be helped, and the United States is simply unwilling to do that.”

Closing Remarks from the Chair

IACHR President Margarette May Macaulay

IACHR President Margarette May Macaulay offered some closing comments. She noted that quite a few people have been released because DNA evidence showed their convictions were false, evidence was flawed and the convictions and sentences were unlawful. She noted that in other countries, “such persons will be compensated by the state for their mistake”. In the news, we see that people who are released in the US have received “no compensation, despite the claims about America’s largesse. Where is that when they are at fault?” There are similar issues with social welfare, in which recipients who were determined to have received Social Security and health benefits by mistake were ordered to repay years later (usually with onerous amounts of interest) regardless of their ability to pay. This had been reported on the previous day on the CBS News program 60 Minutes.

President Macaulay asked what the presenters would want the Commission to do to assist them in this matter, and expressed the desire to collaborate with them. IACHR wants to hear about the issues and specific complaints people have that are related to this case. The Web site and phone number are available for submitting information and complaints, and there is training available in some cases for Non Governmental Organizations.

Ms. Macaulay closed with these comments: “This is long past due, long, long past due. And I don’t understand why the American establishment doesn’t recognize this, and it doesn’t augur well for the reputation of the state, for this sort of thing to go on. And then I hear politicians on TV, in Congress and the Senate, Senators and Congressmen, talking about how America is not a racist country. That is the biggest, what i call ‘real politics’, because everybody looking around can recognize it, and yet they’re denying it, so how much trust can one have in the system? So please, let’s collaborate. And thank you, thank you, thank you for coming to us.”

About the IACHR

IACHR’s mission statements explain that

The IACHR is a principal and autonomous organ of the Organization of American States (“OAS”) whose mission is to promote and protect human rights in the American hemisphere. It is composed of seven independent members who serve in a personal capacity. Created by the OAS in 1959, the Commission has its headquarters in Washington, D.C. Together with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (“the Court” or “the I/A Court H.R.), installed in 1979, the Commission is one of the institutions within the inter-American system for the protection of human rights (“IAHRS”).

The formal beginning of the IAHRS was approval of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man at the Ninth International Conference of American States held in Bogota in 1948. There the OAS Charter (hereinafter “the Charter”) was adopted, which declares that one of the principles upon which the Organization is founded is the “fundamental rights of the individual.”

Full respect for human rights appears in several sections of the Charter, underscoring the importance that the Member States attach to it. In the words of the Charter, “the true significance of American solidarity and good neighborliness can only mean the consolidation on this continent, within the framework of democratic institutions, of a system of individual liberty and social justice based on respect for the essential rights of man.” The Charter establishes the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) as one of the principal organs of the OAS whose function is to promote the observance and protection of human rights and to serve as a consultative organ of the Organization in these matters.

The work of the IACHR rests on three main pillars:

      • the individual petition system;
      • monitoring of the human rights situation in the Member States, and
      • the attention devoted to priority thematic areas.

Operating within this framework, the Commission considers that inasmuch as the rights of all persons subject to the jurisdiction of the Member States are to be protected, special attention must be devoted to those populations, communities and groups that have historically been the targets of discrimination. However, the Commission’s work is also informed by other principles, among them the following: the pro homine principle, whereby a law must be interpreted in the manner most advantageous to the human being; the necessity of access to justice, and the inclusion of the gender perspective in all Commission activities.

According to the American Convention on Human Rights, the Commission shall be composed of seven members, who shall be persons of high moral character and recognized competence in the field of human rights, elected in a personal capacity by the OAS General Assembly from a list of candidates proposed by the governments of the Member States. Each of those governments may propose up to three candidates, who may be nationals of the State proposing them or of any other OAS Member State. When a slate of three is proposed, at least one of the candidates shall be a national of a State other than the one proposing the slate. The members of the Commission are elected for a four-year term and may be reelected only once.

For more information on IACHR and OAS, go to the Web site

To View the Full Hearing Video

The full hearing in video form, ‘Loss of Resources and Impact of Intergenerational Incarceration on Black Women’, can be viewed at (scroll down to Monday’s hearings, APP-HRC is first hearing)

About Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign (APP-HRC)

APP-HRC is an organization dedicated to securing the freedom of those who have been held in penitentiaries and prisons for upwards of 20 to 50 years. Many of these aging people in prison are what we often refer to as Political Prisoners, members of organizations such as the Black Panther Party (BPP), American Indian Movement (AIM), MOVE and other political-dissident groups who were targeted under the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Counter-Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO). Others were convicted in tainted trials on questionable evidence in spite of their lack of political activism, and still others were handed draconian sentences for relatively minor offenses and have been imprisoned for decades. Practically all of the prisoners and former prisoners represented by APP-HRC have grown old under incarceration, and have faced struggles not only in securing their release through parole or exoneration, but also in adjusting to “life on the outside” after being freed.

We ask you to support APP-HRC by making a donation to; Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign ( so they can continue to do their human rights reparative justice work of breaking the systemic pipeline to mass/intergenerational incarceration.


The Ancestors’ Call: Dr. Susan Hycenth Efe ALFRED, May 1, 1969 – September 19, 2023

Friday, September 22, 2023
Tribute to A Great Pan-Africanist: Her Excellency Ambassador Dr. Susan H.E. Alfred, President of the Ghana-Caribbean Chamber of Commerce (GCCC), May 1, 1969 – September 19, 2023
Prof. David L. Horne and Dr. Line Hilgros

“Through death, the family is not destroyed, it is transformed, it is just a part of it that goes into the invisible. Death is not an absence, because it remains a discreet presence.”
– Dr. Line Hilgros, SRDC-Guadeloupe

Prof. David L. Horne, founder of the organization SIXTH REGION DIASPORA CAUCUS (SRDC) of the USA, Central America, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana and all our members, learned with amazement and sorrow the passage towards the luminous summits of our dear friend Her Excellency Doctor Susan Hycenth Efe Alfred.


A great Trinidadian and Ghanaian by adoption has just added her name to the African pantheon of Pan-Africanist pioneers.

The SRDC would like to acclaim you for the legacy you have left us, and above all to thank you, because in all humility you have left the mark of your intelligence on the African world and its descendants.

As Ghana’s excellent ambassador for the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries and the African Union, you have helped to forge unfailing links between the two sides of the Atlantic, the world of Mother Africa and that of her deported children.

The SRDC would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to you as a woman of passion, conviction and determination, whose unshakeable will could not be swayed by any pressure, and whose beautiful creative soul, independent of all powers, had a clear vision for the development of our regions. The SRDC also remembers your courtesy, humility and savoir-être, filled with gratitude and love for our Mother Continent, all qualities that have made your aura reach far beyond the borders of your beloved country Trinidad and Tobago.

Your struggles and work to advance the Pan-African cause, and to build a bridge between Ghana, the Caribbean and, by extension, the Diaspora as a whole, made you an exceptional individual.

To be or not to be? said Shakespeare,

You chose to Be, by quietly building lasting relations between Ghana and its uprooted children, thus implementing the directives of the International Decade of People of African Descent, with the creation of the Chamber of Commerce whose objective is to link the Caribbean with Ghana. Together with your family and colleagues, we will strive to ensure that your legacy continues to flourish.

The SRDC would like to thank you once again for refocusing on the real issues at stake in the future of Ghana-Diaspora relations, with courage and determination.

The time has come for us to say goodbye and not farewell to our fabulous and charismatic comrade, following that fateful Tuesday 19 September 2023, when her luminous smile, a source of inspiration, was brutally snatched from our affection.

The SRDC salutes with love, strength, gratitude and sorrow the memory of our sister Her Excellency Dr. Susan H. E. Alfred who has just joined the circle of Great Ancestors.

And as you advance along the path of Light, we ask Mama Africa (Miriam Makeba) to sing the hymn of welcome to the Righteous of this world, of which you are now a part.

Ase! Ase! Ase! Asante sana

Condolences to the Alfred family and to the Honorable Members of the Ghana-Caribbean Chamber of Commerce (GCCC)!

Prof. David L. Horne, PhD
Founder of SRDC
Founder and Executive Director of Pan African Public Policy and Ethical Institute (PAPPEI)

SRDC 2023 Summit, Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia, October 10-13

The Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (SRDC) holds its 15th Annual International Summit at Clark Atlanta University during the week of October 10-13.  The Summit continues SRDC’s theme of “21st Century Pan Africanism: Moving Africa Forward”.

Presenters will include Professor David L. Horne, SRDC’s International Facilitator and Director, and Honorable Madam Louise M. Siaway, founder, Executive Director and CEO of Sehwah Liberia, a civil-society organization and SRDC affiliate in Liberia.

Among the questions to be discussed at the Summit are:

  • What is the African Diaspora and where do we fit in?
  • Can we make a real difference in Africa?
  • What’s already happening and how can we get involved?

The 2023 SRDC International Summit is being run in cooperation with the 2023 HBCU Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference (PAGTIC) which is being held concurrently with this Summit.  To learn more about PAGTIC, click here or visit their Web site,

To inquire about attending the 2023 SRDC International Summit, contact us at or



“Black August: The Shakur Nation” on Africa 500, Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The Wednesday, August 9 edition of Africa 500 begins its celebration of Black August by taking a look at the legacy of the Shakur Family in “Black August: The Shakur Nation”. Show hosts Sis. Tomiko and Bro. Ty welcome special guests Mama Efia Nwangaza and Dr. Kokayi Patterson.

Mama Efia Nwangaza

Bio: South Carolina based Human Rights Attorney. Founder and Director of Malcolm X Center for Self Determination – WMXP Community Radio, a Co-founder of National N’COBRA and Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, past co-chair of the National Jericho Movement to Free All Political Prisoners, member of the Black Belt Human Rights Coalition, member of Black Alliance for Peace, veteran of Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, and a proud daughter of Garveyites.

from the Web site

Efia Nwangaza, Founder

Efia Nwangaza is a lifelong civil/human rights activist and freedom fighter who first worked for the liberation of African/Black people as a child in her Garveyite parents’ apostolic faith church, in her birthplace of Norfolk, Virginia.

At age 13 years, she served as secretary of the Norfolk Branch of the NAACP Youth and College Chapter and, later in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania she fought police violence, worked in the successful NAACP led campaign to desegregate Girard College, “a school for poor white, male, orphans” which then sat in the heart of Black North Philadelphia.

Efia and her family helped raise money and collect clothes and food to send South for those evicted and persecuted for attempting and registering to vote.

She joined forces with returning SNCC volunteers to found the Northern Student Movement (NSM) Freedom Library Day School; featured in the Xerox sponsored Black History: Lost, Stolen or Strayed series.

Anxious to go into the heat of battle, Efia Nwangaza accepted a scholarship and attended Spelman College. She worked at the national SNCC office and took on campus organizing for the successful Julian Bond Special Election Campaign Committee/SNCC-Atlanta Project. The Atlanta Project, SNCC’s first attempt at urban organizing, began raising concerns of a maturing movement and demands of the day, self-determination and SNCC’s position on the US War in Vietnam (which it did before King and SCLC), Palestine, and the role of whites in the community and organization. Atlanta Project position papers became the theoretical underpinnings for SNCC programming, and advancement of the modern “black power” call popularized by Kwame Ture (FKA Stokely Carmichael).

Armed with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Visual Arts from Spelman College, Temple University’s first Master of Arts degree in Women’s History (African-African American), and Golden Gate University School of Law Juris Doctorate, she went to Greenville, South Carolina where she is known as a freedom fighter, legal precedent setter and the recipient of many awards.

Efia Nwangaza is the founder and Executive Director of the Afrikan-American Institute for Policy Studies and Planning and founding member and SC Coordinator for the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement for Self-Determination. She is the founder/coordinator of the WMXP-LP community-based radio, and a board member of Pacifica National Foundation, the nation’s oldest progressive radio network.

Efia is the former co-chair of the Jericho Movement for US Political Prisoners, represented the U.S. Human Rights Network’s Political Prisoner Working Group in observing the U.S. first appearance for UN Universal Periodic Review, in Geneva. She represented the National Conference of Black Lawyers in Aristide era Haiti, lectured at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women, NGO Forum, Beijing, China, and helped draft action plan for UN World Conference Against Racism.

She is an Amnesty International USA Human Rights Defender, and past member of the national Board of Directors for National Organization of Women (1990-1994) which launched the Every Woman NOW Campaign for President to force NOW to address internal white supremacy and elitism, African-American Institute for Research and Empowerment (1994-1996), South Carolina ACLU (1994-2000), and she was a 2004 Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate in memoriam and education of voting rights/citizenship work and ethics of Fannie Lou Hammer, Mojeska Simpkins, and Septima Clark.

Taken from Invisible Giants: Coming Into View Volume II

Dr. Kokayi Patterson

from the LinkedIn page of Dr. Winston Kokayi Patterson (

Dr. Winston Kokayi Patterson

Wholistic Health Practitioner, Co-Founder of The African Wholistic Health Association, Exec. Dir. of The Acudetox Specialist Collective


Prior to becoming an Acupuncture Detox Specialist in 1979, Kokayi Patterson was a Drug Counselor and Program Manager/Director specializing in Residential Treatment, Community Outreach, and Youth Counseling. For over 35 years, he witnessed acupuncture used since 1970 at a local Drug Center. He lectures in D.C., MD, VA, and nationally. At the Drug Center, he headed both staff & client orientation and training for 20 years.

The Legacy of the Shakur Family

AUTHOR INTERVIEWS: ‘An Amerikan Family’ traces the legacy of Tupac Shakur’s influential family, article by Tonya Mosley, Fresh Air, June 14, 2023:

Article on the Web site of The New Republic by Keisha N. Blain, August 3, 2023: How the Shakurs Became One of America’s Most Influential Families; In a white supremacist society; the Black family offers a buffer and, at times, a space for resistance:

“Now all ancestors …. Looking at the lives of Dr. Mutulu Shakur, Afeni Shakur, and Tupac Shakur will be an entryway into their life’s work of resistance, commitment, and sacrifice and how to collectively reproduce this in families and children of the African collective in America” – Sis. Tomiko

If you weren’t able to hear the show in its usual Wednesday 3 PM slot, Hand Radio will rebroadcast the show on Thursday, August 10 at 3 PM (Eastern Time, United States).  Or, listen to the recorded show below:

Audio Player

Africa 500 is broadcast every Wednesday at 3:00 PM (Eastern Time, United States) on Hand Radio ( After the broadcast, the show is available in an update of this post and on the Audio-Visual Media Pages of KUUMBAReport (, KUUMBAEvents ( and the Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (

Wednesdays @3pm EST.

Celebrating Black August

“The seed you plant in love, no matter how small, will grow into a mighty tree of refuge” – Afeni Shakur
“I believe in the sweat of love and in the fire of truth” – Assata Shakur