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African Union African Diaspora Sixth Region High Council Announces Official Launch and Constitution

In May 0f 2022, Pan African activists from across the African Continent and around the Diaspora met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for the Roots-Synergy Roundtable.  There, work began on a unified strategy to firmly establish, after over 17 years of false starts, a roadmap for the African Diaspora to achieve recognition in the African Union as its Sixth Region, and for activists from around the world to launch a new era of cooperation to move the Pan African World forward.  Several online meetings of Pan African activists from Central America, South America, North America, Europe, Africa, Australia and the Middle East followed the Addis Ababa meeting and set the stage for the next major in-person conference to further this objective.

This work continued when these activists reconvened in Maputo, Mozambique in July of 2023.  At this time, the African Union African Diaspora Sixth Region High Council was launched.  A Constitution was written, ratified and released to the public, and is available to read below.

ADOPTED&APROVED_ConstitutionAUADS 6thregionHighCouncil. docx

Credit must go to Dr. Barryl A. Biekman, founder of the African Union African Diaspora Sixth Region Facilitators Working Group-Europe (AUADSFWG) for her tireless work in leading this endeavor.  Dr. Biekman has been a regular presence on the international scene for over 25 years, having participated in the 2001 World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa in 2001 and working consistently with the Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (SRDC) since its 2006 founding to establish representation for the African Diaspora in the African Union, pursuant to the AU’s African Diaspora Initiative which it had proclaimed in 2003.  She has attended meetings, conferences and public sessions at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, as well as the United Nations Headquarters in New York City and Geneve, Switzerland.  She has been a tireless advocate for the African Diaspora on the ground in The Netherlands where she currently lives, promoting the “Sixth Region” African Diaspora and mobilizing against such racist traditions as “Svarte Piet”, or “Black Pete”, a Christmas holiday tradition in many sectors of Dutch life which reinforces anti-Black stereotypes.

Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign Holds Hearing at the Organization of American States on “Loss of Resources and Generational Mass Incarceration’s Impact on Black Women”

We decided to petition for this hearing today because we are an organization that works to get people out who have been in for 30, 40, 50, 60 or more years in prison. Our organization is made up of mostly women who are working to get their folks out of prison. Right now in the United States you have two and three generations of men and women, mothers and fathers from the same family, incarcerated. All of them are attached to generations of women. For us today, this is not simply a hearing, this is a trial. This is something for 400 years we’ve been waiting. What you see here is, we are the daughters of the plantation, daughters of Maroons, daughters of Abolitionists, daughters of Freedom Fighters, daughters of Garveyites, daughters of Revolutionaries, and we are versus the United States, and they have been found guilty. The crime is the war on the Afrikan woman’s womb. Anything that has come out of the Afrikan woman’s womb in the last 400 years has been attacked, assaulted, decimated, incarcerated, imprisoned, and this will no longer be tolerated. This is unacceptable. Walter Rodney, in his book How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, talks about this underdevelopment. Thus, 400 years later, the Afrikan person that comes out of the Afrikan woman’s womb is still being underdeveloped by institutional racism and White Supremacy racism.

“So therefore, today, we sentence the US, and all the Western World that has benefited from our human resources, to 100 years of reparations that is to be paid in full. Reparative justice. In the next 10 to 20 years we want this abolition of prisons to commence. We want the extraction of our human resources from the human resource of the Afrikan woman’s womb to stop feeding the pipeline of institutional racism and generational incarceration. This will no longer be tolerated. We close the chapter today on the Department of Justice, the Prison Industrial Complex, any system entire that oppresses our bodies, our people, the Afrikan woman’s womb.

“Edward Baptist in his book, The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism, emphasizes this, that the extreme amounts of money that has been made from the human resources of Afrikan people, Dr. [Tasseli] McKay [has calculated] the price, so we say the [price] to be paid is 7.16 trillion dollars to the Black woman, only for the last four decades of incarceration, and we’re talking about one institution. Today’s verdict that has been passed is sealed. It cannot be undone. The seven testimonies and interventions that have occurred [here today and documented below are akin to the story of] the Walls of Jericho, and they will fall, tomorrow being the seventh day [November 7]. This verdict is sealed today by our ancestors, Alberta Williams King, Winnie Mandela, Maria Elena Moyano, Safiya Bukhari, Louise Little, La Mulatresse Solitude, and Fannie Lou Hamer. [The walls of Jericho] will fall today. I thank you.”

Thus the objective of this hearing, held at the offices of the Organization of American States (OAS) at 1889 F Street, NW in Downtown Washington, DC on Monday, November 6, was proclaimed by the organizer of this session, Ms. Tomiko Shine, cultural anthropologist, Founder and Director of Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign (APP-HRC), an organization dedicated to securing the freedom of those who have been held in penitentiaries and prisons for upwards of 20 to 50 years. Many of these aging people in prison are what we often refer to as Political Prisoners, members of organizations such as the Black Panther Party (BPP), American Indian Movement (AIM), MOVE and other political-dissident groups who were targeted under the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Counter-Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO). Others were convicted in tainted trials on questionable evidence in spite of their lack of political activism, and still others were handed draconian sentences for relatively minor offenses and have been imprisoned for decades. Practically all of the prisoners and former prisoners represented by APP-HRC have grown old under incarceration, and have faced struggles not only in securing their release through parole or exoneration, but also in adjusting to “life on the outside” after being freed. In practically all of these cases, the burden of their imprisonment has been felt most acutely by their families, particularly by Black women.

This hearing was presided over by the OAS’s Inter American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) for its 188th Session. The Commissioners on the panel were Ms. Margarette May Macaulay (President), Ms. Roberta Clarke (Second Vice President), Ms. Julissa Mantilla Falcón, and Ms. Tania Reneaum Panszi (Executive Secretary).

Ms. Maccaulay, President of the IACHR, opened the session, welcomed the presenters and received their testimonies, after which she and the Commissioners present asked several follow-up questions and offered their words of support and encouragement, and a request to remain connected to the presenters so they can receive further updates and calls to action from them.

Introductory Presentations by the Expert Panel

Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq., South Carolina-based human and civil rights attorney, director of the Malcolm X Center for Self Determination, founder and coordinator of WMXP Community Radio, chair of the US Human Rights Network’s Political Prisoners and State Repression Working Group, past co-chair of the National Jericho Movement for the release and freedom of all US-held political prisoners, was the first presenter:

Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq.

“The United States is party to several human rights treaties and conventions, and the issue of mass incarceration has raised concerns about violations of these treaties in the context of the disproportionate impact on Black women. Some of the key treaties include the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ratified in 1992, the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment, ratified in 1994, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, ratified in 1994, and the Universal Periodic Review along with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These treaties encompass fundamental human rights principles, including non-discrimination, the right to a fair trial, the prohibition of torture and cruel treatment, and economic and social rights. The impact of mass incarceration on Black women, including issues such as racial disparities in the criminal punishment system, access to education, health care, family separation, has led to concerns about these violations. Mass incarceration in the United States disproportionately affects Black women, and as a result they face various lifelong human rights challenges.

“My colleagues will detail the key human rights issues that Black women suffer as a result of these violations.

“The issues reflect systemic disparities in the criminal punishment system, a system which is grounded in the US history of slavery, apartheid, and racial violence. Viewed through a human rights lens, they are violations of fundamental human rights, particularly the right to equality, non-discrimination and dignity. Ongoing advocacy and reform efforts to address these human rights challenges and to promote a more just and equitable system are frustrated by the United States’ self-proclaimed exceptionalism, use of reservations, understandings and declarations when signing on to treaties, and a total lack of public and professional human rights knowledge, in the courts and the legislatures especially.

“Addressing mass incarceration and the associated human rights violations against Black women requires a multi-faceted approach. We suggest (1) Reparations. The US must create a commission to study the continuing impact of slavery, apartheid and centuries of White violence reflected in the criminal punishment system. It must devise and fund proposals for remediation and prevention of their perpetuation, including ensuring Black women full and complete access to legal representation and resources necessary to realize our full human potential. Legislative changes must occur at the federal and state levels to address laws and systemic issues contributing to mass incarceration and racial disparities in the criminal punishment system including data collection and transparency, racial bias training to raise public awareness about human rights, mass incarceration and the specific challenges that are faced by Black women.

“I thank you.”

Ms. Simone Harris read a letter from her son Rashid Harris, age 36, incarcerated since age 23 at James T. Vaughan Correctional Center, at Smyrna, Delaware with a sentence of life plus 527 years due to a habitual offender law, to his mother.

She concluded by saying, “My recommendations are to abolish the three-strike law, abolish life sentences, and to stop incarcerating juvenile minorities in their prime, which equates to genocide. Thank you.”

Ms. Krystal Young spoke about her experience, a struggle of several years against a bogus arrest and a threat of decades of imprisonment on a false charge. In 2015, she was arrested with her mother and twin brother for burglary and trespassing, was released after 9 days but was rearrested three months later on warrants based on false allegations stemming from a series of complaints of a neighbor. Her seven-year-old daughter began exhibiting psychological issues. She recounted the suffering of her grandmother, mother and daughter as she went through five different attorneys over the course of a two-year fight during which she was confronted with the possibility of facing 127 years in jail. Her case was finally dismissed, but the damage was done to her family. “It should be mandatory for any state government official to obtain any arrest history of police districts as some form of compensation for falsely accused victims. Thank you.”

Dr. Avon Hart-Johnson, president and co-founder of DC Project Connect, coming today as a support specialist, advocate, author and researcher, conducting studies in the United States and abroad, focused on several key recommendations for reforming the current carceral system (a prison, confinement and surveillance-based system of punishment):

Dr. Avon Hart-Johnson

“Today, I focus on four key areas and recommendations. First, Black women are largely incarcerated for crimes associated with survival and coping, in essence, criminalized mental health conditions, domestic violence, unaddressed substance use, has likely led to their incarceration. Recommendation number one: abolish prisons. When sanctions of a last resort are warranted, these women should be offered holistic care as a community-based alternative to restore health and well-being. Second, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 5 states in part: ‘No one should be subjected to cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment’, yet alarming reports of physical and psychological violations occur in women’s prisons every day. In 2015 alone, there were 25,000 incidents and allegations of sexual abuse, extortion, rape, groping, or other sexual related abuses in prison. Recommendation number two: we demand reparative justice, holding carceral systems responsible for past harms, current harms and preventing future harms. All prisons and halfway houses should be converted to healing centers, with emphasis placed on mental and physical health care, funded by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Third, the United Nations recognizes the right to the highest attainable standards of physical and mental health, in particular Article 25. The denial of adequate mental health intervention and gender specific health care needs, and adequate menstrual products, in prison, result in women making dehumanizing tradeoffs between basic needs and hygiene. The use of medically unsafe trauma-inducing restraints and shackles on pregnant women should cease today. Recommendation number three: we demand that incarcerated women have access to adequate health care as a matter of human rights as a public imperative. Finally, and fourth, maternal incarceration has the greatest impact on children and intergenerational incarceration. According to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights Article 12, incarcerated persons have the right to family life, a protective factor that can mitigate the cycle of incarceration. The fourth recommendation: incarcerated women should not be arbitrarily separated from their families, and their right to family life must be respected and restored, with efforts made to ensure that contact is maintained between mothers and children, and vital family bonds preserved.

“Thank you for the opportunity to testify.”

“The total harm in under 50 years of mass incarceration comes to 7.16 trillion dollars. That’s more than half the value of the entire Black-White wealth gap. No other form of domestic state violence carried out in the United States since the beginning of the 20th century compares to the scope and scale of these effects. If we are ever going to move beyond mass captivity, beyond the mass exploitation of Black women’s bodies and labor on this continent, we need universal understanding in the US and around the world of the vast harms of mass incarceration.”
— Dr. Tasseli McKay

Attorney Maya Hylton-Garza, Esq. has worked with prisoners who have relatives who have been incarcerated, worked in cities like Baltimore, Oakland and Los Angeles. She spoke “about the primacy of the American criminal justice system from the perspective of someone who works inside it.

Attorney Maya Hylton-Garza, Esq.

“To put it plainly, it’s a mess. But calling it a mess is [insufficient]; what it truly is, is a horror show. The United States incarcerates more people than any other country, being responsible for about a quarter of the world’s imprisoned people. Despite accounting for only about 13% of the US population, Black people comprise 38% of that incarcerated population. Along with incarcerating more people than any other country, the US also incarcerates more women than any other country. Racial bias permeates every facet of the system, reflecting the … lineage from the present-day system to the earliest days of slavery. At the onset, we had Slave Codes, a separate and more severe set of crimes and punishment for slaves. Following emancipation, the existence of this dual system did not disappear. While we may no longer explicitly have a separate set of crimes and punishments for Black people, evidence of racially disparate treatment can be seen throughout the system. While the United States has not yet consistently and accurately [shared] data on arrest, prosecution and incarceration trends, what we do know is that there is clear evidence pf racially disparate arrests, racially disparate sentencing, [with] more and longer sentences given to Black people and racially disparate administration of parole and probation. Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign is an abolitionist organization that [argues that] the process of emancipation for all Black people in the United States cannot conclude until the criminal justice system is abolished. The Supreme Court … very explicitly acknowledged the possibility of racial prejudice influencing a jury’s decision in any criminal case. When faced with actual statistical evidence of racial bias influencing a death penalty case, they found it as ‘not unacceptable’, allowing the death penalty to stand. With a Supreme Court so comfortable with allowing an ‘acceptable amount’ of racial discrimination to infect every Black person’s interaction with the criminal justice system, there is no reform that could occur that would be able to repair the corrupt White Supremacist heart of the current system. Aging People in Prison seeks the dismantling of the systems that support and reify such oppression, including the police, the judiciary and the carceral state. Nothing less will set us free.”

Dr. Tasseli McKay, a social scientist and record of policy scholar at Duke University, shared “new figures from my research on the economic impact of mass incarceration on Black women.

Dr. Tasseli McKay

“For all of this century in the US, the huge Black-White wealth gap that is the legacy of slavery was slowly narrowing. Those gains, small and slow, were very hard won. But in the 1970s, following great Civil Rights progress in the US, our criminal legal system began to be mobilized against Black Americans in an intensely violent and far-reaching way. As it did, the wealth gap also began to widen again, in a way it had not since the ferocious anti-Black mass political violence of the late 1800s. During the mass incarceration years, the wealth of the typical Black household has dropped 75%, while that of the typical White household has risen 14%. Mass incarceration has brought tremendous harm to Black women, families and communities, and social scientific evidence makes it possible to rigorously calculate its economic impact. I’ve written two academic books about this work, carefully reviewed by top economists and criminal legal system scholars, and so I have great confidence in what I’m about to tell you about these costs. The criminalization of Black children and youth, and their pipelining out of educational and supportive institutions has sapped 4.31 trillion dollars. The perpetual punishment of formerly incarcerated Black adults, particularly their long-term exclusion from the formal workforce, has sapped 1.07 trillion dollars. The burdens and harms shunted onto partners and mothers of incarcerated Black adults total 434 billion dollars. The lifelong repercussions for Black children of the incarcerated, particularly in lost educational opportunity, total 452 billion dollars. And the community and population-scale damages, particularly impacts on Black infant mortality and adult life expectancy, total 890 billion dollars. The total harm in under 50 years of mass incarceration comes to 7.16 trillion dollars. That’s more than half the value of the entire Black-White wealth gap. No other form of domestic state violence carried out in the United States since the beginning of the 20th century compares to the scope and scale of these effects. If we are ever going to move beyond mass captivity, beyond the mass exploitation of Black women’s bodies and labor on this continent, we need universal understanding in the US and around the world of the vast harms of mass incarceration. We need reconstruction of the abusive public institutions that did these harms. And we need at least 7.16 trillion dollars in reparations to Black women and communities for mass incarceration. Thank you so much.”

Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq. made additional comments:

“I would simply add to the information and comments that have already been made in that when we talk about reparative justice, when we talk about reparations, we’re talking about full and complete reparations, and the full and complete reparations go far beyond the money that necessarily includes the rebuilding of the individual and of a people or peoples, like the abused adopted child. We long to know who and what we are, where we were kidnapped from, what were then our names, what would have been our language, what would have been our spiritual development system, what would have been our social and familial structure. There is no price that can be put on that; at the same time, every effort must be made to do so.”

Dr. Tasseli McKay added some historical context to the discussion of the harms caused to Black women and Black families, highlighting the intentional and official US policy nature of these harms, dating back to the Richard M. Nixon administration and even before that.

“I’d like to read a quote from John Ehrlichman, who was the domestic policy advisor to Richard Nixon, widely understood by people in my field as the forefather of mass incarceration. And I’m quoting him now:

‘The Nixon Campaign in 1968 and the Nixon White House after that had two enemies: the anti-war left and Black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or Black, but by getting the people to associate the hippies with marijuana and Blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.’ [from an interview Ehrlichman gave to Dan Baum in 1994, published in the April 2016 issue of Harper’s Magazine — Editor.]

“I’d like to add that I think it’s important that we understand this as the domestic state violence that it is and has been, and that the impacts of that state violence on Black women in particular have been concealed of necessity, because the work that Black women have taken on in the face of this state violence has been to absorb, to cushion and to defend their families and communities against it, perpetually, and without their permission concealing the true magnitude of its effects. The costs of this system are so much greater than we have ever acknowledged and those costs have been borne by the most vulnerable among us, and because those costs could not come out of bank accounts, they have come out of bodies. Chris Wildeman’s research on the impacts of mass incarceration on population health in the United States shows that yes, mass incarceration has done definitive damage to our health as an entire population, and yes, those effects on life expectancy and infant mortality have been concentrated predominantly in Black communities. And yes, those effects on life, the years taken off of American lives by mass incarceration, have come off of Black women’s lives. When we look at the effects of rising Black male incarceration rates, beginning around 1978, on population health in the US, we see that the years of life lost came primarily from Black women. There’s so much that has happened, so much that has been concealed and so much strength that has been standing in resistance to this domestic state violence for many decades. Thank you so much for the time to speak to you.”

“I don’t understand why the American establishment doesn’t recognize this, and it doesn’t augur well for the reputation of the state, for this sort of thing to go on. And then I hear politicians on TV, in Congress and the Senate, Senators and Congressmen, talking about how America is not a racist country. That is the biggest, what I call ‘real politics’, because everybody looking around can recognize it, and yet they’re denying it, so how much trust can one have in the system?”
– IACHR President Margarette May Macaulay

The IACHR Commission members ask questions to the presenters.

The members of the Commission asked a number of follow-up questions. President Margarette May Macaulay added a comment and a question: “Thank you for the personal stories that show what these policies do to life and families. Thank you also for the empirical evidence that combines the information into research in action about these punitive policies that have been repeated from 1940 until today. You referred to identity reparations, and we would like to hear more about that. What are the triggers that cause the increasing harshness of the penalties?”

Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq. offered some additional perspective on the Black reparations struggle.

Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq. makes a point.

“To talk about reparations, the (IACHR) President rounds it out in a simple word: personhood, that full and complete reparations required restoration of personhood. We have since the Civil War in the United States, made demands for reparations, and the visibility and the intensity of that struggle has risen and fallen depending upon political circumstances. At the moment it enjoys great visibility and global recognition, and we credit that to the 2001 Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, which was the opportunity to globalize the issue and to bring together the Afrikan community globally in formulating the consensus that the DDPA is [important], and even more importantly and recently is the struggle to protect and defend the DDPA against the onslaught of the former, well, the colonizers, because some of them are still in place, and enslavers attempting to distract us from the consensus that was reached with the DDPA, and most importantly its civilization and expression of self-determination, setting forth the crimes against humanity and the basis for global reparations, slavery, colonization, apartheid and genocide, and that we must not allow the creation and the mandate that was given to the Permanent Forum on People of Afrikan Descent or the Agenda 2030 SDG’s, Sustainable Development Goals, to become the shiny objects that take us away from the DDPA and the significance of that expression of self-determination, which of course also includes the Five Elements that define those guidelines as to what would constitute full and complete reparations. We look forward to submitting further information on that point, and consistent with the questions that you have asked here, suffice it to say that the greatest violations continue to occur in the South, what we call ‘the Black belt’, which is where the Afrodescendant population was enslaved in the largest numbers and continues to this day to live despite our apparent mobility and our escape from bondage. Finally I would add that the US Constitution provides for the continued enslavement of people generally and Afrikan people particularly. It was a concession that was made to the South wherein the 13th Amendment is thought to abolish slavery, however it does not. It only shifts the enslavement of persons from private hands to public hands, the hands of the government. It provides that a person cannot be held in involuntary servitude except in the case of a crime. And of course it is the enslavers who have defined what human behavior is criminal. And that invariably falls heaviest on people of Afrikan descent and Afrikan women in particular. Thank you.”

“We have since the Civil War in the United States, made demands for reparations, and the visibility and the intensity of that struggle has risen and fallen depending upon political circumstances. At the moment it enjoys great visibility and global recognition, and we credit that to the 2001 Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, which was the opportunity to globalize the issue and to bring together the Afrikan community globally … and even more importantly and recently is the struggle to protect and defend the DDPA against the onslaught of the former, well, the colonizers, because some of them are still in place, and enslavers attempting to distract us from the consensus that was reached with the DDPA …”
— Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq.

Attorney Maya Hylton-Garza, Esq. spoke about state-run versus private institutions, racialized arrest practices and released prisoners being saddled with heavy debts to the state that had imprisoned them.

“I want to speak to two things, the question of abuse in state-run versus private facilities and the question of racialized arrest practices. … The United States Congress mandated under the Prison Rape Elimination Act a comprehensive study of sexual assault and sexual abuse in United States correctional facilities. That study … included a representative sample, i think, of maybe 400 United States correctional facilities. That study used state of the art methods and it did document the very substantial prevalence of sexual assault around the country and it highlights not only in adult prison facilities but in detention facilities that house children, very widespread prevalence of sexual assault and abuse. And further, I’ll note that to my knowledge there is no established difference in rates of abuse in private-run versus state-run facilities, and that isn’t intended to be offered in defense of private facilities so much as I think it speaks to the extent to which our public institutions have been harnessed to abusive ends in a time of mass incarceration.

“With regard to the question about racialized arrest practices, in the contemporary United States, 49% of Black men can expect to be arrested by the time they reach age 23. We’ve seen in the work of … Vesla Weaver and colleagues, [which] demonstrates that in fact, over the decades of mass incarceration, we have seen what she calls a great uncoupling of arrest from criminalized behavior such that arrest is now so racially targeted that it is less and less correlated with engagement in any criminalized activity and more strongly correlated with perceived race, and that racial disproportionality of course, as you all know well, continues at every level of the system and its impacts are so devastating, even at the point of arrest and policing as your remarks highlighted, many jurisdictions have implemented what they euphemistically call ‘proactive policing strategies’: stop-and-frisk, hotspot policing, various forms of aggressive police engagement and implementation of these policies we know from several rigorous social scientific studies is strongly correlated with a drop in well-being across the Black population of those cities. So, for example, we see Black students’ educational achievement drop in New York City with the implementation of stop-and-frisk, and there are examples like that from social science research across the country.

“I also want to speak to this question, which is very well taken, of individuals released from incarceration with tremendous debt to the state. To my knowledge, that practice is much more the rule than it is the exception, and those debts have to do with everything from system fees, parole monitoring fees, court fees, victim restitution, and an enormous contributor to that debt is child support enforcement. Many families have enormous debt to the child support enforcement system after the incarceration of a loved one, and often a five-figure debt, in particular because, in most states, that continues to rack up those arrears during incarceration, even though earning enough funds to pay those commitments is a true impossibility during that time. And to the also quite well taken question of what happens when individuals are released with debts that are far beyond their capacity to pay, what happens to those debts, there is fairly strong indication that those debts are paid by the women family members of incarcerated and released individuals. They are not forgiven. They are shunted onto those who can least afford them.”

Dr. Avon Hart-Johnson made further comments on behalf of mothers of incarcerated persons and the impact on families.

“I’d like to address the question about what happens when the mother is incarcerated. The first thing I want to say is that, when you incarcerate the mother, it has the greatest impact on the children. Let me give you an example. In Washington DC, we don’t have a prison. So therefore, when mothers are separated from their children, they are sent across the United States to serve their sentences. That could be California, Texas, West Virginia, for example. We know that in Washington DC, the zip codes that have the highest incarceration rates also have 16% of the people living at or below the poverty level. So how do you stay connected? Let’s talk about what happens in the family system. Well, first of all, it’s recognized as a crisis. Children are often not told where their parents are because of the stigma and shame associated with it, or perhaps the adults who are raising the children at home don’t want to emotionally burden the children. We know that about 11% of the fathers are taking care of children. We know that 11% of the children are going to go into foster care. And the vast majority are going to stay with the grandmother or grandparents who may be on a fixed income. So when we start to think about what happens with the children and why is this thing about intergenerational incarceration showing up, well, the short story is, parental incarceration is an adverse childhood experience. Probably 60% of us in this room have gone through an adverse childhood experience. It could be a frequent change of caregivers, it could be abuse, neglect, it could be violence or conflict in the home, or parental incarceration. The thing is, when children are exposed to contiguous stressors, it actually changes their genetics. So, there’s this science called epigenetics, and so when children are living in these situations, incarceration is probably just one issue, there are many complex issues going on at the same time. When the body is exposed to contiguous stressors, over and over again, it stays in a state of hyper-vigilance, and the cortisol levels are bring produced, and those kids are always in fight-or-flight, even if it doesn’t look like it, they’re in fight-ir-flight, and so therefore, the genes in the body will adjust, and it will start to put all of this energy in the fight-or-flight, rather than fighting off infections.”

Attorney Maya Hylton-Garza, Esq. spoke about efforts at reforming the carceral system:

“I just wanted to speak briefly on some reforms that are occurring. In the state of California, the Racial Justice Act was passed, which specifically tries to address the effects of racially disparate sentencing and arrests, and allows for somebody who has been convicted to bring forward evidence of racially discriminatory behavior and then allow for some type of reduction in sentencing. The law is extraordinary in the fact that it is retroactive, and it covers all families and anybody who has picked up a juvenile case, so as far as we’re concerned that’s basically everybody in the state of California who has been arrested and experienced … confinement. The law has been passed. We don’t know yet how the judges are going to handle that responsibility. It’s the Racial Justice Act, 2021. Right after George Floyd, people were very inspired to suddenly realize discrimination existed. And so, we don’t know yet. It leaves a lot to the judges in terms of how they’re going to handle each of those cases. But it does allow [for evidence of] racially discriminatory behavior to be used as evidence to prove the case, and so that is one example of reform. There are two other states that have passed Racial Justice Acts. Neither one of those are effective in any way. One is so broad that no one can use it and the other one is so narrow that no one can use it. The first one was so broad that it was repealed, and the second one is so narrow that it’s useless. We don’t know yet how California is going to handle this, how California judges are going to handle this power. I’m going to stay optimistic, but what we’ve seen in the United States is that there is a fear of too much justice, that because everyone has experienced racial discrimination, Black and Brown and Native American people have experienced racial discrimination that has impacted the way in which they engage with the carceral state, that reform would require everyone to be helped, and the United States is simply unwilling to do that.”

Closing Remarks from the Chair

IACHR President Margarette May Macaulay

IACHR President Margarette May Macaulay offered some closing comments. She noted that quite a few people have been released because DNA evidence showed their convictions were false, evidence was flawed and the convictions and sentences were unlawful. She noted that in other countries, “such persons will be compensated by the state for their mistake”. In the news, we see that people who are released in the US have received “no compensation, despite the claims about America’s largesse. Where is that when they are at fault?” There are similar issues with social welfare, in which recipients who were determined to have received Social Security and health benefits by mistake were ordered to repay years later (usually with onerous amounts of interest) regardless of their ability to pay. This had been reported on the previous day on the CBS News program 60 Minutes.

President Macaulay asked what the presenters would want the Commission to do to assist them in this matter, and expressed the desire to collaborate with them. IACHR wants to hear about the issues and specific complaints people have that are related to this case. The Web site and phone number are available for submitting information and complaints, and there is training available in some cases for Non Governmental Organizations.

Ms. Macaulay closed with these comments: “This is long past due, long, long past due. And I don’t understand why the American establishment doesn’t recognize this, and it doesn’t augur well for the reputation of the state, for this sort of thing to go on. And then I hear politicians on TV, in Congress and the Senate, Senators and Congressmen, talking about how America is not a racist country. That is the biggest, what i call ‘real politics’, because everybody looking around can recognize it, and yet they’re denying it, so how much trust can one have in the system? So please, let’s collaborate. And thank you, thank you, thank you for coming to us.”

About the IACHR

IACHR’s mission statements explain that

The IACHR is a principal and autonomous organ of the Organization of American States (“OAS”) whose mission is to promote and protect human rights in the American hemisphere. It is composed of seven independent members who serve in a personal capacity. Created by the OAS in 1959, the Commission has its headquarters in Washington, D.C. Together with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (“the Court” or “the I/A Court H.R.), installed in 1979, the Commission is one of the institutions within the inter-American system for the protection of human rights (“IAHRS”).

The formal beginning of the IAHRS was approval of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man at the Ninth International Conference of American States held in Bogota in 1948. There the OAS Charter (hereinafter “the Charter”) was adopted, which declares that one of the principles upon which the Organization is founded is the “fundamental rights of the individual.”

Full respect for human rights appears in several sections of the Charter, underscoring the importance that the Member States attach to it. In the words of the Charter, “the true significance of American solidarity and good neighborliness can only mean the consolidation on this continent, within the framework of democratic institutions, of a system of individual liberty and social justice based on respect for the essential rights of man.” The Charter establishes the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) as one of the principal organs of the OAS whose function is to promote the observance and protection of human rights and to serve as a consultative organ of the Organization in these matters.

The work of the IACHR rests on three main pillars:

      • the individual petition system;
      • monitoring of the human rights situation in the Member States, and
      • the attention devoted to priority thematic areas.

Operating within this framework, the Commission considers that inasmuch as the rights of all persons subject to the jurisdiction of the Member States are to be protected, special attention must be devoted to those populations, communities and groups that have historically been the targets of discrimination. However, the Commission’s work is also informed by other principles, among them the following: the pro homine principle, whereby a law must be interpreted in the manner most advantageous to the human being; the necessity of access to justice, and the inclusion of the gender perspective in all Commission activities.

According to the American Convention on Human Rights, the Commission shall be composed of seven members, who shall be persons of high moral character and recognized competence in the field of human rights, elected in a personal capacity by the OAS General Assembly from a list of candidates proposed by the governments of the Member States. Each of those governments may propose up to three candidates, who may be nationals of the State proposing them or of any other OAS Member State. When a slate of three is proposed, at least one of the candidates shall be a national of a State other than the one proposing the slate. The members of the Commission are elected for a four-year term and may be reelected only once.

For more information on IACHR and OAS, go to the Web site

To View the Full Hearing Video

The full hearing in video form, ‘Loss of Resources and Impact of Intergenerational Incarceration on Black Women’, can be viewed at (scroll down to Monday’s hearings, APP-HRC is first hearing)

About Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign (APP-HRC)

APP-HRC is an organization dedicated to securing the freedom of those who have been held in penitentiaries and prisons for upwards of 20 to 50 years. Many of these aging people in prison are what we often refer to as Political Prisoners, members of organizations such as the Black Panther Party (BPP), American Indian Movement (AIM), MOVE and other political-dissident groups who were targeted under the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Counter-Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO). Others were convicted in tainted trials on questionable evidence in spite of their lack of political activism, and still others were handed draconian sentences for relatively minor offenses and have been imprisoned for decades. Practically all of the prisoners and former prisoners represented by APP-HRC have grown old under incarceration, and have faced struggles not only in securing their release through parole or exoneration, but also in adjusting to “life on the outside” after being freed.

We ask you to support APP-HRC by making a donation to; Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign ( so they can continue to do their human rights reparative justice work of breaking the systemic pipeline to mass/intergenerational incarceration.


Trying to Make Sense of the Israel-Palestine Conflict

The Black Freedom Struggle often finds itself being pulled in multiple directions all at once.  We must navigate the political intrigues of two dominant political parties that take turns trying to convince us they are our only true friends (Democrats in the areas of voting rights, police accountability and anti-discrimination statutes, Republicans in the areas of gun rights, Straight  Black Pride and pull-up-by-your-bootstraps economic independence, though both sides often lie about these things) and enacting policies that make us believe they actually wish for our marginalization or even outright destruction (support for corporate interests that abuse our communities, overthrow and murder of Afrikan, Central American and South American leaders that do not obey the orders of Washington).  We must try to make sense of the many and often tangled organizations that, despite their common concern for a free, prosperous, self-determining and safe Black Community, seem to often be at odds with each other as to how to accomplish that allegedly common goal.  We are concerned about our livelihoods and the access to employment, although we often see that the industrialized society that provides us sustenance is also responsible for the slow (and not-so-slow) destruction of the very planet on which we depend for our lives. 

And then we come to the area of world affairs, where two communities with which Black People often been allied but have also had a stormy relationship find themselves locked in a centuries-old struggle, one that even goes back to the Bible and the Q’uran.  Jews, who faced their own genocide at the hands of Hitler’s Nazi Germany, have stood up to the Ku Klux Klan and the Nazis alongside us, even dying with us in the Freedom Rides.  We weep for the victims of suicide bombings and terrorist attacks.  We also weep for those whose communities are constantly subjected to a state of modern-day apartheid and slavery that inspires those very same terrorist attacks in response.  We see, in the repression of the Palestinians and the West’s wars against Iraq and Iran, similar acts of oppression and genocide that were committed against us.  But we have also fumed at the loss of Black businesses in our neighborhoods, often replaced by businesses run by the very people, on both sides, with whom we have felt solidarity in the past.  And, when political power has been obtained, we often feel we are being left out by our erstwhile allies who, in some cases, have suddenly become adversaries.

Most, if not all, of these misgivings, however, vanish when we see an entire people being subjected to what we can only describe as acts of genocide from an overwhelming military force.  The scenes of elders, women and children huddled in blankets, often covered in their own blood, in the lobby of a hospital, or the sight of a collapsed building which we know has entombed entire families that medical and rescue workers already know they will not reach in time to save them all leave us in a state of heartbreak, outrage and helplessness.  All the while, representatives of a global power use the history of genocide and terrorism they have faced to justify acts of stomach-turning barbarity in reprisal for the acts of “militants”, using the doctrine of justifiable self-defense to make a case for the collective punishment of a people that claims eight to ten times the number of casualties they have suffered. 

For many of us, it’s enough of a challenge to break away from our own lives and allow ourselves to feel these people’s pain.  It is another thing to try to understand what is happening and why, and what we, with our limited knowledge, limited resources and infinitesimal power, can do about it.

Fortunately, there are researchers and activists who can help us gain some small understanding of what is happening, so we can begin to formulate a way forward out of the madness.  We will begin our effort to introduce you to some of them here.

Heather Gray (;; is the founder of Justice Initiative, an important source of news and analysis on issues of human rights and resistance in the United States and around the world.  The conflict between Israel and Palestine, which in reality is now an Israeli assault upon the overwhelmingly-civilian population in Gaza, in her words, “is taking its toll on me as I assume it is for many of you.”

At this writing, close to 8,500 Palestinians have been killed in the unrelenting Israeli attacks, including an estimated 2,500 to 3,500 children.  (Those numbers could be much higher by the time you read this.)  While the government of Israel insists the assault is necessary to ensure the safety of Israeli citizens after the October 7 attack by a faction of Hamas that reportedly killed 1,400 people and took another 200 hostage, international observers are calling the Israeli military retaliation against civilian targets in Gaza a gross violation of international law.  As Justice Initiative continues its voluminous release of information and analysis on this conflict, Ms. Gray has reached out to those who are directly impacted by the ongoing violence and those with relevant analysis to share their thoughts with her.  Her appeal is below.  In the meantime, she has herself shared numerous analyses and historical pieces on Israel, Zionism, Palestine, the Oslo Accords that were supposed to have ushered in a solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict and brought about a lasting peace some 30 years ago, and how that hopeful solution crumbled in the rubble of acrimony, oppression and violence that has been referred to by a long list of international analysts, including former US President Jimmy Carter, as a system of apartheid.

This is the appeal for comments from Ms. Heather Gray:

United Nations Comments on the Middle East conflict

Dear all:

I am seeking comments from readers about the Middle East conflict. If you could please share your thoughts and/or additional articles about this conflict and please send them to me at:

Also, on October 26 the United Nations General Assembly held a meeting of all members of the United Nations to discuss this conflict. Click here to listen to this 3 hour long gathering to discuss this tragic conflict from what appeared to be comments from all the members of the United Nations from throughout the world. Here is the YouTube link yet again and also the commentary from the YouTube posting of this UN meeting does not begin until about 12 minutes into the video.

Below is also the narrative from the UN regarding this October 26, 2023 UN meeting. The narrative was taken from the UN YouTube posting.

Heather Gray
Justice Initiative
October 28, 2023

Ms. Gray also posted a report, as she mentioned above, on the recent United Nations resolution calling for a cease-fire, the provision of emergency aid to Gaza and the release of the hostages currently being held by the Hamas faction that had initiated the confrontation on October 7.  The resolution was overwhelmingly supported over the weekend of October 27 by the UN member states, but among the relatively few dissenters were, as many expected, Israel and the United States.

UN General Assembly adopts Gaza resolution calling for
immediate and sustained ‘humanitarian truce’

General Assembly: Tenth emergency special session (resumed), 39th plenary meeting

October 26

Illegal Israeli actions in occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Item 5).

The United Nations General Assembly, in New York, is holding an emergency special session on the Israel-Palestine conflict, amid a continuing deadlock at the Security Council.

Opening the meeting today (26 Oct), the President of the General Assembly, Dennis Francis, said, “I urge the membership to use today’s session not to further fan the flames of hate, division, and revenge. Let us seize the opportunity, instead, to unify our purpose and our actions to save lives and to end violence.”

The Permanent Observer to the UN of the State of Palestine, Riyad H. Mansour, noted, “7,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel in the last two weeks. 70 per cent of all those killed are women and children. Almost all killed are civilians. Is this the war some of you are defending? Let me repeat, is this the war some of you are defending? Can this war be defended?

Mansour concluded, “Finally, I appeal to all of you – vote to stop the killing. Vote for humanitarian aid to reach those whose very survival depends on it. Vote to stop this madness. You have a chance to do something. To give an important signal. Choose justice not vengeance. Choose to defend the law not justify its breach. Choose peace not more wars.”

The Permanent Representative of Israel, Gilad Erdan, called the events of October 7 a “massacre” and said that what ensued “has nothing to do with the Palestinians.”

Erdan continued, “Nothing. It has nothing to do with the Arab-Israeli conflict, or the Palestinian question. This is not a war with the Palestinians. Israel is at war with the genocidal-jihadist Hamas terror organization. Only. It is the law-abiding democracy of Israel against modern day Nazis.

Addressing Member States, the ambassador asked, “Do you not think it’s unbelievable that this resolution here today and this session are not solely focused on Hamas’ atrocities? When reading this resolution, Hamas seems to be missing in action. The drafters of the resolution claim to be concerned about peace, yet the depraved murderers who initiated this war are not even mentioned in the resolution. Are not even mentioned. They see each one of you as puppets.”

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of Jordan, Ayman Safadi, noted that his country had introduced a resolution to be voted on at the end of the session.

Safadi said, “It is at such times of cruelty, inhumanity and total disregard for international law that we must speak out clearly and unequivocally. There is no room for gray areas here. We must stand for life, for justice, for peace. We must stand against this war on Gaza. And the humanitarian catastrophe it is causing. We must stand on the side of our human values and for the charter of these United Nations. History will judge us.”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, also participated in the meeting, saying, “Today in New York, and the United Nations, I say frankly, to the American statesmen, who are now managing the genocide in Palestine, that we do not welcome the expansion of the war in the region. But I warn – if the genocide in Gaza continues, they will not be spared from this fire. It is our home and West Asia is our region. We do not compromise with any party and any side, and we have no reservation when it comes to our homes’ security.”

The emergency session takes place after the Security Council failed on Wednesday to adopt two resolutions on addressing the humanitarian crisis. China and Russia vetoed a United States-led draft resolution and a second Russian-backed resolution failed to secure sufficient votes in favour.

This followed failures for unity at the Council, last week. A Russian-led draft resolution calling for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” was voted down last Monday and the following Wednesday, the US vetoed a Brazilian-led text that urged “humanitarian pauses” to deliver aid to millions in the Gaza Strip.

More from the International Community

An article on the open-source research site Wikipedia (–Hamas_war) also describes the reactions of members of the international community:

On 7 October 2023, a large escalation of the Gaza–Israel conflict began with a coordinated offensive by multiple Palestinian militant groups against Israel. A number of countries, including many of Israel’s Western allies, such as the United States and a number of European countries, condemned the attacks by Hamas, expressed solidarity for Israel and stated that Israel has a right to defend itself from armed attacks, while countries of the Muslim world (including the Axis of Resistance) have expressed support for the Palestinians, blaming the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories as being the root cause for the escalation of violence. The events prompted several world leaders to announce their intention to visit Israel, including US President Joe Biden,[1] French President Emmanuel Macron,[2] German Chancellor Olaf Scholz,[3] and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.[4]

Numerous countries called for a ceasefire and de-escalation. International organizations, students organizations, charities, ecumenical Christian organizations, and Jewish and Islamic groups commented on the situation. On 27 October 2023, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for an immediate and sustained humanitarian truce and cessation of hostilities, adopted by a vote of 121 states to 14, with 44 abstentions.[5]

Again, notable among the votes opposing the cease-fire and delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza were Israel and the United States.

What triggered this military assault?

According to another Wikipedia article on the Israel-Hamas War timeline (–Hamas_war), the Israel-Hamas War, as it has been called, was triggered by an assault that, according to the Israeli Defense Forces, included the firing of hundreds of rockets and killed over 1,400 people and kidnapped two hundred, launched by Palestinian militant groups associated with Hamas on Israeli settlements and a music festival near Gaza:

The 2023 Israel–Hamas war began on October 7, 2023 when Hamas launched an unprecedented multi-faceted and sustained assault on Israel from the Gaza Strip, on the 50th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War.

Ms. Gray also shared an article by Michael Chossudovsky (“Justified Vengeance” and the Invasion of Gaza: Palestine Is Portrayed as “The Aggressor”), which we are linking to for anyone who wants to read it in its entirety.  Chossudovsky gives an analysis of the Israel-Palestine conflict, describes the Israeli assault on Gaza as “a criminal undertaking based on Israel’s doctrine of ‘Justified Vengeance’ which was first formulated in 2001”, and further states that the October 7 attack that precipitated this escalation in the conflict was actually a “false flag” operation by “a faction” of Hamas that was in contact with the Israeli Mossad, all part of a larger plan to first isolate Gaza from the West Bank, weaken the West Bank, then justify a military operation against Gaza to take control of the entirety of Israel and Palestine, all under the direction of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his regime.

The “Justified Vengeance” doctrine propounds in no uncertain terms that (despite its limited military capabilities) Palestine rather than Israel is “the aggressor” and that Israel has the right to defend itself.

This doctrine of “Justified Vengeance”, however, bears all the hallmarks of a justification of “collective punishment” to be aimed at the Palestinian civilian population, including threats to bomb hospitals, which are blatant violations of international law and ventures into the realm of acts of genocide.

But, wasn’t the Israeli-Palestinian issue supposed to have been solved decades ago?  Weren’t the efforts of President Jimmy Carter in the 1970s (with Israeli leaders Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat) and then President Bill Clinton in the 1990s (with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin and Palestinian Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat) supposed to have solved the issues of Israel’s hostilities with its neighbors and with Palestine, ushering in a new era of Middle East peace?

The Oslo Accords: 30 Years of Dashed Hopes

The Middle East-oriented Al Jazeera news network published an article on September 13, 2023, What were the Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestinians?,  Here is an excerpt from that article:

What were the Oslo Accords?

The first Oslo Accord, known as Oslo I, was signed on September 13, 1993. The agreement between the Israeli and Palestinian leadership saw each side recognise the other for the first time. Both sides also pledged to end their decades-long conflict.

A second accord, known as Oslo II, was signed in September 1995 and went into more detail on the structure of the bodies that the peace process was supposed to form.

The Oslo Accords were supposed to bring about Palestinian self-determination, in the form of a Palestinian state alongside Israel. This would mean that Israel, which was formed on the land of historic Palestine in 1948 in an event Palestinians know as the Nakba, would accept Palestinian claims to national sovereignty. The claims, however, would only be limited to a fraction of historic Palestine, with the rest left to Israel’s sovereignty.

To meet that goal several steps would need to be taken, including the phased withdrawal of the Israeli military from the Palestinian territories it had illegally occupied since 1967, and the transfer of authority to a Palestinian administration, except for final status issues, including the status of Jerusalem (the eastern half of which is occupied Palestinian land) and Israel’s illegal settlements, which would be negotiated at a later date.

The accords therefore led to the creation of the supposedly temporary Palestinian Authority (PA), and the division of territory in the West Bank into Areas A, B and C, denoting how much control the PA has in each. which to this day administers limited rule over the two areas.

A final treaty was to be reached in five years – but that has not happened. 

Right-wing Israelis had no desire to give the Palestinians any concessions, and did not want any agreements with the PLO, which they considered a “terrorist organisation”. Israeli settlers also feared it would lead to their eviction from the illegal settlements in the occupied territories.

Elements of the far-right were so opposed to the Oslo Accords that Rabin himself was assassinated in 1995 for signing them. Among the people who had threatened Rabin before his death was Itamar Ben-Gvir, now Israel’s National Security Minister.

Meanwhile, Palestinian groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, warned that a two-state solution would forgo the right of Palestinian refugees to return to the historic lands seized from them in 1948 when Israel was created. …

The Oslo Accords witnessed a slow decline, with Israel continuing its occupation of Palestinian land and refusing to withdraw militarily from the majority of the West Bank while continuing to conduct raids into land considered under the full administration of the PA.

Following Rabin’s death, a number of Israeli leaders who opposed the accords came to power, among them current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as Ariel Sharon.

The Web site Mondoweiss, “News & Opinion about Palestine, Israel & the United States”, published an analysis by Dr. Mustapha Barghouthi, Thirty years after the Oslo Accords: facing a reality of apartheid (, in which he states:

After thirty years, it became evident that the “dream” of establishing a Palestinian state through the Oslo agreement was merely a nightmare with continued Israeli military occupation. It has become evident that the Oslo Accords did no more than consolidate the Israeli occupation, as the Accords did not include the discontinuation of Israeli settlement activities in the occupied territories.

The U.S. administration and the rest of the international community continued to issue statements about how settlements are obstacles to peace but failed to exercise pressure on Israel to stop the growth of Israeli settler colonialism, leading to the loss of the possibility of a “two-state solution,” and with it, the potential for real peace.

Protests Against the Israel-Hamas War Around the World

Public outcry has been massive.  Grand Central Station in New York City was the scene of a massive protest by Jewish Voices for Peace and a number of allied organizations based on their repeated demands “Not in Our Name” and “Never Again, for Anyone”.  DemocracyNow! host Amy Goodman personally interviewed several Palestinian, Jewish and Afrikan American activists, including university professors and local and state representatives, who attended the massive rally with the intent on being arrested or had been arrested over the previous two weeks in similar protests.  Direct actions have taken place in Baltimore, Maryland and Washington, DC, as well as other cities across the United States and around the world.  A representative of the Palestinian people attended the 2023 National Black Radical Political Convention (NBRPC) in Baltimore over the weekend of October 28-29 and reported that of the 8,000-plus Palestinians killed in the Israeli assault at that time, an estimated 13 were confirmed to be “militants”.  NBRPC is issuing a statement of solidarity with the Palestinian people, as are practically all activist and political organizations that have been rather disingenuously lumped together as the “radical Left” by right-wing politicians, officials and activists.  A Wikipedia article on the 2023 Israel-Hamas War protests (–Hamas_war_protests) details direct actions being taken around the world.

The 2023 Israel–Hamas war sparked protests, demonstrations, and vigils around the world.[8] These events focused on a variety of issues related to the conflict, including demands for a ceasefire, an end to the blockade, returning Israeli hostages, protesting war crimes, and providing humanitarian aid to Gaza. Protests against Israeli action in Gaza were notably large across the Middle East and North Africa, particularly following the al-Ahli Arab Hospital explosion.[9]

In some European countries, public support for Palestinian human rights was criminalized, with countries such as FranceGermany, the United Kingdom, and Hungary restricting pro-Palestinian political speech.[10] The conflict also sparked large protests at Israeli and U.S. embassies around the world.[11] On 28 October, Mondoweiss claimed the protests against Israeli actions in Gaza were the largest anti-war protests in the United States since the Iraq War protests.[12]

We do not know how this all will end.  As mentioned above, many felt the Oslo Accords were destined to bring about what we often refer to in social gatherings as “Peace in the Middle East”.  But the decades of grievance brought on by the 1948 creation of the State of Israel at the expense of the Palestinian population that already lived there, the claim of ancestral ownership going back millennia by many Israelis, the counter-claims that many of the Zionists were not the descendants of the original Hebrews, the fires of acrimony fanned by religious dogma, and the cries for vengeance by the survivors of the wars and attacks on both sides seem to have locked the Israeli and Palestinian people in an eternal conflict of hit-and-run terrorist attacks and military strikes that looks like it could last an eternity, despite the masses of Jewish, Palestinian and other Arab activists that have often come together in other parts of the world to call for peace and an egalitarian society for Israelis and Palestinians alike.  While civil society grassroots activists all seem to agree that we want peace, those in positions of authority often seem drunk on their political and military power and are all too willing to pour gasoline on an already volatile situation, justifying terrorist attacks like those on October 7 as a response to decades of political repression, and defending the wholesale bombing of cowering, helpless civilians in Gaza under a doctrine of “Justified Vengeance”.  They apparently never listened to the lyrics of a 2003 song by Michael Franti and Spearhead in 2003: “You can bomb the world to pieces, but you can’t bomb it into peace.”


The Ancestors’ Call: Dr. Susan Hycenth Efe ALFRED, May 1, 1969 – September 19, 2023

Friday, September 22, 2023
Tribute to A Great Pan-Africanist: Her Excellency Ambassador Dr. Susan H.E. Alfred, President of the Ghana-Caribbean Chamber of Commerce (GCCC), May 1, 1969 – September 19, 2023
Prof. David L. Horne and Dr. Line Hilgros

“Through death, the family is not destroyed, it is transformed, it is just a part of it that goes into the invisible. Death is not an absence, because it remains a discreet presence.”
– Dr. Line Hilgros, SRDC-Guadeloupe

Prof. David L. Horne, founder of the organization SIXTH REGION DIASPORA CAUCUS (SRDC) of the USA, Central America, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana and all our members, learned with amazement and sorrow the passage towards the luminous summits of our dear friend Her Excellency Doctor Susan Hycenth Efe Alfred.


A great Trinidadian and Ghanaian by adoption has just added her name to the African pantheon of Pan-Africanist pioneers.

The SRDC would like to acclaim you for the legacy you have left us, and above all to thank you, because in all humility you have left the mark of your intelligence on the African world and its descendants.

As Ghana’s excellent ambassador for the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries and the African Union, you have helped to forge unfailing links between the two sides of the Atlantic, the world of Mother Africa and that of her deported children.

The SRDC would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to you as a woman of passion, conviction and determination, whose unshakeable will could not be swayed by any pressure, and whose beautiful creative soul, independent of all powers, had a clear vision for the development of our regions. The SRDC also remembers your courtesy, humility and savoir-être, filled with gratitude and love for our Mother Continent, all qualities that have made your aura reach far beyond the borders of your beloved country Trinidad and Tobago.

Your struggles and work to advance the Pan-African cause, and to build a bridge between Ghana, the Caribbean and, by extension, the Diaspora as a whole, made you an exceptional individual.

To be or not to be? said Shakespeare,

You chose to Be, by quietly building lasting relations between Ghana and its uprooted children, thus implementing the directives of the International Decade of People of African Descent, with the creation of the Chamber of Commerce whose objective is to link the Caribbean with Ghana. Together with your family and colleagues, we will strive to ensure that your legacy continues to flourish.

The SRDC would like to thank you once again for refocusing on the real issues at stake in the future of Ghana-Diaspora relations, with courage and determination.

The time has come for us to say goodbye and not farewell to our fabulous and charismatic comrade, following that fateful Tuesday 19 September 2023, when her luminous smile, a source of inspiration, was brutally snatched from our affection.

The SRDC salutes with love, strength, gratitude and sorrow the memory of our sister Her Excellency Dr. Susan H. E. Alfred who has just joined the circle of Great Ancestors.

And as you advance along the path of Light, we ask Mama Africa (Miriam Makeba) to sing the hymn of welcome to the Righteous of this world, of which you are now a part.

Ase! Ase! Ase! Asante sana

Condolences to the Alfred family and to the Honorable Members of the Ghana-Caribbean Chamber of Commerce (GCCC)!

Prof. David L. Horne, PhD
Founder of SRDC
Founder and Executive Director of Pan African Public Policy and Ethical Institute (PAPPEI)

SRDC 2023 Summit, Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia, October 10-13

The Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (SRDC) holds its 15th Annual International Summit at Clark Atlanta University during the week of October 10-13.  The Summit continues SRDC’s theme of “21st Century Pan Africanism: Moving Africa Forward”.

Presenters will include Professor David L. Horne, SRDC’s International Facilitator and Director, and Honorable Madam Louise M. Siaway, founder, Executive Director and CEO of Sehwah Liberia, a civil-society organization and SRDC affiliate in Liberia.

Among the questions to be discussed at the Summit are:

  • What is the African Diaspora and where do we fit in?
  • Can we make a real difference in Africa?
  • What’s already happening and how can we get involved?

The 2023 SRDC International Summit is being run in cooperation with the 2023 HBCU Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference (PAGTIC) which is being held concurrently with this Summit.  To learn more about PAGTIC, click here or visit their Web site,

To inquire about attending the 2023 SRDC International Summit, contact us at or



“Black August: The Shakur Nation” on Africa 500, Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The Wednesday, August 9 edition of Africa 500 begins its celebration of Black August by taking a look at the legacy of the Shakur Family in “Black August: The Shakur Nation”. Show hosts Sis. Tomiko and Bro. Ty welcome special guests Mama Efia Nwangaza and Dr. Kokayi Patterson.

Mama Efia Nwangaza

Bio: South Carolina based Human Rights Attorney. Founder and Director of Malcolm X Center for Self Determination – WMXP Community Radio, a Co-founder of National N’COBRA and Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, past co-chair of the National Jericho Movement to Free All Political Prisoners, member of the Black Belt Human Rights Coalition, member of Black Alliance for Peace, veteran of Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, and a proud daughter of Garveyites.

from the Web site

Efia Nwangaza, Founder

Efia Nwangaza is a lifelong civil/human rights activist and freedom fighter who first worked for the liberation of African/Black people as a child in her Garveyite parents’ apostolic faith church, in her birthplace of Norfolk, Virginia.

At age 13 years, she served as secretary of the Norfolk Branch of the NAACP Youth and College Chapter and, later in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania she fought police violence, worked in the successful NAACP led campaign to desegregate Girard College, “a school for poor white, male, orphans” which then sat in the heart of Black North Philadelphia.

Efia and her family helped raise money and collect clothes and food to send South for those evicted and persecuted for attempting and registering to vote.

She joined forces with returning SNCC volunteers to found the Northern Student Movement (NSM) Freedom Library Day School; featured in the Xerox sponsored Black History: Lost, Stolen or Strayed series.

Anxious to go into the heat of battle, Efia Nwangaza accepted a scholarship and attended Spelman College. She worked at the national SNCC office and took on campus organizing for the successful Julian Bond Special Election Campaign Committee/SNCC-Atlanta Project. The Atlanta Project, SNCC’s first attempt at urban organizing, began raising concerns of a maturing movement and demands of the day, self-determination and SNCC’s position on the US War in Vietnam (which it did before King and SCLC), Palestine, and the role of whites in the community and organization. Atlanta Project position papers became the theoretical underpinnings for SNCC programming, and advancement of the modern “black power” call popularized by Kwame Ture (FKA Stokely Carmichael).

Armed with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Visual Arts from Spelman College, Temple University’s first Master of Arts degree in Women’s History (African-African American), and Golden Gate University School of Law Juris Doctorate, she went to Greenville, South Carolina where she is known as a freedom fighter, legal precedent setter and the recipient of many awards.

Efia Nwangaza is the founder and Executive Director of the Afrikan-American Institute for Policy Studies and Planning and founding member and SC Coordinator for the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement for Self-Determination. She is the founder/coordinator of the WMXP-LP community-based radio, and a board member of Pacifica National Foundation, the nation’s oldest progressive radio network.

Efia is the former co-chair of the Jericho Movement for US Political Prisoners, represented the U.S. Human Rights Network’s Political Prisoner Working Group in observing the U.S. first appearance for UN Universal Periodic Review, in Geneva. She represented the National Conference of Black Lawyers in Aristide era Haiti, lectured at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women, NGO Forum, Beijing, China, and helped draft action plan for UN World Conference Against Racism.

She is an Amnesty International USA Human Rights Defender, and past member of the national Board of Directors for National Organization of Women (1990-1994) which launched the Every Woman NOW Campaign for President to force NOW to address internal white supremacy and elitism, African-American Institute for Research and Empowerment (1994-1996), South Carolina ACLU (1994-2000), and she was a 2004 Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate in memoriam and education of voting rights/citizenship work and ethics of Fannie Lou Hammer, Mojeska Simpkins, and Septima Clark.

Taken from Invisible Giants: Coming Into View Volume II

Dr. Kokayi Patterson

from the LinkedIn page of Dr. Winston Kokayi Patterson (

Dr. Winston Kokayi Patterson

Wholistic Health Practitioner, Co-Founder of The African Wholistic Health Association, Exec. Dir. of The Acudetox Specialist Collective


Prior to becoming an Acupuncture Detox Specialist in 1979, Kokayi Patterson was a Drug Counselor and Program Manager/Director specializing in Residential Treatment, Community Outreach, and Youth Counseling. For over 35 years, he witnessed acupuncture used since 1970 at a local Drug Center. He lectures in D.C., MD, VA, and nationally. At the Drug Center, he headed both staff & client orientation and training for 20 years.

The Legacy of the Shakur Family

AUTHOR INTERVIEWS: ‘An Amerikan Family’ traces the legacy of Tupac Shakur’s influential family, article by Tonya Mosley, Fresh Air, June 14, 2023:

Article on the Web site of The New Republic by Keisha N. Blain, August 3, 2023: How the Shakurs Became One of America’s Most Influential Families; In a white supremacist society; the Black family offers a buffer and, at times, a space for resistance:

“Now all ancestors …. Looking at the lives of Dr. Mutulu Shakur, Afeni Shakur, and Tupac Shakur will be an entryway into their life’s work of resistance, commitment, and sacrifice and how to collectively reproduce this in families and children of the African collective in America” – Sis. Tomiko

If you weren’t able to hear the show in its usual Wednesday 3 PM slot, Hand Radio will rebroadcast the show on Thursday, August 10 at 3 PM (Eastern Time, United States).  Or, listen to the recorded show below:

Africa 500 is broadcast every Wednesday at 3:00 PM (Eastern Time, United States) on Hand Radio ( After the broadcast, the show is available in an update of this post and on the Audio-Visual Media Pages of KUUMBAReport (, KUUMBAEvents ( and the Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (

Wednesdays @3pm EST.

Celebrating Black August

“The seed you plant in love, no matter how small, will grow into a mighty tree of refuge” – Afeni Shakur
“I believe in the sweat of love and in the fire of truth” – Assata Shakur

African Diaspora High Council Meets in Maputo, Mozambique

The African Union African Diaspora Sixth Region High Council (AUADS High Council), formed last May in the aftermath of the Roots-Synergy Roundtable that had been competed in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia over the weekend of Africa Day/African Liberation Day, recently competed its second international meeting, the Roots-Synergy Roundtable in Maputo, Mozambique, from July 10-13, 2023.

The meeting was scheduled to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the July 11, 2003 drafting of the African Union’s Article 3(q) of its Constitutive Act, which was the key statute launching the AU’s Diaspora Initiative and included the call for the African Diaspora — those whose ancestors had been taken away in slavery centuries ago as well as those who had voluntarily left the Mother Continent to live in the West — to return home to Africa and participate in the AU’s governance and development on behalf of the global African world.

The meeting was organized by a coalition of global African activists, including Dr. Barryl Biekman of the African Union African Diaspora Sixth Region Facilitators Working Group Europe (AUADSFWG), Dr. Tumenta Kennedy, formerly of AUADSFWG in the United Kingdom but now living in Africa, Mama Angela Sayles of the Global African Sheroes Union and Mama Abena Grace James of the Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (SRDC), currently living in Tanzania.  Other key participants and presenters included Professor David Horne, Director of SRDC based in California, and Bro. Siphiwe Baleka of the Balanta B’urassa History and Genealogical Society in America (BBHAGSIA) and Coordinator of the Lineage Restoration Council of Guinea Bissau (LRC-GB), whom is now living in Guinea-Bissau after tracing his lineage there.

In recognition and celebration of the achievement of the Maputo Roundtable, Dr. Biekman sent this open letter to supporters and participants:

Dear Families,

This is to let you know how grateful we are for the results of our Pan African RootsSynergy Maputo Roundtable.  We have succeeded in realizing the long-cherished wish and mission in Maputo Mozambique.  We have been warmly welcomed and have built up good contacts/partnerships.  The door is now open for further cooperation on the implementation of the African Union African Article 3Q mission guided by the AUADS High Council.  The work had already begun.  From now on we have entered a different phase.  We continue to hope, believe and trust in your support.  Exactly what the ancestors wanted: An integrated Africa and its Diaspora.  We have shown that we have understood the wishes and expectations.  20 years of striving is a reality July 11: the Article 3Q Diaspora Day is a fact.  Let the bells ring.  And… The champagne bottle can now be opened.

Ubuntu United Connected Collective

On behalf of the AUADS High Council Facilitators:
Dr. Barryl A. Biekman
Mrs. Angela Sayles
Mrs. Nana Abena James
Dr. T. Kennedy

The official Press Release for the Maputo meeting is below in PAF format.  The Web site for the July 10-13 Maputo meeting is

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:

Secretariat Facilitators African Union African Diaspora Sixth Region High Council

Final Press Release Results Maputo Article 3Q Roundtable July 11 2023

Africa 500 Discusses the State of the Diaspora, Wednesday, July 12 and Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Africa 500 is presenting its two-part discussion of the State of the Diaspora on two consecutive Wednesdays, July 12 and July 19, on Hand Radio (

Wednesday, July 12: Baba Francois Ndengwe

Show hosts Sis. Tomiko and Bro. Ty welcome Baba Francios Ndengwe, publisher and editor of Hommes d’Afrique and Femmes d’Afrique magazines and founder of the African Advisory Board, on Wednesday, July 12. He also has hosted the feature “Fresh News From Africa” which has aired periodically on Africa 500.

Listen to the July 12, 2023 show here:

Wednesday, July 19: Grandmother Walks On Water

Activist, artist and Elder Grandmother Walks On Water, also known as Nata’aska Humminbird is of Choctaw, Creek, Cherokee and African Heritage.  She is also co-founder of Baltimore based Wombwork Productions which utilizes art, theatre, and cultural healing modalities to empower youth and community. She has hosted the program “Mothership” on Africa 500 over the past year, and she follows up this discussion on the State of the Diaspora on Wednesday, July 19.

Listen to the July 19, 2023 show here:

Africa 500 is broadcast every Wednesday at 3:00 PM (Eastern Time, United States) on Hand Radio ( After the broadcast, the show can be listened to on an update of this post as well as on the Audio-Visual Media Pages of KUUMBAReport (, KUUMBAEvents ( and the Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (

Wednesdays @3pm EST. 


Africa 500 Discusses Child Support Enforcement and the War on Black Fatherhood, Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The Wednesday, July 5, 2023 edition of Africa 500 looks as the issue of Child Support Enforcement and the War on Black Fatherhood. Joining show hosts Sis. Tomiko and Bro. Ty is Black Child Advocate and WPFW Jazz & Justice Radio Personality Bobby Rox.

Bobby Rox attended Howard University and his picture sits amongst the best of the best in the Bison sports hall of fame. He is known as the distressed child advocate and superhero to underserved Black boys and girls. Bobby is an on-air personality and news reporter who has broadcast award winning work for radio and television stations including WPFW 89.3 FM and WTTG FOX 5. Because of his business acumen in broadcasting and public advocacy efforts on protecting the entire Black family via better treatment by the family court system, Mr. Rox has appeared as a repeat panelist/guest speaker with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters (NABOB), Multicultural Media Telecom and Internet Council (MMTC), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) and more. Bobby got his start in the broadcast industry as a DJ (of Soul, Funk, Jazz and Dilla Inspired Hip Hop) and continues to spin here and there when he is not on the air.

Listen to the Wednesday, July 5, 2023 show here:

Also, check out the following Eventbrite Virtual Call-To-Action related to this important issue:

Sunday, July 16
Black Fathers: The Child Enforcement Courts to Prison Pipeline
This virtual dialogue will discuss the Child Support Enforcement court to Prison Pipeline and the generational separation of black families.

By Strive365 and HANDRadio
Sunday, July 16 · 2 – 3pm EDT

About this event
1 hour
Mobile eTicket (See Registration Link Below)

This long overdue and hidden issue will be discussed to unpack the systemic impact of child support enforcement courts on the black family. This discussion will specifically look at the various impacts that have accumulated over time on the black father like: separation from children, mass incarceration, poverty, economic loss, and trauma.

As systemic/institutional racism is a public health crisis; institutions like the criminal justice system has caused generational trauma, separation of black families, and disempowerment of black fathers. Thus this is an intergenerational safe space to begin policy/community dialogue, healing, and the reuniting of black fathers with their children.

This virtual dialogue is an initial preview and preparation for the DMV Child Support Enforcement Listening Tour to follow from August – October in Baltimore, Prince George’s County, and Washington DC. More details and dates/time to follow.


Learning from the United States’ Painful History of Child Support – June 2022.

How much child support do parents actually receive? – July 2022.

The Regulation of Black Families – April 2022.

Child Support as an Entry Point to Incarceration – October 2021.

Was Child Support Designed to Destroy Black Families –

Child Support Enforcement can hurt black, low-income, noncustodial fathers and their kids – June 2016.

How the Family Court System Fails Black Fathers – and How You Can Help – July 2020.

Op-Ed: Why The Taboo Of Child Support And Black Families Still Sparks Heated Debates – November 2019.

California keeps millions in child support while parents drown in debt – May 2021.

Topic: Black Fathers: Child Support Enforcement to Prison Pipeline

Date & Time: July 16, 2023 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

To reserve your space, go to this link:

Organized by
Strive365 and HANDRadio


Africa 500 is broadcast every Wednesday at 3:00 PM (Eastern Time, United States) on Hand Radio ( After the broadcast, the show can be heard on an update of this post or on the Media Pages of KUUMBAReport (, KUUMBAEvents ( and the Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (

Wednesdays @3pm EST.

Maryland’s “Black Summer” Events: Coming Out of COVID

As the COVID pandemic slowly recedes and better treatments are being developed, it’s becoming less nerve-wracking for us to come out and engage in solidarity with each other.  2023 is expected to usher in the re-awakening of our community and activist spirit, with a variety of events, from Pan Afrikan Town Hall Meetings to traditional public celebrations, once again taking center stage as beacons of unity, togetherness and love for our community.

“Black Summer” is heating up in Maryland!  African Liberation Day was recently held at Lafayette Square Park in West Baltimore, a popular location (along with Harlem Park, also in West Baltimore) for Afrikan centered cultural celebrations.  AFRAM is being held over the weekend of June 17-18, and has become somewhat of a mainstream tradition in Baltimore.  There are a number of events and commemorations that have not been commodified and turned into mainstream community events, and while they are open to everyone to attend, they have maintained much of their original Pan-Afrikan activist emphasis.

The following events, starting over the Juneteenth Weekend, have been submitted by Dr. Kimya Nuru-Dennis of the UNIA-ACL Baltimore Division 106 Barca-Clarke.  The activities will culminate during “Black August”, in which a number of Pan-Afrikan observances and cultural celebrations will take place, prominent among them the celebration of the 136th birthday of The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, or what we call “Garvey Day”.

We invite Pan-Afrikan organizations, activists and members of the grassroots community to share your upcoming “Black Summer” events with us, and we will post your events here.  This post will be visible throughout the summer, and we will update it when new information is submitted.

Again, the following four (4) events were shared with us by Dr. Kimya Nuru-Dennis of the UNIA-ACL Baltimore Division 106 Barca-Clarke.  

1. Saturday, June 17, Juneteenth Celebration: UNIA-ACL Baltimore Division 106 Barca-Clarke will have a resource table at this FREE event: Free Juneteenth Celebration Outdoor Festival Tickets, Sat, Jun 17, 2023 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite:

Free Juneteenth Celebration Outdoor Festival
Sonja Secrets is proud and humbled to present our first festival of 2023. Our Annual Juneteenth Celebration. Live music, great food, fun.

2. Sunday, July 9, Happy Nappy Day: Dr. Kimya Nuru Dennis will provide a health-and-education resource table at the FREE Annual Happy Nappy Day. Poor Righteous Teachers will perform this year: Free Concert Poor Righteous Teachers Tickets, Sun, Jul 9, 2023 at 1:00 PM | Eventbrite:

Free Concert Poor Righteous Teachers
Free to the Public Poor Righteous Teachers free to the public

3. Saturday, July 29, Race 1st Rally: Lafayette Square Park: Pencil in calendar and more details will be provided by planners such as UNIA-ACL Baltimore Division 106 Barca-Clarke.

race 1st baltimore – Search Results | Facebook

4. Saturday, August 19, 53rd Annual Marcus Garvey Day Parade & Festival: This event has been held every summer around August 17 to commemorate the birthday of The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey (August 17, 1887).  Esteemed Baltimore Elder Baba Charlie Dugger has reserved park space (usually either Harlem Park or Lafayette Square Park in West Baltimore) for the last 40-plus years to observe this special day with a parade and an Afrikan-centered family gathering.  Pencil this date in your in calendar and make plans to be part of this celebration of Pan-Afrikan Unity!  More details will be provided in the coming weeks by event planners such as UNIA-ACL Baltimore Division 106 Barca-Clarke.

Again, we invite Pan-Afrikan organizations, activists and members of the grassroots community to share your upcoming “Black Summer” events with us, and we will post your events here.  Our contact information is below.  This post will be visible throughout the summer, and we will update it when new information is submitted.

Peace and Power,
Bro. Cliff
Editor, KUUMBAReport Online (
Editor, KUUMBAEvents Online (