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Black Women, Black Love on Africa400, Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Wednesday, February 17 edition of Africa400 explored the topic Black Women, Black Love as Mama Tomiko and Baba Ty continued their observance of Black Love Month.  Mama Tomiko interviewed Special Guest Dianne Marie Stewart, author of Black Women, Black Love: America’s War on African American Marriage.

Listen to the show here:

The show airs at 2:00 PM on HandRadio, or on the HANDRadio app. The audio from the show ia made available on this post and on our Media Page after the show airs.

Dianne Marie Stewart is an associate professor of Religion and African American Studies at Emory University specializing in African-heritage religious cultures in the Caribbean and the Americas. She was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and grew up in Hartford, CT, USA. She obtained her B.A. degree from Colgate University in English and African American Studies, her M.Div. degree from Harvard Divinity School and her Ph.D. degree in systematic theology from Union Theological Seminary in New York City, where she studied with well-known scholars such as Delores Williams, James Washington and her advisor James Cone. Dr. Stewart joined Emory’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences in 2001 and teaches courses in the graduate and undergraduate programs. Inspired by her pedagogical investment in Black love studies and her widely celebrated courses, The Power of Black Self-Love, (co-taught with Dr. Donna Troka), Black Love and Black Women, Black Love and the Pursuit of Happiness, Dr. Stewart spent four years research and writing Black Women, Black Love: America’s War on African American Marriage, which was published by Seal Press in 2020. Her public scholarship and interviews on the subject of Black love, partnership and marriage have also been published in The Washington Post and other outlets.

According to the 2010 US census, more than seventy percent of Black women in America are unmarried. Black Women, Black Love reveals how four centuries of laws, policies, and customs have created that crisis.

Dianne Stewart begins in the colonial era, when slave owners denied Blacks the right to marry, divided families, and, in many cases, raped enslaved women and girls. Later, during Reconstruction and the ensuing decades, violence split up couples again as millions embarked on the Great Migration north, where the welfare system mandated that women remain single in order to receive government support. And no institution has forbidden Black love as effectively as the prison-industrial complex, which removes Black men en masse from the pool of marriageable partners.

Prodigiously researched and deeply felt, Black Women, Black Love reveals how white supremacy has systematically broken the heart of Black America, and it proposes strategies for dismantling the structural forces that have plagued Black love and marriage for centuries.

Wednesdays 2-3pm EST.

Africa400 Feb 10 2021, The Black Love Series: Black Love Day with Mama Ayo Handy-Kendi

Mama Tomiko and Baba Ty discussed Black Love Day on the Wednesday, February 10 edition of Africa400 with Mama Ayo Handy-Kendi, founder of PositivEnergyWorks (, as part of Africa400’s Black Love Series for February.

Check out the audio of the program, which was broadcast on HANDRadio ( below:

Below, Mama Ayo briefly explains Black Love Day and some activities that are fitting for the occasion.

We also include below a link to purchase Mama Ayo’s book, The Black Love Book, as an e-book.

What Is Black Love Day (BLD)?

Black Love Day (BLD) is the 3rd nationally commemorative Holiday (wholyday) observance of atonement, reconciliation, and 24 hour demonstration of Black Love through 5 tenets (loving acts):
for The Creator,
for Self,
for the Black Family,
the Black Community,
and the Black Race

Some Traditional Things to Do on Black Love Day:

  • It’s NOT WHERE YOU GO for Black Love Day (BLD)- it is WHAT YOU DO to demonstrate (show) love on this day. Demonstrate the 5 Tenets (acts of love) on BLD to transform on this wholyday, then practice these tenets everyday to maintain the higher vibration of love. Events and activities are held in honor of, to celebrate or to commemorate Black Love Day, so make the distinction. For example: Black Love Day is not the Black Luv Festival or the Relationship Ceremony, both held in D.C.. Instead Black Love Day, Feb. 13th is commemorated for 24 hours, both locally, nationally and internationally.
  • The greeting is Nya Akoma (N yah Ah comah) means get a heart, be patient
  • Display the Akoma, an ancient African Adinkra symbol of love, patience, goodwill, faithfulness and endurance. This heart-shaped symbol was re-named and co-opted as a “Valentine”;
  • Wear the colors Purple and Black-purple of spiritual growth and royalty; black for the color of the people and freedom from evil (Psalms 7 or 12);
  • Buy BLD conscious-raising gifts from Black merchants, practicing the tenet of Black Race love. Avoid the usual Valentine’s candy, trinkets, stuffed animals, jewelry. Consider buying healing products or food, inspirational, spiritual gift or hand-crafted gifts, made from the heart;
  • In-gather the people at a Black Love Relationship Ceremony including in the Ritual of Reconciliation.

The Black Love Book 3rd Ed (E-Book) by Ayo Handy-Kendi

Get the Black Love Book to Learn More About Black Love Day and the healing power of Love:

The Black Love Book, 3rd Edition (E-Book) by Ayo Handy-Kendi

This is the 3rd edition of this book, an anthology about love and a how-to guide on observing the “wholyday” Black Love Day (BLD) observed annually on February 13th. This revised book includes some new material from the first edition, some corrections and enhanced artwork.

Written as the “definitive guide” on observing BLD, by the founder of the wholyday, Ayo Handy-Kendi, The Breath Sekou, the book explains BLD‟s origin, its symbols, and its rituals. The book further provides concrete suggestions of “love in action” activities that can be initiated on BLD, in Black and White communities to help these communities heal through love in ways that are meaningful, far beyond the 13th.

The history and background of Valentine’s Day, the up-til-now, holiday of love, is also included with an explanation as to why, BLD, is a more spiritual, cultural and wholistic alternative that is needed now by African Americans to rejuvenate and re-bond their relationships through love. As an anthology, the book further offers inspirational, poems, essays and articles that describe love’s many forms and expressions while providing helpful techniques of love’s healing transformational power.

Available through Facebook, Twitter and Google+

Wednesdays 2-3pm EST.

“The Black Love Series: Sexual Alchemy” on Africa400, Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Mama Tomiko and Baba Ty explored the topic “Sexual Alchemy” on Africa400, which aired on Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 2 PM Eastern Time (United States).  This show kicked off Africa400’s Black Love Series to celebrate Black Love Month.

Their Special Guest was Wayne B. Chandler, healer, instructor and author of Ancient Future.

Baba Wayne Chandler studied with researchers like Dr. Runoko Rashidi, T. Owens Moore and others who learned from scholars such as Wade Nobles, Richard King, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima and Dr. Frances Cress Welsing.  The Wednesday, February 3 show was a special extended broadcast, running just over an hour and a half.  Check it out here:

Africa400 is heard every Wednesday at 2:00 PM Eastern Time (United States) on HANDRadio (  After the show has aired, it can be accessed in HANDRadio’s Podcasts page as well as in an update of this post and our Media Page.

Wednesdays 2-3pm EST.

The Ancestors’ Call: Elder Nabeela Uqdah

Elder Nabeela Uqdah, longtime Pan-Afrikan activist and mother of former SRDC New York Facilitator Sis. Iman Hameen, transitioned to the Honored Ancestors on January 4, 2021.  Bro. Cliff had the honor of meeting with her at length when he visited her and Sis. Iman in Connecticut in 2012, and then saw them again in November 2017 when they attended an event at the African Union Mission and delivered a profound statement to the African Union Commission Chair, the Honorable Moussa Faki Mahamat, during a public Town Hall Meeting sponsored by the African Union.  Both encounters demonstrated the intellect and fierce commitment to Afrikan people of both Sis, Iman and Mama Nabeela.

Below is a biography and obituary for Mama Nabeela, written by Sis. Iman and her other children.  We will miss her wisdom and the family will miss her devotion and compassion, but we know her fire will live on in those who loved her and learned from her.

Obituary: Elder Nabeela Uqdah

Elder Nabeela Uqdah, formerly Betty Rice Roper and Sis. Betty R. X, resident of New Haven, Connecticut, transitioned in her Munson Street home on January 4, 2021 at approximately 5:30am at age 89. She was surrounded by her loving, immediate family with songs from one of her favorite Jazz vocalists, the late Irene Reid, playing in the background. After suffering a stroke in October 2019, dementia gravely and tenaciously altered her life, causing her demise. She was born on January 26, 1931. Her ashes will be scattered in Africa, as she requested.


Nabeela was a precocious child and “the baby of the family” being the youngest of eight children. She was predeceased by all her siblings – Catherine R. Arnold, Marion, Dewey (who died of crib death at 3 months), Elsie R. Hoff, Bernard, Marjorie R. Lewis, Elizabeth R. Carter and her parents, Isaac Bronson Rice and Hazel Mae Bush Rice, both of Ohio, nephews Curtis Carter, Jr. and Richard Arnold of New Haven’s own,” The Five Satins” and niece, Gwendolyn “Jay” Hoff.

In her early years in her hometown of Middletown, OH, she was the leader of her neighborhood. She was extremely popular. Her friends would fight over who would hold her hand when they walked down the street. She exhibited strong qualities of leadership, uniqueness, sensitivity and a thirst for education, always asking “why” and “why not” to understand life’s complexities.

Family History

Her life in Middletown was centered around a close knit, low income black community, surrounded by role models, nuclear black families, schools that prepared all children for lifelong high paying careers and plenty of opportunity for development. Unfortunately, due to migration and the promise of jobs in the North, like many other “negro” families, her father Isaac moved his family East, for better financial opportunities.

Connecticut and Stony Creek (Branford) in particular, were sharp, cruel contrasts to her former environment. She was thrown into a world of rich upper class whites, where blacks were few and far between, her Dad, who spoke fluent Greek, worked for rich families in Stony Creek and Pine Orchard as their butler, landscaper, gardener and the like, on a servant’s salary that promised to pay more but never did. The move was a miserable one for the entire Rice family. They yearned for the social life they left in Ohio and found it when they joined Bethel A.M.E. Church on Sperry Street in New Haven, where they swiftly adjusted. They found their new home there. 

Nabeela, the more revolutionary one, observing the luxuries attained by whites, and the lack that blacks lived with, concluded early on that the lives of a black man and a white man are seriously and intentionally different. She spent the rest of her life delving into “how” and “why”. 


She married the late James Roper Sr. and cared for her two children, Reid and Robin, keeping them meticulously dressed, coiffed and raised with perfect manners. Everyone remarked at how well behaved her children always were. She was an exceptional mother who taught them every lesson she learned in life. On the subject of death, she taught them that death is the last rite of passage in the physical realm.


Like her older sisters, Mama Nabeela was a skilled seamstress. She worked at Schwartz Shirt factory but wanted more. Being a wanderlust, she walked into an airline human resources office to apply for a job as a flight attendant. This was in the early 1950’s. She was told that “no colored” were allowed. Dejected and seldom taking “no” for an answer, she did an about-face and applied for a community nursing program at Yale-Grace New Haven Hospital. She was accepted and graduated with high honors. She exemplified strong qualities of leadership, uniqueness and a thirst for education, always asking “why” and “why not” to understand life’s complexities. 

Personal Development

Still seeking, Mama Nabeela, now a certified LPN, became a dedicated, devout member and pioneer of the Nation of Islam (Temple #40) and the Hon. Warith Deen Muhammad community for decades. She made pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) in 1978, earning the distinguished title of “Hajjah”, one of the first in the Islamic African American, New Haven community to do so. Feeling a need for change, she moved to Westchester County in NY. She helped found a masjid in Yonkers, NY, started a food co-op for the Bronx Woodycrest Avenue Masjid to implement “do for self”, Ujima – collective work and responsibility, and Ujamaa – cooperative economics, and conducted a large scale health fair with herbalists, medical doctors, dentists, physical trainers and alternative medicine practitioners. 

Mama Nabeela departing for Ghana in 2001, pictured here with her children.

Elder Uqdah later gravitated to the Pan African community and made a lifelong commitment to return to Mother Africa. She traveled to at least 10 African countries and made the decision to permanently repatriate there. At 70 years of age, she packed up all her belongings and life savings to reside in Namibia, Southern Africa and lastly, Ghana, West Africa for at least 13 years. She returned to the US in 2012 for much needed hip surgery and quickly returned to Ghana after recovering, only to return to the US again, in 2014, for a second hip surgery. She aspired to move to Tanzania upon recovering but never returned to the continent of Africa, again. Note: Keep in mind that she did not leave on a whim. She researched each country’s culture, climate, language, people and political history thoroughly for at least 5 years. She travelled to Jamaica on a group trip with Dr. Rahsaan of Sundial Products and visited a Maroon community to learn their ancient history and practices in farming and nutrition. She also lived on a black owned farm in South Carolina, co-run by the family of Nicholas “Ashanti” Bartlett, offering to work on their farm for a full summer so that she could know better how to work the land in Ghana. The families remained lifelong friends. 

Community Work 

Elder Nabeela was on various committees and was a member of numerous organizations, even starting one of her own, “Sankofa Penny-A-Day”, after hearing about the concept on a WLIB-NY radio program. Her efforts helped raise over $3,000 by saving pennies in the course of one year, all of which were donated to Marcus Garvey Park in Harlem, NY. She remained a nationalist and Pan African, always searching for truth, justice and correctness. She lived her life in service to others and worked vehemently to lay the foundation for Reparations for black people which helped to make it the household word that it has become today. 

Her commitment to fight injustice, led her to action. She was on the frontline of many demonstrations and protests covering a full range of issues from adequate medical care and saving Sydenham Hospital, establishing a 3rd political party before it was fashionable to ask for one, United Nations protests for the end of apartheid, lifting sanctions against Zimbabwe, freeing Nelson Mandela, Reparations/Repatriation, better public education, a demand for Dr. Adelaide Sanford to be chosen as the 1st black NYC Board of Education Superintendent of Schools, freedom for political prisoners, police brutality, the murders and abuse of innocent blacks – Michael Griffith, Yusef Hawkins, Nicholas “Ashanti” Bartlett, Eleanor Bumpers, Yvonne Smallwood, and the Central Park Five – known today as the Exonerated Five, to name the most heinous. She marched arm-in-arm with 1,000 other warriors at the infamous December 12th Movement’s “Day of Outrage” protest shutting down the Brooklyn Bridge. 

Attending every weekly lecture at First World Alliance in Harlem, an esteemed African centered lecture series that was the premiere study group and citadel for learning African history from the top scholars of our time, she became a faithful member of the United African Movement organization and its Sisters Security Committee, founded by Atty. Alton Maddox, attended regular lectures there, as well, to learn the philosophies of noted guest speakers, and co-produced her own public access cable TV show entitled, “In My Opinion” with a format designed to probe solutions and theories with guests who lived their lives as organizers and problem solvers. Elder Uqdah was among the Sharpton 15 who were jailed without protocol, for 15 days, for protesting the cover-up of the rape and kidnapping of then teenager, Tawana Brawley.

When organizing for Reparations was considered pointless, she formed a committee that walked the streets of Harlem, Queens and Brooklyn, every day for a few years, distributing informational flyers about what Reparations is and how to obtain it, accompanied by an information sheet about Willie Lynch. Until that time, the general public vaguely heard of Reparations, nor cared to, and few had heard the name “Willie Lynch”. 

Recognizing a need to educate the public further about Reparations, Nabeela organized a major conference, with workshops and guest speakers, the main speaker being Dr. Robert Brock, to dissect Reparations laws and requirements. Dr. Brock is the lawyer and Reparations expert who filed for Reparations at the 11th hour on behalf of the black community eliminating the statue of limitations and making it possible for all Reparations cases to be heard in any court. Today, both Reparations and Willie Lynch are on the lips of politicians, news anchors in the mass media and everyday folk. Mother Uqdah was a woman and warrior of conviction, dedication, nobility and integrity. 


Throughout her life, she befriended people from all walks of life. Always looking for serious minded people who practiced what they preached, she had no qualms about approaching anyone, from celebrities and Heads of State to ordinary people alike, challenging something she took exception to or needed them to explain, hoping to find like-minded people like herself. In 2019, New Haven (CT) Mayor Toni Harp presented her with a Mayoral Proclamation for her community work and her work for the demand for Reparations at the annual Juneteenth celebration on the New Haven Green. 

Elder Nabeela had a straightforwardness about her that helped her command audiences with anyone she desired to speak with. She met with African presidents, chiefs, kings, and politicians, regularly holding court with the likes of the Mayor of Durban, South Africa and Chokwe Lumumba, Mayor of Jackson, Mississippi, activists and celebrities like Kwame Touré (Stokely Carmichael), Danny Glover and Rev. Al Sharpton, who always seemed to spot her in a crowd with ease, Sister Souljah, Serena Williams, Dr. Jewell Pookrum, Dr. Sebi, and Min. Abdul-Hafeez Muhammad, to historians and brilliant scholars such as Drs. Ben Jochannan, John Henrik Clarke, Na’im Akbar, Marimba Dona Ani and Baba James Small to name a few. She confidently explained that,” I can get anybody to do what I want.”

Later Years

Mama Nabeela at her house in Akosombo, Ghana.

The “bucket list” was her way of life. From entering college in her fifties, to scuba diving in Tanzania, to sailing along the Nile, to driving up the narrow roads of Mount Washington in New Hampshire, to entering the Door of No Return in the Ghanaian slave dungeons more than once, to walking through the mighty complex of the Pyramids of Kemet (Egypt), to clearing an acre of forest growth to build her own chalet and private house in the Eastern Region of Ghana, to volunteering her nursing skills in a burn unit at Korlebu Hospital in Accra, Ghana, she followed her passions and beliefs, living her life the way she saw fit, well into her late 70’s. She fulfilled her dream of writing her first book, “The Unfailing Guide” that contains her definitions for words and meanings that others take for granted.

Mama Uqdah was employed at the Jewish Home for the Aged, Yale New Haven Hospital, and Veteran’s Hospital of West Haven. Before retiring at age 62, she shifted to private duty nursing and private practices in mid – Manhattan, Pelham, Dyre Avenue and City Island in the Bronx, and Upper Westchester NY. She was a Harlem resident when she retired. 


Elder Uqdah was also predeceased by her only son, Reid Dirk Roper (wife Shirley) of Killingworth, CT. Her beloved son who was so much like her, died from COVID-19 after a short hospital stay, exactly one week before she expired. She is cherished and survived by her daughter, Iman T. Uqdah Hameen (aka Robin), her son-in-law, Jesse “Cheese” H. (Kilpatrick) Hameen ll, and grandchildren, Najeeb (wife Erica) of NY and Pittsburgh, Hanan of NY and CT, Jesse Hameen lll, step-grandchild Ameen (William Hatcher) Hameen and great grandchildren Khalil, Idris, Jionn, Amyrhzell, “Little One”, Adeyemi Elam, William Johnny Kilpatrick and the offspring of Reid and Shirley – Charlise (her oldest grandchild) and Reid Jr. and Charlise’s children – the Panzeras (Nicholas, Jasper, Alexander, Ariana and John), numerous devoted nieces, nephews cousins and close local, national and international friends who make up her extended family. 


Elder Nabeela H. Uqdah fought the good fight. She lived the essence of Christianity, Islam, African Spirituality and the “Nguzo Saba”, the 7 principles of Kwanzaa, every day. The world is a better place because she was in it. 

Her family extends a heartfelt “Thank You” for gracing her life. Your prayers, words of support, time, thoughtfulness, generous gifts, cards and moments of reflection are a comfort to us and a testament to her. She loved you all. She honored and thanked the Most High “Omnipotent Intelligence” for her life and every aspect of it every day. She rests in Truth and Power. 

“It is so! It is done!”
A Virtual Remembrance was held on Jan. 26, 2021 at 6 pm EST via Zoom on what would have been her 90th birth anniversary, hosted by her grandchildren.

Mama Nabeela Uqdah’s Portait by Pheoris Webb.

“Resurrecting the Black Divinity through Diaspora Organization and Solidarity” on Africa400, January 27, 2021

Mama Tomiko and Baba Ty explored the topic “Resurrecting the Black Divinity through Diaspora Organization and Solidarity” on Africa400, which aired on Wednesday, January 27, 2021.

Their Special Guest was Francois Ndengwe, Editor of Femmes and Hommes d’Afrique Magazine.  For the audio of the broadcast, visit our Media Page or listen below:

Africa400 is heard every Wednesday at 2:00 PM Eastern Time (United States) on HANDRadio (  After the show has aired, it can be accessed in HANDRadio’s Podcasts page as well as in an update of this post and our Media Page.

Wednesdays 2-3pm EST.

Africa400 Returns on HANDRadio, Decoding the Capitol Insurrection, January 20, 2021

After a short hiatus, Mama Tomiko and Baba Ty are back with Africa400, now on HANDRadio.

Their return to the airwaves was brought to us by on Wednesday, January 20 at 2:00 PM as they launched Africa400 from their new broadcast home.  Mama Tomiko and Baba Ty announced their triumphant return thus:

Please join us on our new Radio Home:
HANDRadio @Wednesdays 2-3 pm
Tune In …
Raise Your Vibration …

Their topic was Decoding the Capitol Insurrection; Opportunity for Diaspora Solidarity with guest Francois Ndengwe, Editor of Femmes and Hommes d’Afrique Magazine.  Listen to the show below:

Africa400 can be heard every Wednesday at 2:00 PM Eastern Time (United States) on  After the show has aired, we will include the audio of the show in that week’s post as well as on our Media Page.

The Capitol Siege: January 6, 2021

Many people remain stunned at the events of Wednesday, January 6, when thousands of MAGA Maniacs, fresh from a rally on The Mall where their president and Exalted Leader whipped them into a near-frenzy, first descended on the Capitol building, then climbed the walls, then forced their way in during a Congressional hearing, then engaged in looting, pursuit of congressmembers and open warfare against building security and Capitol police.  Early speculation that the massive crowd was made up simply of “disaffected regular Americans” who simply feared that they would once again become the country’s “forgotten people” under a Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration have been effectively debunked with the reports that the mob included several dozen known White supremacists and suspected domestic terrorists (The Terrorism and Extremist Violence in the United States (TEVUS) Database |; Domestic terrorism database of the Trump years shows how the radical right has gone on a rampage (; The Capitol Hill Building Rioters Included White Supremacists and Conspiracy Theorists – The New York Times (

We’re compiling some commentaries from a variety of Maryland-area Pan-Afrikan and leftist organizations, as well as links to a number of news pieces that were released in the immediate aftermath of the Capitol Siege.  We’re also sharing a couple of commentaries by Atlanta-based organization Justice Initiative about the January 6 riot and some historical perspective.  I’ll start with a few observations of my own in this article, and then go on to the weightier analysis of others in a companion piece that should be released in a couple of days.

White Folks Gone Wild

It didn’t take a defenseless citizen being choked to death by a police officer, or being shot while asleep in their bed, or some other act of violence committed against a MAGA Minion. All it took was an unhinged president to address his adoring crowds, who he had taken the last four years to whip into a frenzy with “fake news”, “build the wall”, “enemy of the people”, “COVID hoax” and “impeachment hoax” conspiracy theories and lies, and insist to them that their rights were being violated by “socialist radical left-wingers” who sought to “take away the voice of the people”. After Don Jr. exhorted the crowd to “fight for Trump!!”, representative Mo Brooks said “we’ll be takin’ names and kickin’ ass” and Rudolph Giuliani called for “trial by combat”, Trump reiterated the imperative that the people “fight … you’ve got to show strength, and you’ve got to be strong,” and then announced a massive march to the Capitol to “cheer on” their champions who would (unconstitutionally) overturn the November election results. Armed with flags that read “Trump 2020, Making America Great”, “Don’t Tread On Me”, “Trump 2020, No More Bullshit” and “Come And Take It” under an AR-15 assault rifle with the Stars and Bars as a backdrop, the crowd descended on the Capitol. Some of those flagpoles would be used to assault Capitol police officers who tried to prevent the massive crowd from overrunning the building. Of course, flags were not the only props people brought with them. Two pipe bombs were later found on the premises, and some people were clearly armed.

Meanwhile, Trump, the man who incited this madness, was safely ensconced in his (very temporary) home at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, watching the spectacle unfold on television, reportedly celebrating the course of events. As the violence increased, he would release a video statement calling for peace and even criticizing the violence, even as he told his followers “we love you”. He would never accept responsibility for riling up the crowd with his remarks that day or his continued efforts to invalidate the November 2020 election. But soon, his ability to say anything would be abruptly, and for him cruelly, constrained.

The Voice of Unreason Loses Its Bullhorn

Poor Donald Trump. As MSNBC show host Joy Reed said, Twitter “stripped him of The Precious.” His @RealDonaldTrump Twitter account was deleted, and later so were the other accounts he attempted to use to access his MAGA Marauders on the Web. Supporters of course screamed bloody murder, citing the First Amendment and insisting that his sacred Constitutional rights to free speech were being violated. No matter that his frequent anti-masking tweets (“Liberate Michigan!”), public statements which led to armed militias threatening the lives of lawmakers like Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, and the bombastic comments from him, his son Don Jr. and Rudolph Giuliani amounted to incitements to riot and thus were equivalent to yelling “Fire” in a crowded theater, which is still illegal despite the First Amendment.

Add to that the fact that his rallies, culminating in his January 6 pre-riot frenzy at the White House, inspired his zealots to parade to and later inside the Capitol carrying Confederate flags (the flag of those who had declared war against the United States–who else gets away with that?), wearing hoodies emblazoned with genocidal anti-Semitic slogans like “Camp Auschwitz” and “6MWE” (“6 Million Weren’t Enough”) and toting zip ties on an apparent “Congress hunt” that has led to six deaths, threats of further armed assaults on the Capitol and signs at the rally threatening to “bring DC to its knees”, and you have what must be interpreted as a clear and present danger to the public, not just to the government.

So, I Guess Blue Lives Really Don’t Matter?

Aside from the provocateurs who occasionally disrupted the anti-police-brutality protests that roiled the streets of America’s major cities in the summer of 2020, the much-maligned Black Lives Matter protests that stoked so much fear among the White Right consistently emphasized that what they were protesting was unwarranted police violence. The marches for Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Walter Scott and other victims consistently stressed the need for police to root out the violent officers in their midst and to implement procedures based less on fear and more on human concern. Even the calls to “defund the police” did not gain momentum until 2020, when it became apparent with the cases of George Floyd, Laquan McDonald, Breonna Taylor and others that police departments were refusing to moderate the violence they used against unarmed Black civilians, and that prosecutors would decline to press charges against the most egregious offenders, even when those prosecutors were Black, as in the Breonna Taylor case. And yet, defenders of the wanton violence carried out on January 6 have taken to using the “violence” of the Black Lives Matter protests to defend the sacking of the Capitol by their right-wing zealots, and the six deaths that resulted and included a Capitol police officer who was beaten with a fire extinguisher by MAGA Maniacs and later died from his injuries.

It seems tragically ironic that police spend so much energy “fearing for their lives” from unarmed or complying Black motorists, or pedestrians selling loose cigarettes, or teenagers walking down the middle of the street, or 12-year-old boys playing in the park, or middle aged men gasping for breath, or women asleep in their beds, but they wind up being killed by some of the “very fine people” wielding fire extinguishers as they wave Trump flags, chant “Blue Lives Matter” and storm the Capitol building.

Coming Back For Seconds

January 13 saw the US House of Representatives debate the Article of Impeachment against Trump.  The end result was that Trump made history by being the only president to ever be impeached twice.

H. RES. ll
Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, for highcrimes and misdemeanors.
Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the UnitedStates, for high crimes and misdemeanors.


That Donald John Trump, President of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors and that the following article of impeachment be exhibited to the United States Senate:

Article of impeachment exhibited by the House of Representatives of the United States of America in the name of itself and of the people of the United States of America, against Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America, in maintenance and support of its impeachment against him for high crimes and misdemeanors.


The Constitution provides that the House of Representatives ‘‘shall have the sole Power of Impeachment’’ and that the President ‘‘shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors’’. In his conduct of the office of President of the United States—and in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed—Donald John Trump engaged in high Crimes and Misdemeanors by willfully inciting violence against the Government of the United States, in that:

On January 6, 2021, pursuant to the Twelfth Amendment of the United States Constitution, the Vice President of the United States, the House of Representatives, and the Senate met at the United States Capitol for a Joint Session of Congress to count the votes of the Electoral College. Shortly before the Joint Session commenced, President Trump addressed a crowd of his political supporters nearby. There, he reiterated false claims that ‘‘we won this election, and we won it by a landslide’’.

He also willfully made statements that encouraged—and foreseeably resulted in—imminent lawless action at the Capitol. Incited by President Trump, a mob unlawfully breached the Capitol, injured law enforcement personnel, menaced Members of Congress and the Vice President, interfered with the Joint Session’s solemn constitutional duty to certify the election results, and engaged in violent, deadly, destructive, and seditious acts.

President Trump’s conduct on January 6, 2021 was consistent with his prior efforts to subvert and obstruct the certification of the results of the 2020 presidential election. Those prior efforts include, but are not limited to, a phone call on January 2, 2021, in which President Trump urged Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to ‘‘find’’ enough votes to overturn the Georgia presidential election results and threatened Mr. Raffensperger if he failed to do so.

In all of this, President Trump gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of government. He threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transition of power, and imperiled a coordinate branch of government. He thereby betrayed his trust as President, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.

Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security, democracy, and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law. President Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.

The debate around this impeachment mirrored the debate that was carried on last year for his first impeachment. Democrats hammered away at the concrete and documented deeds of Trump that, in their view, corruptly sought to force his re-election (in 2020, pressure on foreign heads of state to launch investigations into Joe Biden; in 2021, Trump’s repeated efforts to overturn the November 2020 election results, including pressuring vice president Mike Pence to unilaterally overturn the election result and culminating in the incitement of a group of his supporters on The Mall to march to the Capitol and lay siege). Republicans constantly stressed what they insisted was unfair treatment of the president based on partisan political motives, and repeatedly called for “healing of the wounds” that Trump’s and, often, their own behavior had originally helped stoke. One curious aspect of the debate was regular pronouncements from Republican representatives that the rioting that resulted was a criminal act and that those who participated would be prosecuted “to the fullest extent of the law”, except, of course, for the person who instigated the behavior through the spreading of repeated lies and in whose name the protest degenerated into a riot inside the Capitol building.

Some of the Republican congressmembers even attempted to draw false comparisons to the anti-police-brutality protests and demonstrations that roiled the nation over the summer. One after another, GOP lawmakers sought to minimize the violence of the January 6 insurrectionists in the Capitol Building, who chanted “Hang Mike Pence!” and “Where’s Nancy?”, by comparing them to the cities that were “on fire” after the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor killings and attempting to discredit Democratic representatives who had described those protests as “mostly peaceful”. (Even in those cases, the Black Lives Matter protests in Portland, Minneapolis, Kenosha, Washington DC and other cities actually were peaceful until nightfall, when White right-wing provocateurs hit the streets and storefronts became the target of looters, many of whom had come from groups like the Boogaloo Boyz, whose announced intention was to exploit public anger about police brutality to commit acts of mayhem. Still, several Republican lawmakers would use these protests in an effort to minimize the violence of the January 6 rioters.)

In the end, ten Republican congressmembers voted with the Democrats to officially submit the Article of Impeachment to the Senate for trial, even though Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Tennessee) has stated that the trial itself would not occur until after Biden is sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on January 20.

This One Is Gonna Co$t You Money

Becoming the first US president to be impeached twice was not even the unkindest cut for The Donald. The PGA moved its golf championship from his Bedminster Golf Course, and other prestigious tournaments are now leaning toward leaving Trump golf courses around the world. New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick chose to decline the Medal of Freedom that Trump had announced would be awarded to him. Deutsche Bank ignited an exodus of international financial institutions that have decided to disassociate themselves from Trump and his money (such as it is). And fans of the “Home Alone” movies have launched a campaign to have his cameo edited out of the “Home Alone 2” sequel.

Trump Loyalists Abandon Ship

Over the last five years, we have been treated to the spectacle of hypocrisy brought to us by such moral stalwarts as former Texas governor Rick Perry, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and others who “warned” the public about the dangers of Trump during the 2015-2016 Republican presidential primaries, but who would go on to kneel at his feet once he won the US presidency.  

Some of Trump’s erstwhile allies are now backing away from Trump as a result of the riot he incited at the Capitol.  Even some of the most recent strident supporters of Trump, like outgoing Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-Georgia), former Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos suddenly found religion (of a sort) after Trump’s Mindless MAGA Minions were unleashed in their “Congress Hunt” complete with zip ties (presumably to take hostages) and a gallows (perhaps to “hang Mike Pence” as the crowds repeatedly exhorted) constructed on the Capitol grounds. How long before the remaining believers, such as Representative Josh Hawley (R-Missouri), become rats abandoning the sinking ship of Trump? But not former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani, or former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, or Trump quasi-lawyer Sidney Powell, or the Trump children (including Jared Kushner). They are probably a lost cause.

A few GOP lawmakers, however, in the tradition of the late John McCain, have been reasonably consistent critics of Trump.  Mitt Romney (R-Utah) seems to have been the first GOP Senator to show guts with his statement during the January 6 session, and that may have inspired some courage from the ten Republican Representatives who voted to impeach Trump again and the GOP Senators who have since spoken out in favor of impeachment, including Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska).

The Enemy Without, And Within

While social-media chatter makes increasing reference to planned armed protests up to and including the January 20 inauguration of Biden and Harris at perhaps every state capitol in the US, Congressmembers are increasingly reporting the receipt of death threats from White supremacist militia groups and angry Trump supporters for their choice not to support Trump’s attempt to overturn the presidential election (with the most virulent threats apparently aimed at Republican legislators deemed to be “traitors” to Trump).

There is also increasing indication that assistance may have been given to the January 6 rioters by some of the Congressmembers themselves.  Reports that unexpected groups of visitors to the Capitol just the day before had been invited by some members of Congress and that these same groups were identified as probable participants in the insurrection have fueled accusations among some of the legislators.  Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) has expressed fears that GOP lawmakers would lead the rioters to her (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she thought she was going to die in Capitol riots and feared GOP would reveal her location – The Washington Post), and the “panic buttons” in the offices of Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Massachusetts) were mysteriously disabled.  Some of the more right-wing Republican members, who, like freshman member and QAnon adherent Lauren Boebert (R-Colorado), have bragged about bringing their guns to the Capitol, then refused to pass through the metal detectors that had been placed outside the meeting hall.  Combine that with the upcoming impeachment hearings, the threats that have been made against Representatives Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley, Rashida Tlaib (D-Mishigan), Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) and Pramila Jayapal (D-Washington State), and complaints from Democratic members that several Republicans refused to wear masks while they all sheltered in place together, despite the continuing and increasing danger of infection by COVID-19, and an extremely contentious and even dangerous Congressional session seems to be in the works.  Sadly, Michigan lawmakers are not the only ones investing in bullet-proof vests now.

Articles from the Web about the Capitol Siege of January 6, 2021

Below are links to several news and analysis articles concerning the Capuitol Siege which we found interesting.  Also, check out the commentaries by Justice Initiative that are also linked below:

Trump Supporters Take Protests to Statehouses Across U.S., By Reuters, Wire Service Content Jan. 6, 2021, at 5:46 p.m., U.S. News & World Report (

Check out the on-camera words of participants in the Capitol Riot (

Bret Stephens: GOP ‘walking to the edge of moral irredeemability’ (

Off-duty police officers among rioters, one Capitol officer says: The officers are accused of covertly flashing their badges, by Blue Telusma (

Republicans warned this day would come. Then they forgot, by Benjy Sarlin (

Inflammatory Trump tweets on day of Capitol breach were final straw for loyal White House staffers, by Rob Crilly (

The Putsch of January 6, 2021, by JamesD. Zirin, January 8, 2021 (




A Few Pan-Afrikan and Progressive Voices on The Capitol Siege of January 6, 2021

We include here comments and statements from Maryland and Washington, DC-based Pan-Afrikan and progressive organizations, activists and commentators about the Capitol Siege of January 6, 2021 and what this may mean for Afrikan People and grassroots communities.  As we receive more commentaries from truth-and-justice and Pan-Afrikan organizations, we will include them in this page.

Ujima People’s Progress Party

The Ujima People’s Progress Party ( is a Black worker-led independent political party based in Maryland. It is committed to Black people finding our own independent political voice, free from the capitalist control and influence of either the Democratic or Republican parties.

January 8, 2021, 7:00 AM

Statement on far-right rebellion on U.S. capital and the escalating crisis in the U.S. capitalist ruling class.

These are dangerous times for Black people. Yesterday’s assault by far-right white nationalist elements on the U.S. capitol while senators attempted to ratify the votes of the 2020 electoral college has reminded us all that Donald Trump’s defeat does not mean the Black community is now safe.

Millions of people watched as hundreds of far-right forces stormed the capitol building in an attempt to force a coup that would allow Donald Trump to remain in power. Despite the death of one protester and arrest of 50+ rioters, this attack happened with muted and sluggish responses from police agencies. We are painfully aware that had similar actions in Washington D.C. come from members of the Black community, that our people would have been brutally put down by that state, and hundreds would be arrested.

This conflict is not a crisis of democracy as put forward by ruling class media; instead, this is a crisis in the capitalist ruling class that has busted out into rebellion in the streets. The unity of white supremacist domination of the economic, political, and social structures of the U.S. nation is in great danger because capitalist exploitation has increased for all workers, and sectors of the white working-class have been mobilized by contending capitalist forces to demand their cut at the expense of all other workers.

The incoming Biden administration inherits the immediate task of trying to solve how to hold the union together. It has only two basic options to choose from in dealing with these unleashed far-right capitalist forces: move to suppress and defeat them by force or make economic, political, and social concessions to appease them.

The far-right shows that their perceived suppression will be met with resistance and open conflict that could split the white ruling class. Appeasement of these forces will come by implementing austerity allocating resources away from Black, Brown, and oppressed communities and into rust belt and heartlands of America. Neither option will make it safe or comfortable for the Black community to move forward in the wake of Trump’s departure.

The actions by the state to allow the far-right forces to storm the capitol lets us know that the state apparatus under the Biden administration will not be able to protect the Black community from physical or political attacks by elements of the far-right.

Black working-class people must organize for their economic & class interests. We must build the capacity to protect our interests, communities, and our very lives in lieu of the fact that the racist U.S. state continues to fail us as a people and as a class.

We must be organized, and we must build independent Black political action. We must better define for potential allies what they must do to align themselves with our movement for power and true liberation. It is not acceptable o continue to tail the liberal and so-called progressive wings of capitalist parties and activities.

We cannot afford to wait for the Biden administration, the Democratic party, and especially America to conclude that Black power matters; we must do this for ourselves and with the allies we choose.

Askia Muhammad

Washington, DC’s Askia Muhammad ( is a veteran print and broadcast newsman, journalist and commentator. He has been a mainstay of Pacifica Radio’s WPFW-FM in Washington, DC for several decades.

This brief but to-the-point commentary on our neglect of the increasing right-wing resurgence in the media was written January 8 at 6:06 PM.

Over the decades, we’ve watched public attention to wacko white nationalists morph from Goldwater, to Nixon, to Reagan, to Bush, to the Tea Party, to the Freedom Caucus, to Q-Anon, to the Boogaloo Boys, to the Proud Boys, to #45; each one becoming more toxic than the one who went before.

But with Black folks, we’re still mostly focused on, and eager to applaud “first Negroes” integrating this-that-or-the-other field of endeavor; entertainers, or athletes, sex symbols–boobs and abs–and folks accumulating mo’ money, mo’ money, mo’ money; with each “success” we cheer simply a reflection of that someone winning the approval of and acceptance into the White, Neoliberal establishment by being more acquiescent than the Blood who went before.

Baltimore People’s Power Assembly

The Baltimore People’s Power Assembly ( grew out of the All People’s Congress, which had established itself as a multi-racial, progressive organization in East Baltimore in the 1980’s through the early 2000’s. It works through direct action campaigns, political education teach-ins and public meetings and supports efforts to fight police brutality, exonerate and release political prisoners, stamp out institutional racism and pressure government and political officials to enact more progressive, people-centered domestic and foreign policies.

Coup attempt: Is the danger over?
January 7, 2021, by Sharon Black

Jail Trump, his fascist mob, and killer cops

The storming of the U.S. Capitol by white supremacists incited by President Trump, which temporarily halted the certification vote, had to have the collusion of multiple federal police agencies. It is implausible that there was no preparation when these very events had been telegraphed for months by Trump himself. “Civil War January 6, 2021” was printed on the MAGA sweatshirts; this was no secret. The only way that the racist mob could freely occupy the Capitol is if the police made a deliberate decision to let them.

The world watched while armed fascists carrying Confederate flags and metal battering rams breached metal detectors, held Congress hostage, took over offices, smashed windows, openly carried ladders to scale the Capitol, posed for selfies with police and were eventually escorted out of the building without arrest.

Two pipe bombs were confiscated, along with weapons and ammunition, and four people are reported dead. A KKK-inspired noose was erected on the west end of the Capitol.

This was reminiscent of how the Alabama authorities allowed the Klan to attack the freedom riders in Anniston, Ala., on May 14, 1961, nearly killing several people. Local police did nothing for at least 15 minutes.

The storming of the Capitol was consciously in the tradition of the previous overthrow of the democratically elected, majority-rule Reconstruction governments in South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana and the rest, which culminated in the coup and massacre in Wilmington, N.C., in 1898.

Contrast this with Kenosha, Wis. In anticipation of community anger at the refusal to indict police in the shooting of Jacob Blake, streets were shut down and the National Guard was mobilized in advance of the acquittal.

What happens next, is the danger over?

Biden’s extremely weak response is deeply problematic in terms of pushing back the fascists and what it means for the future. Rather than making a call for disbanding the fascist thugs, the racist mob or arresting Trump, Biden called for unity.

Unity with who and for what?

Here was an opportunity for Biden and the Democrats to strike a definitive blow against Trump and the movement he has spawned. He could have called for Trump’s arrest or made an appeal for people to mobilize against the racist and reactionary threat. He didn’t.

In many respects it was a betrayal of the Black voters, especially in Georgia, who courageously resisted racist threats to vote against racism and reaction.

The timidity of Biden and the Democrats is not surprising.

What underlies these developments and girders the fascist reaction is the contraction of the capitalist economy and the deep decay and crisis of the system. While seemingly hidden, it supersedes the will of capitalist politicians who attempt to represent one section or another of the ruling class.

It is an important lesson. The capitalist class, regardless of its divisions, has no will to put these racist scum in the dustbin of history. Like the bankers and businesses that were financing Hitler up to the last bullet, they are hedging their bets. They are reluctant to crush them.

Danger of imperialist war in the next 14 days

We would be seriously amiss to not state the obvious threat of imperialist war most immediately aimed at Iran, but ultimately — regardless of which administration is in office — directed at any country that seeks to chart an independent course from imperialism — whether it is Venezuela, China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea or Cuba. See the call for emergency response actions.

There are still 14 days before the Jan. 20 inauguration. Just as we demand the jailing of killer cops, we must mobilize the movement to call for the immediate arrest of Trump and stop the white supremacist mobs.

Trump should not only be arrested but also extradited for war crimes. Trump is now wanted by Iraq for ordering the assassination of Iranian Gen. Qassim Soleimani and Iraqi Commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis; Iran has also issued an arrest warrant through Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization) for the same crime.

The antidote to fascism is workers’ solidarity and socialism

While billionaires are raking in unprecedented profits, cashing in while the deaths of COVID victims piles up, the vast majority of the people are finding themselves living in deeper misery. Capitalist governments have not been able to stop the COVID pandemic and have failed miserably at providing health care for the vast majority. Widespread unemployment threatens not only low wage workers but also the middle class. Millions are facing evictions, foreclosures and utility shutoffs.

Traditionally it is the middle class, the small business owners, and others like them who are isolated and in despair, who are duped by fascist ideology. It is only a strong, united anti-capitalist and anti-racist working-class movement that can pull them away from such an destructive dead end.

“Such a situation can only exist in periods of extraordinarily acute social crisis when the capitalist state is so torn by accumulating inner contradictions and weakened by its inability to overcome its social crisis that it inevitably gives way to extra-parliamentary, extra-legal forms of rule,” Sam Marcy said of the struggle against fascism.

It will take the organization of the broad working class and the leadership of its most oppressed, Black, Brown, Latinx, Indigenous, Arab, Asian, women and LGBTQ2S people, to both develop a defense of its own class interests and place socialism on the agenda.

White Males Invade the US Capitol, by JUSTICE INITIATIVE

White Males Invade the US Capitol
An Analysis from US History

Confederate Flag In the US Capitol 2/6/21- CNN

January 9, 2021
Justice Initiative


It is difficult to offer an analytical breadth of what has just happened in Washington DC, on January 6, 2021, when a significant number of ‘white’ males and a few females invaded the US Capitol building at the behest of, according to most accounts, the US President – Donald J. Trump.  

Regarding violent white male supremacists in America, an activist friend in Mississippi told to me years ago that the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) would not do anything without the approval of the white elite. Then, the late Reverend Joseph Lowery (head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference – SCLC) mentioned to me that in our contemporary world the KKK leadership is now sitting in corporate board rooms. That being said, President Donald J. Trump, fits this mold of providing leadership to these violent/aggressive white males who invaded the US Capitol.

But this is not new, however. Relevant to the Confederate flag in the Capitol, pictured above, it was largely the non-slave holding white males that led to the US Civil War in the mid-1800’s. These non-slave holding whites wanted slaves as well and they pressured the slave-holding elite in the South for this purpose. This is why the slave-holding whites asked Lincoln to expand slavery to the west. Lincoln refused to do this, thus leading to the Civil War and the Confederacy.

More analysis on this is that it is also thought that many European whites left Europe and came to America to escape the feudalistic hierarchical system in Europe, but the problem is that the feudalistic model ended up being largely the societal framework for America with a hierarchical capitalistic system. So, ‘the struggle continues’ as they say.

Below is an article about the Confederacy and the role of non-slave holding whites in the scenario. I have distributed this article in the past, but it is, unfortunately, all the more relevant for today’s scenario.


A New Perspective on the Confederacy

A ‘rich man’s war, poor man’s fight’…. We cursed the war…we cursed the Southern Confederacy. All our pride and valor was gone”

Throughout the South, plantation owners began to fear their slaves and
were shocked at 
slave resistance to authority. The tables had turned!”

African-American Union soldiers during the US Civil War. Library of Congress

I first wrote this article in 2009 when it was posted on Counterpunch and decided that I would send it out yet again. After the 2009 posting I received numerous emails. One was from a woman in North Carolina who said her ancestors had helped union soldiers and southern confederate deserters to maneuver through the Appalachian Mountains to reach the Union Army lines. Suffice it to say the resistance in the South to the Civil War, as well as anger about the succession from the Union, was immense.

In 2009, the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, there was, in fact, an abundance of new scholarship about the 19th century. Some questioned the long-standing myths about Lincoln but also of the Civil War itself and the Confederacy. With an amalgam of earlier scholarship, these studies have included a consideration of the impact of the hedonism of the southern slaveholding planters along with their complicity in the Confederate defeat. In other words, the southern plantation owners worked against their own interests.

This article is, in fact, a brief summary of that complicity and offers a fresh look of the South during the Civil War, which includes narrative on the South’s battle with itself. The focus is mostly about the Civil War and its impact on non-slaveholding southern whites and the role played by African slaves in the Confederate defeat. It is largely taken from the work of historian David Williams at Valdosta State University and his excellent book   Bitterly Divided: The South’s Inner Civil War (2008).

The myth of the “Lost Cause” emanating from the defeated South after the Civil War is of an antebellum genteel planter class with its happy contented slaves. ‘God was responsible for slavery’, the elite said, ‘not the South’, as the South was but civilizing an inferior Black race through its contact with the superior white civilization under the auspices of slavery. 

The Lost Cause of the Confederacy, or simply the Lost Cause, is an ideology that holds that the cause of the Confederacy during the American Civil War was a just and heroic one. The ideology endorses the supposed virtues of the antebellum South, viewing the war as a struggle primarily for the Southern way of life or “states’ rights” in the face of overwhelming “Northern aggression”. At the same time, the Lost Cause minimizes or denies outright the central role of slavery in the outbreak of the war. (Wikipedia)

The South also maintained, as it re-wrote history, that the white supremacist South was unified in its fight against the marauding North during the Civil War. But there is another story that has been debated for the past century!

What is also so impressive about this understanding of the Civil War in the South was the role played by African slaves. For one, they coordinated from plantation to plantation with codes (such as waving sheets in certain ways) to assist southern deserters and union soldiers not only with food but to reach the Union lines. As Williams wisely notes, the slaves played a significant role in the defeat of the Confederacy.

The Other Story Regarding the Southern White Elite vs Poor Whites

What angered the Southern plantation elite was that with the 1860 election of Lincoln as president, they knew that their hopes of spreading slavery into the western territories were at an end. Lincoln wanted the movement west to provide opportunities for “free labor” white homesteaders to fulfill the Jeffersonian dream of agrarian independence. He did not want slavery in the west nor did he want black folks moving west as freed men. Plus, first and foremost, Lincoln wanted to save the Union.

The South realized with the election that it was not going to have its way with the Republican Party or with the northern Democrats. Karl Marx, as ever the profound analyst, wrote in the German “Die Presse” in 1861, “When the Democrats of the North declined to go on playing the part of the poor whites of the South” the Southern elite took their sword from the scabbard  (Marx,1861).

The southern elite also faced a growing poor white population that was becoming harder to control. Poor white voters were increasing and they were making more demands through their franchise. Some have inferred, including Williams, that one reason the South went to war was because the elite were more concerned about poor whites than anything else. “The poor hate the rich” was the cry from South Carolina planter James Henry Hammond, who went on to say that the poor make war on the rich “especially with universal suffrage” (Williams, 2008). The elite began to explore ways to control the vote through class-based restrictions on white suffrage. Placing this “class” antagonism and passion of poor whites into a war was certainly one way to control them and diffuse the anger.


“The poor hate the rich” was the cry from South Carolina planter James Henry Hammond, who went on to say that the poor make war on the rich “especially with universal suffrage”(Williams, 2008)

By expanding further west, the South could also provide more opportunities for poor whites to become slaveholders – at least the hope of it. Slavery, after all, required large acreage and mass labor to be profitable and because land in the South was being “exhausted” by mono-crops, such as cotton, there was less fertile land available. In addition, slaveholders in the South were also in the business of “raising” and “selling” slaves and they wanted to expand that market. 

Regarding the slave market, Marx wrote, “Indeed, by force of circumstances South Carolina has already been transformed in part into a slave-raising state, since it already sells slaves to the sum of four million dollars yearly to the states of the extreme South and South-west” (Marx 1861). Marx contended that more territory was, in fact, essential for slavery’s survival.

Marx again writes, “Only by acquisition and the prospect of acquisition of new Territories, as well as by filibustering expeditions, is it possible to square the interests of these poor whites with those of the slaveholders, to give their restless thirst for action a harmless direction and to tame them with the prospect of one day becoming slaveholders themselves” (Marx, 1861).

But slaveholders also had political ambitions and were obviously aspiring imperialists – they wanted their own colonies in the western territories from which they could gain even more control over the U.S. government by adding more states to the slaveocracy.

All over the South, however, there were pockets of communities opposed to the South’s secession and angry at the arrogance of the ruling elite for seceding. The planters after all, controlled the secession conventions and the decisions from the state conventions were not sent to the people for a vote. Some communities even declared secession from the Confederacy itself. Many wanted to avoid what they thought would be an invasion by the North. West Virginia, for one, that was composed largely of small non-slaveholding white farmers, broke off from the planter slaveholding “old” Virginia and sided with the Union. 

Ultimately many in the South recognized that the “Confederacy was in a two-front war: one against the North and one against it’s own people” (Williams, 2008).

Resistance from Free and Enslaved Blacks and Poor Whites

It was against this backdrop that the Civil War began and in which Williams writes that the resistance and desertion of poor southern whites during the war was to begin, and of the resistance of southern blacks both slave and free. Most of the Confederate soldiers were non-slaveholding farmers and many acquiesced to the war but conditions intensified and discontent grew everywhere.

It didn’t take long for non-slaveholding white farmers and other poor whites to recognize that this was a rich man’s war being fought by poor men. Even after the firing at Fort Sumter in 1861 that launched the beginning of the war, officers began to go home, but enlisted men were forbidden to resign. Williams reports that the class distinction of this policy was not lost on the southern soldiers.

The non-slaveholding farmers in the war were largely subsistence farmers. They grew what the family needed, rather than commodity mono-crops such as cotton or rice. Further, they didn’t have enough land for these crops nor did they have the labor. Many describe the South’s non-slaveholding yeoman farmers as the essence of the independent agrarian America, like their farming brothers in the North.

As Steven Hahn writes in the ‘The Roots of Southern Populism: Yeoman Farmers and the Transformation of the Georgia Upcountry, 1850-1890‘ the farmers in north Georgia didn’t need the planters telling them what to complain about regarding the Yankees. They simply wanted to be left alone and didn’t want anyone threatening their way of life. But off to war they went. These were not military men, however. They were farmers trying to protect their region from an invading army. Hahn states, however, that the north Georgia yeoman farmers were among the largest community of deserters in the state.

After the first major battle and Confederate victory of the war in the “First Battle of Bull Run” in July 1861, Confederate soldiers left for home in droves to all areas of the South. They had won a major battle and for many the conflict was over.


At one point during the war, according to Williams,
two-thirds of the Confederate army had deserted.

But the fact remains that wives across the region were writing their husbands to come home. They were needed to plant the crops. Not long into the war, families began to struggle and starve and the requests from the families to come home were too compelling. At one point during the war, according to Williams, two-thirds of the Confederate army had deserted. Deserters also needed to hide from the authorities, resulting in an underground system being created throughout the South to assist and hide them, but many were ultimately killed or jailed. The book Cold Mountain (1997) by Charles Frazier and the subsequent movie graphically portray the brutality of Confederate officials in their quest for deserters and the disdain for their families.

But there were also anti-war and peace associations (mostly underground efforts) across the South that organized to protect deserters, help union prisoners escape as well as attempt to undermine the Confederate authority. Examples are the Atlanta Union Circle, the Closet Fellowship in Montgomery, the Union Association in Charleston and countless others.  

Assistance to Deserters who were known as “Heroes of America”

Another was the “Heroes of America” formed in North Carolina that spread through South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. The group encouraged desertion of Confederate soldiers and promised to protect them once home. All across the ‘mountain South’ there were efforts to assist deserters and those who had ‘run afoul’ of the Confederate authorities to hide and/or leave the South. One guide, “Daniel Ellis, was said to have piloted over four thousand people out of the Confederacy….In north Georgia’s Union County, Austin Mason organized a chain of safe houses to shelter prisoners and deserters as they fled north through the mountains” (Williams, 2008).


“Heroes of America” formed in North Carolina that spread through
South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. The group encouraged
desertion of Confederate soldiers and promised to
protect them once home.

Because of the high rate of desertion, in April 1862 the Confederate government under President Jefferson Davis conscripted southerners into the army. It was the first general Conscription Act in the United States. Williams notes that under the Act, men with money could pay a fee to stay out of the military. As a result, bribing officials became a common practice. Plus, there was the most hated provision that allowed slaveholders with 20 slaves or more to be exempted from the military. Tennessee Private Sam Watkins said, “We wanted twenty negroes. Negro property became very valuable, and there was raised the howl of ‘rich man’s war, poor man’s fight’…from this time until the end of the war a soldier was simply a machine. We cursed the war…we cursed the Southern Confederacy. All our pride and valor was gone” (Williams, 2008).

Planters Grew Cotton and Tobacco Rather than Food for the
Confederate Army

Partly to appease the anger over exemption, the planters essentially said that they would grow food for the Confederate army and take care of the farmer’s families. They had the most fertile land and labor after all. But the fact is, the planters did not grow food as promised and southerners starved both at home and in the military. As the price of cotton went up considerably during the war, the planters grew cotton as well as tobacco instead.

…common folk quickly learned that planter patriotism was more apparent than real. Food production never came close to meeting demand because planters devoted far too much acreage to cotton and tobacco. In 1863, cotton production reached its second-highest level on record to that time, declining after that year due in large part to rising slave resistance. Even so, labor devoted to cotton in the growing alone, not to mention processing and transport, amounted to 2.3 million man-years between 1861 and 1864, more than went into defending the Confederacy (Williams, 2008).


In 1863, cotton production reached its second-highest level on record
at that time, declining after that year due in large part to
rising slave resistance.

Further, rather than insisting on the planters growing food, the Confederacy ultimately “impressed” 10% of farm production for the war effort. The problem was that many of those responsible for impressing the food off farms paid little attention to the 10% provision and took everything they could find. This made matters worse, of course!

In the meantime, food riots largely organized by women took place throughout the region from Virginia to Texas.

“It was the same all over the South. A letter to Florida’s Governor Milton reported that starving soldiers families in Hernando County ‘are becoming clamorous for meat, and are killing people’s cows wherever they can get hold of them.’ About a dozen women in Floyd County, Virginia ransacked a Confederate supply depot and stole a large supply of bacon. Fifty miles to the west a dozen mountain women brandishing pistols and knives descended on Abington and looted the town. The raid’s success inspired a second band of women, who shortly afterward, swept through Abingdon taking what was left” (Williams, 2008).

Reverse Underground Railroad: Slaves help ‘white’ deserters

Williams also describes how deserters formed guerrilla groups throughout the south to steal food off plantations and to hide from conscript officers. Some of the groups were composed of escaped slaves and whites that at times resulted in a “reverse underground railroad” as slaves organized to help them. Slaves in plantations helped the deserter groups secure food, helped them hide and also provided information about safe havens north to the Union lines. One Union soldier, John Kellogg, who was assisted by blacks to escape through the Georgia mountains, was impressed with what he called the slave “telegraph line.”


Slaves in plantations helped the deserter groups secure food,
helped them hide and also provided information about
safe havens north to the Union lines.

Black resistance and efforts to undermine the Confederacy were impressive and significant in contributing to the defeat of the Confederacy. They were credited with burning ships and storehouses to spying and destabilizing plantations. Throughout the South, plantation owners began to fear their slaves and were shocked at slave resistance to authority. The tables had turned!


What has been described here is but a summary. Williams outlines in detail the tremendous discontent and suffering during the war. Ultimately, there were 300,000 white southerners who fought for the Union and 200,000 blacks. Nearly a quarter of the Union army was composed of southerners.

Williams ends his book by stating that:

“Most southerners eventually came to feel that they would be better off with the war over and the Union restored. To many the Confederacy was the real enemy. It conscripted their men, impressed their supplies, and starved them out. It favored the rich and oppressed the poor. It made war on those who dared withhold their support and made life miserable for the rest. One South Carolina farmer, after having his livestock impressed, spoke for many when he insisted that “the sooner this damned Government fell to pieces the better it would be for us” (Williams, 2008).

Scholarship on the South from the poor non-slaveholding white perspective is a significant contribution. Interestingly, Williams offers more of a class analysis of the Confederacy than is usually the case. Small white farmers and poor whites generally are stereotyped as those who are browbeaten, controlled and manipulated by the wealthy southern elite with rarely a voice of their own. In this article I have not addressed the issue of race, however, and the attitudes of poor whites toward slavery, which is also important. Nevertheless, this short article is offering a new and refreshing look at challenges by poor whites to the social and economic arrogance of the southern elite during the Civil War.

This is also yet another narrative on the perils of concentrated wealth of the likes of southern slaveholders and unfettered capitalists of today, and the depths to which they will go for their own benefit at the tragic expense of everyone else. In this instance, however, thanks to their greed, the southern slaveholders managed to defeat the very goals they aspired to achieve. While tens of thousands of Southerners and Northerners suffered because of their greed, the fact is that, contrary to their aspirations, and in response to this exploitation, the Civil War slaveholders managed to work against their own interests and instead helped to save the union and end slavery. 

Williams also contends that one of the reasons we’ve not heard this version of the war is because both the South and the North have had a vested interest in the myths. The South wanted the world to think that the “white” South stood united against the enemy, which makes it easier to victimize itself. Although the North had its resistance as well, the North has had an interest in a version of the war that stresses its victory over a united South, rather than one that was split apart. Williams and others are now offering scholarship to challenge these myths, and/or have brought forward previous writings on the Confederacy. 


*Hahn, Steven. The Roots of Southern Populism: Yeoman Farmers and the Transformation of the Georgia Upcountry, 1850-1890. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983.

*Marx, Karl. The North American Civil War. Die Presse, No. 293, October 25, 1861, in Marx/Engels Collected Works, Volume 19. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1964.

*Williams, David. Bitterly Divided: The South’s Inner Civil War. New York: Free Press, 2008.



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“Full Speed Ahead; 2021 Movements and Migrations” on Africa400, Wednesday, December 30, 2020

For many of us, 2020 was an undeniably terrible year, and we look forward to 2021 with hope for a better year for ourselves, for our families, for humanity and for the planet.  Join Mama Tomiko and Baba Ty as we look ahead to the year 2021 on the December 30 edition of Africa400.

Also, Mama Tomiko and Baba Ty welcome author Shonta Watson to open up the show, discussing her new book, part of the Shea Buttah & The Herbal Kids series™️ that is available now, ready for Kwanzaa.  Her Web site is, her Instagram page is, and her book can be purchased there and through Cash App: $AspirebyTay or PayPal:

Several of you called in to the show to share your thoughts as you reflected on 2020 and prepared to bring in 2021.  Listen to the audio of the show here:

Africa400 can be heard every Wednesday at 2:00 PM (Eastern Time in the United States) on 1590 AM WFBR in Glen Burnie and Baltimore, Maryland.  The show is also live-streamed on several Web sites, including Famous 1590 – WFBR – AM 1590 – Glen Burnie, MD – Streema Player and WFBR 1590AM Baltimore, 1590 AM, Glen Burnie, MD | Free Internet Radio | TuneIn.  After the show airs, it will also be featured in an updated version of this post as well as on our Media Page.