The R-Evolution Is Black Love features Grandmother Walks On Water, Wednesday, August 14 on HANDRadio

The August 14 edition of The R-Evolution Is Black Love features Special Guest Grandmother Walks On Water, who will talk with show host Sis. Tomiko about their continuing series on Generational Curses.

The R-Evolution is Black Love is heard every Wednesday at 3:00 PM on HANDRadio (  Be sure to tune in at 3:00 PM this Wednesday.

If you miss the show, it will be posted on the KUUMBAReport Media Page shortly after the initial broadcast.

The R-Evolution Is Black Love
HANDRadio (
KUUMBAReport (
Kweli TV (
We Buy Black (

“The seed you plant in love, not matter how small, will grow into a mighty tree of refuge” — Afeni Shakur

“I believe in the sweat of love and in the fire of truth” — Assata Shakur


1 thought on “The R-Evolution Is Black Love features Grandmother Walks On Water, Wednesday, August 14 on HANDRadio

  1. niaredmond

    Hello Family,

    I’ve bee receiving your emails for a few months, and I am really impressed with your passion to deliver critical history and needed information to the black diaspora. So true, that the time is critically- now.

    Looking forward to tuning in to fed on the wisdom of grandmother “W.O.W.” It’s truly been a minute to connect w/her. Such a gifted storyteller. -Hotep, Nia Redmond

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