Organization of All-Afrikan Unity

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1. Ma‘at

Truth-Justice-Righteousness is an ancient Afrikan principle and is the essence of Afrikan Culture & Civilization, and is the moral compass guiding to Afrika’s future.

2. Genetic Unity

Afrikan people share a common genetic and geographical origin.

3. Cultural Unity

Afrikan Culture has a common cultural and historical origin.

4. Ancestral Homeland

Afrikan people are the original and indigenous inhabitants of Afrika, and the continent and resources of Afrika are the common property of the Afrikan people.

5. Social Equality

All population groups of the Afrikan people share equal status in Afrikan Society.

6. Diversity in Unity

The commonality evidenced among Afrikan people is the source and foundation of their natural and creative diversity.

7. Sexual Complementarity

The female and the male sexes are biological complements of each other. Neural and sexual differences between female and male does not confer superiority or inferiority upon either sex.

8. Afrikancentricity

Afrikancentricity (Afrocentricity) is the self-defined orientation, perspective and articulation of Afrikan people’s interest.

9. Self-Reliance

Afrikan people possess all the skills, talents and resources to successfully solve all problems which confront them.

10. Union Government

Afrikan people must form a central government to coordinate their collective efforts in production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

11. Communitarian Governance

Every adult has a right and a responsibility to participate in the social and political institutions of Afrikan Society.

12. Communitarian Economy

The purpose of the economy is to fulfill the material and spiritual needs of the citizens of Afrikan Society.

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The Principles of Black Power

© 1998 C.E. (7699 S.R.) by Adé Oba Tòkunbò

“I am asking you to arm through organization…”
– Marcus Garvey

1. Organization is the Essence of Power.

2. Black Organization is the Essence of Black Power.

3. Black Spiritual Organization is the Essence of Black Spiritual Power.

4. Black Social Organization is the Essence of Black Social Power.

5. Black Economic Organization is the Essence of Black Economic Power.

6. Black Political Organization is the Essence of Black Political Power.

7. Black Technological Organization is the Essence of Black Technological Power.

8. Black Agricultural Organization is the Essence of Black Agricultural Power.

9. Black Labor Organization is the Essence of Black Labor Power.

10. Black Medical Organization is the Essence of Black Medical Power.

11. Black Judiciary Organization is the Essence of Black Judicial Power.

12. Black Military Organization is the Essence of Black Military Power.

Organization of All-Afrikan Unity
309 N. Calhoun St.

Baltimore, MD 21223
To join or start a branch of the O.A.A.U. call
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