Category Archives: Prison Outreach

Alerts, updates and discussions concerning the Prison Industrial Complex and the status of prisoners of concern to readers.

Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign Holds Hearing at the Organization of American States on “Loss of Resources and Generational Mass Incarceration’s Impact on Black Women”

We decided to petition for this hearing today because we are an organization that works to get people out who have been in for 30, 40, 50, 60 or more years in prison. Our organization is made up of mostly women who are working to get their folks out of prison. Right now in the United States you have two and three generations of men and women, mothers and fathers from the same family, incarcerated. All of them are attached to generations of women. For us today, this is not simply a hearing, this is a trial. This is something for 400 years we’ve been waiting. What you see here is, we are the daughters of the plantation, daughters of Maroons, daughters of Abolitionists, daughters of Freedom Fighters, daughters of Garveyites, daughters of Revolutionaries, and we are versus the United States, and they have been found guilty. The crime is the war on the Afrikan woman’s womb. Anything that has come out of the Afrikan woman’s womb in the last 400 years has been attacked, assaulted, decimated, incarcerated, imprisoned, and this will no longer be tolerated. This is unacceptable. Walter Rodney, in his book How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, talks about this underdevelopment. Thus, 400 years later, the Afrikan person that comes out of the Afrikan woman’s womb is still being underdeveloped by institutional racism and White Supremacy racism.

“So therefore, today, we sentence the US, and all the Western World that has benefited from our human resources, to 100 years of reparations that is to be paid in full. Reparative justice. In the next 10 to 20 years we want this abolition of prisons to commence. We want the extraction of our human resources from the human resource of the Afrikan woman’s womb to stop feeding the pipeline of institutional racism and generational incarceration. This will no longer be tolerated. We close the chapter today on the Department of Justice, the Prison Industrial Complex, any system entire that oppresses our bodies, our people, the Afrikan woman’s womb.

“Edward Baptist in his book, The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism, emphasizes this, that the extreme amounts of money that has been made from the human resources of Afrikan people, Dr. [Tasseli] McKay [has calculated] the price, so we say the [price] to be paid is 7.16 trillion dollars to the Black woman, only for the last four decades of incarceration, and we’re talking about one institution. Today’s verdict that has been passed is sealed. It cannot be undone. The seven testimonies and interventions that have occurred [here today and documented below are akin to the story of] the Walls of Jericho, and they will fall, tomorrow being the seventh day [November 7]. This verdict is sealed today by our ancestors, Alberta Williams King, Winnie Mandela, Maria Elena Moyano, Safiya Bukhari, Louise Little, La Mulatresse Solitude, and Fannie Lou Hamer. [The walls of Jericho] will fall today. I thank you.”

Thus the objective of this hearing, held at the offices of the Organization of American States (OAS) at 1889 F Street, NW in Downtown Washington, DC on Monday, November 6, was proclaimed by the organizer of this session, Ms. Tomiko Shine, cultural anthropologist, Founder and Director of Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign (APP-HRC), an organization dedicated to securing the freedom of those who have been held in penitentiaries and prisons for upwards of 20 to 50 years. Many of these aging people in prison are what we often refer to as Political Prisoners, members of organizations such as the Black Panther Party (BPP), American Indian Movement (AIM), MOVE and other political-dissident groups who were targeted under the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Counter-Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO). Others were convicted in tainted trials on questionable evidence in spite of their lack of political activism, and still others were handed draconian sentences for relatively minor offenses and have been imprisoned for decades. Practically all of the prisoners and former prisoners represented by APP-HRC have grown old under incarceration, and have faced struggles not only in securing their release through parole or exoneration, but also in adjusting to “life on the outside” after being freed. In practically all of these cases, the burden of their imprisonment has been felt most acutely by their families, particularly by Black women.

This hearing was presided over by the OAS’s Inter American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) for its 188th Session. The Commissioners on the panel were Ms. Margarette May Macaulay (President), Ms. Roberta Clarke (Second Vice President), Ms. Julissa Mantilla Falcón, and Ms. Tania Reneaum Panszi (Executive Secretary).

Ms. Maccaulay, President of the IACHR, opened the session, welcomed the presenters and received their testimonies, after which she and the Commissioners present asked several follow-up questions and offered their words of support and encouragement, and a request to remain connected to the presenters so they can receive further updates and calls to action from them.

Introductory Presentations by the Expert Panel

Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq., South Carolina-based human and civil rights attorney, director of the Malcolm X Center for Self Determination, founder and coordinator of WMXP Community Radio, chair of the US Human Rights Network’s Political Prisoners and State Repression Working Group, past co-chair of the National Jericho Movement for the release and freedom of all US-held political prisoners, was the first presenter:

Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq.

“The United States is party to several human rights treaties and conventions, and the issue of mass incarceration has raised concerns about violations of these treaties in the context of the disproportionate impact on Black women. Some of the key treaties include the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ratified in 1992, the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment, ratified in 1994, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, ratified in 1994, and the Universal Periodic Review along with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These treaties encompass fundamental human rights principles, including non-discrimination, the right to a fair trial, the prohibition of torture and cruel treatment, and economic and social rights. The impact of mass incarceration on Black women, including issues such as racial disparities in the criminal punishment system, access to education, health care, family separation, has led to concerns about these violations. Mass incarceration in the United States disproportionately affects Black women, and as a result they face various lifelong human rights challenges.

“My colleagues will detail the key human rights issues that Black women suffer as a result of these violations.

“The issues reflect systemic disparities in the criminal punishment system, a system which is grounded in the US history of slavery, apartheid, and racial violence. Viewed through a human rights lens, they are violations of fundamental human rights, particularly the right to equality, non-discrimination and dignity. Ongoing advocacy and reform efforts to address these human rights challenges and to promote a more just and equitable system are frustrated by the United States’ self-proclaimed exceptionalism, use of reservations, understandings and declarations when signing on to treaties, and a total lack of public and professional human rights knowledge, in the courts and the legislatures especially.

“Addressing mass incarceration and the associated human rights violations against Black women requires a multi-faceted approach. We suggest (1) Reparations. The US must create a commission to study the continuing impact of slavery, apartheid and centuries of White violence reflected in the criminal punishment system. It must devise and fund proposals for remediation and prevention of their perpetuation, including ensuring Black women full and complete access to legal representation and resources necessary to realize our full human potential. Legislative changes must occur at the federal and state levels to address laws and systemic issues contributing to mass incarceration and racial disparities in the criminal punishment system including data collection and transparency, racial bias training to raise public awareness about human rights, mass incarceration and the specific challenges that are faced by Black women.

“I thank you.”

Ms. Simone Harris read a letter from her son Rashid Harris, age 36, incarcerated since age 23 at James T. Vaughan Correctional Center, at Smyrna, Delaware with a sentence of life plus 527 years due to a habitual offender law, to his mother.

She concluded by saying, “My recommendations are to abolish the three-strike law, abolish life sentences, and to stop incarcerating juvenile minorities in their prime, which equates to genocide. Thank you.”

Ms. Krystal Young spoke about her experience, a struggle of several years against a bogus arrest and a threat of decades of imprisonment on a false charge. In 2015, she was arrested with her mother and twin brother for burglary and trespassing, was released after 9 days but was rearrested three months later on warrants based on false allegations stemming from a series of complaints of a neighbor. Her seven-year-old daughter began exhibiting psychological issues. She recounted the suffering of her grandmother, mother and daughter as she went through five different attorneys over the course of a two-year fight during which she was confronted with the possibility of facing 127 years in jail. Her case was finally dismissed, but the damage was done to her family. “It should be mandatory for any state government official to obtain any arrest history of police districts as some form of compensation for falsely accused victims. Thank you.”

Dr. Avon Hart-Johnson, president and co-founder of DC Project Connect, coming today as a support specialist, advocate, author and researcher, conducting studies in the United States and abroad, focused on several key recommendations for reforming the current carceral system (a prison, confinement and surveillance-based system of punishment):

Dr. Avon Hart-Johnson

“Today, I focus on four key areas and recommendations. First, Black women are largely incarcerated for crimes associated with survival and coping, in essence, criminalized mental health conditions, domestic violence, unaddressed substance use, has likely led to their incarceration. Recommendation number one: abolish prisons. When sanctions of a last resort are warranted, these women should be offered holistic care as a community-based alternative to restore health and well-being. Second, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 5 states in part: ‘No one should be subjected to cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment’, yet alarming reports of physical and psychological violations occur in women’s prisons every day. In 2015 alone, there were 25,000 incidents and allegations of sexual abuse, extortion, rape, groping, or other sexual related abuses in prison. Recommendation number two: we demand reparative justice, holding carceral systems responsible for past harms, current harms and preventing future harms. All prisons and halfway houses should be converted to healing centers, with emphasis placed on mental and physical health care, funded by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Third, the United Nations recognizes the right to the highest attainable standards of physical and mental health, in particular Article 25. The denial of adequate mental health intervention and gender specific health care needs, and adequate menstrual products, in prison, result in women making dehumanizing tradeoffs between basic needs and hygiene. The use of medically unsafe trauma-inducing restraints and shackles on pregnant women should cease today. Recommendation number three: we demand that incarcerated women have access to adequate health care as a matter of human rights as a public imperative. Finally, and fourth, maternal incarceration has the greatest impact on children and intergenerational incarceration. According to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights Article 12, incarcerated persons have the right to family life, a protective factor that can mitigate the cycle of incarceration. The fourth recommendation: incarcerated women should not be arbitrarily separated from their families, and their right to family life must be respected and restored, with efforts made to ensure that contact is maintained between mothers and children, and vital family bonds preserved.

“Thank you for the opportunity to testify.”

“The total harm in under 50 years of mass incarceration comes to 7.16 trillion dollars. That’s more than half the value of the entire Black-White wealth gap. No other form of domestic state violence carried out in the United States since the beginning of the 20th century compares to the scope and scale of these effects. If we are ever going to move beyond mass captivity, beyond the mass exploitation of Black women’s bodies and labor on this continent, we need universal understanding in the US and around the world of the vast harms of mass incarceration.”
— Dr. Tasseli McKay

Attorney Maya Hylton-Garza, Esq. has worked with prisoners who have relatives who have been incarcerated, worked in cities like Baltimore, Oakland and Los Angeles. She spoke “about the primacy of the American criminal justice system from the perspective of someone who works inside it.

Attorney Maya Hylton-Garza, Esq.

“To put it plainly, it’s a mess. But calling it a mess is [insufficient]; what it truly is, is a horror show. The United States incarcerates more people than any other country, being responsible for about a quarter of the world’s imprisoned people. Despite accounting for only about 13% of the US population, Black people comprise 38% of that incarcerated population. Along with incarcerating more people than any other country, the US also incarcerates more women than any other country. Racial bias permeates every facet of the system, reflecting the … lineage from the present-day system to the earliest days of slavery. At the onset, we had Slave Codes, a separate and more severe set of crimes and punishment for slaves. Following emancipation, the existence of this dual system did not disappear. While we may no longer explicitly have a separate set of crimes and punishments for Black people, evidence of racially disparate treatment can be seen throughout the system. While the United States has not yet consistently and accurately [shared] data on arrest, prosecution and incarceration trends, what we do know is that there is clear evidence pf racially disparate arrests, racially disparate sentencing, [with] more and longer sentences given to Black people and racially disparate administration of parole and probation. Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign is an abolitionist organization that [argues that] the process of emancipation for all Black people in the United States cannot conclude until the criminal justice system is abolished. The Supreme Court … very explicitly acknowledged the possibility of racial prejudice influencing a jury’s decision in any criminal case. When faced with actual statistical evidence of racial bias influencing a death penalty case, they found it as ‘not unacceptable’, allowing the death penalty to stand. With a Supreme Court so comfortable with allowing an ‘acceptable amount’ of racial discrimination to infect every Black person’s interaction with the criminal justice system, there is no reform that could occur that would be able to repair the corrupt White Supremacist heart of the current system. Aging People in Prison seeks the dismantling of the systems that support and reify such oppression, including the police, the judiciary and the carceral state. Nothing less will set us free.”

Dr. Tasseli McKay, a social scientist and record of policy scholar at Duke University, shared “new figures from my research on the economic impact of mass incarceration on Black women.

Dr. Tasseli McKay

“For all of this century in the US, the huge Black-White wealth gap that is the legacy of slavery was slowly narrowing. Those gains, small and slow, were very hard won. But in the 1970s, following great Civil Rights progress in the US, our criminal legal system began to be mobilized against Black Americans in an intensely violent and far-reaching way. As it did, the wealth gap also began to widen again, in a way it had not since the ferocious anti-Black mass political violence of the late 1800s. During the mass incarceration years, the wealth of the typical Black household has dropped 75%, while that of the typical White household has risen 14%. Mass incarceration has brought tremendous harm to Black women, families and communities, and social scientific evidence makes it possible to rigorously calculate its economic impact. I’ve written two academic books about this work, carefully reviewed by top economists and criminal legal system scholars, and so I have great confidence in what I’m about to tell you about these costs. The criminalization of Black children and youth, and their pipelining out of educational and supportive institutions has sapped 4.31 trillion dollars. The perpetual punishment of formerly incarcerated Black adults, particularly their long-term exclusion from the formal workforce, has sapped 1.07 trillion dollars. The burdens and harms shunted onto partners and mothers of incarcerated Black adults total 434 billion dollars. The lifelong repercussions for Black children of the incarcerated, particularly in lost educational opportunity, total 452 billion dollars. And the community and population-scale damages, particularly impacts on Black infant mortality and adult life expectancy, total 890 billion dollars. The total harm in under 50 years of mass incarceration comes to 7.16 trillion dollars. That’s more than half the value of the entire Black-White wealth gap. No other form of domestic state violence carried out in the United States since the beginning of the 20th century compares to the scope and scale of these effects. If we are ever going to move beyond mass captivity, beyond the mass exploitation of Black women’s bodies and labor on this continent, we need universal understanding in the US and around the world of the vast harms of mass incarceration. We need reconstruction of the abusive public institutions that did these harms. And we need at least 7.16 trillion dollars in reparations to Black women and communities for mass incarceration. Thank you so much.”

Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq. made additional comments:

“I would simply add to the information and comments that have already been made in that when we talk about reparative justice, when we talk about reparations, we’re talking about full and complete reparations, and the full and complete reparations go far beyond the money that necessarily includes the rebuilding of the individual and of a people or peoples, like the abused adopted child. We long to know who and what we are, where we were kidnapped from, what were then our names, what would have been our language, what would have been our spiritual development system, what would have been our social and familial structure. There is no price that can be put on that; at the same time, every effort must be made to do so.”

Dr. Tasseli McKay added some historical context to the discussion of the harms caused to Black women and Black families, highlighting the intentional and official US policy nature of these harms, dating back to the Richard M. Nixon administration and even before that.

“I’d like to read a quote from John Ehrlichman, who was the domestic policy advisor to Richard Nixon, widely understood by people in my field as the forefather of mass incarceration. And I’m quoting him now:

‘The Nixon Campaign in 1968 and the Nixon White House after that had two enemies: the anti-war left and Black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or Black, but by getting the people to associate the hippies with marijuana and Blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.’ [from an interview Ehrlichman gave to Dan Baum in 1994, published in the April 2016 issue of Harper’s Magazine — Editor.]

“I’d like to add that I think it’s important that we understand this as the domestic state violence that it is and has been, and that the impacts of that state violence on Black women in particular have been concealed of necessity, because the work that Black women have taken on in the face of this state violence has been to absorb, to cushion and to defend their families and communities against it, perpetually, and without their permission concealing the true magnitude of its effects. The costs of this system are so much greater than we have ever acknowledged and those costs have been borne by the most vulnerable among us, and because those costs could not come out of bank accounts, they have come out of bodies. Chris Wildeman’s research on the impacts of mass incarceration on population health in the United States shows that yes, mass incarceration has done definitive damage to our health as an entire population, and yes, those effects on life expectancy and infant mortality have been concentrated predominantly in Black communities. And yes, those effects on life, the years taken off of American lives by mass incarceration, have come off of Black women’s lives. When we look at the effects of rising Black male incarceration rates, beginning around 1978, on population health in the US, we see that the years of life lost came primarily from Black women. There’s so much that has happened, so much that has been concealed and so much strength that has been standing in resistance to this domestic state violence for many decades. Thank you so much for the time to speak to you.”

“I don’t understand why the American establishment doesn’t recognize this, and it doesn’t augur well for the reputation of the state, for this sort of thing to go on. And then I hear politicians on TV, in Congress and the Senate, Senators and Congressmen, talking about how America is not a racist country. That is the biggest, what I call ‘real politics’, because everybody looking around can recognize it, and yet they’re denying it, so how much trust can one have in the system?”
– IACHR President Margarette May Macaulay

The IACHR Commission members ask questions to the presenters.

The members of the Commission asked a number of follow-up questions. President Margarette May Macaulay added a comment and a question: “Thank you for the personal stories that show what these policies do to life and families. Thank you also for the empirical evidence that combines the information into research in action about these punitive policies that have been repeated from 1940 until today. You referred to identity reparations, and we would like to hear more about that. What are the triggers that cause the increasing harshness of the penalties?”

Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq. offered some additional perspective on the Black reparations struggle.

Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq. makes a point.

“To talk about reparations, the (IACHR) President rounds it out in a simple word: personhood, that full and complete reparations required restoration of personhood. We have since the Civil War in the United States, made demands for reparations, and the visibility and the intensity of that struggle has risen and fallen depending upon political circumstances. At the moment it enjoys great visibility and global recognition, and we credit that to the 2001 Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, which was the opportunity to globalize the issue and to bring together the Afrikan community globally in formulating the consensus that the DDPA is [important], and even more importantly and recently is the struggle to protect and defend the DDPA against the onslaught of the former, well, the colonizers, because some of them are still in place, and enslavers attempting to distract us from the consensus that was reached with the DDPA, and most importantly its civilization and expression of self-determination, setting forth the crimes against humanity and the basis for global reparations, slavery, colonization, apartheid and genocide, and that we must not allow the creation and the mandate that was given to the Permanent Forum on People of Afrikan Descent or the Agenda 2030 SDG’s, Sustainable Development Goals, to become the shiny objects that take us away from the DDPA and the significance of that expression of self-determination, which of course also includes the Five Elements that define those guidelines as to what would constitute full and complete reparations. We look forward to submitting further information on that point, and consistent with the questions that you have asked here, suffice it to say that the greatest violations continue to occur in the South, what we call ‘the Black belt’, which is where the Afrodescendant population was enslaved in the largest numbers and continues to this day to live despite our apparent mobility and our escape from bondage. Finally I would add that the US Constitution provides for the continued enslavement of people generally and Afrikan people particularly. It was a concession that was made to the South wherein the 13th Amendment is thought to abolish slavery, however it does not. It only shifts the enslavement of persons from private hands to public hands, the hands of the government. It provides that a person cannot be held in involuntary servitude except in the case of a crime. And of course it is the enslavers who have defined what human behavior is criminal. And that invariably falls heaviest on people of Afrikan descent and Afrikan women in particular. Thank you.”

“We have since the Civil War in the United States, made demands for reparations, and the visibility and the intensity of that struggle has risen and fallen depending upon political circumstances. At the moment it enjoys great visibility and global recognition, and we credit that to the 2001 Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, which was the opportunity to globalize the issue and to bring together the Afrikan community globally … and even more importantly and recently is the struggle to protect and defend the DDPA against the onslaught of the former, well, the colonizers, because some of them are still in place, and enslavers attempting to distract us from the consensus that was reached with the DDPA …”
— Attorney Efia Nwangaza, Esq.

Attorney Maya Hylton-Garza, Esq. spoke about state-run versus private institutions, racialized arrest practices and released prisoners being saddled with heavy debts to the state that had imprisoned them.

“I want to speak to two things, the question of abuse in state-run versus private facilities and the question of racialized arrest practices. … The United States Congress mandated under the Prison Rape Elimination Act a comprehensive study of sexual assault and sexual abuse in United States correctional facilities. That study … included a representative sample, i think, of maybe 400 United States correctional facilities. That study used state of the art methods and it did document the very substantial prevalence of sexual assault around the country and it highlights not only in adult prison facilities but in detention facilities that house children, very widespread prevalence of sexual assault and abuse. And further, I’ll note that to my knowledge there is no established difference in rates of abuse in private-run versus state-run facilities, and that isn’t intended to be offered in defense of private facilities so much as I think it speaks to the extent to which our public institutions have been harnessed to abusive ends in a time of mass incarceration.

“With regard to the question about racialized arrest practices, in the contemporary United States, 49% of Black men can expect to be arrested by the time they reach age 23. We’ve seen in the work of … Vesla Weaver and colleagues, [which] demonstrates that in fact, over the decades of mass incarceration, we have seen what she calls a great uncoupling of arrest from criminalized behavior such that arrest is now so racially targeted that it is less and less correlated with engagement in any criminalized activity and more strongly correlated with perceived race, and that racial disproportionality of course, as you all know well, continues at every level of the system and its impacts are so devastating, even at the point of arrest and policing as your remarks highlighted, many jurisdictions have implemented what they euphemistically call ‘proactive policing strategies’: stop-and-frisk, hotspot policing, various forms of aggressive police engagement and implementation of these policies we know from several rigorous social scientific studies is strongly correlated with a drop in well-being across the Black population of those cities. So, for example, we see Black students’ educational achievement drop in New York City with the implementation of stop-and-frisk, and there are examples like that from social science research across the country.

“I also want to speak to this question, which is very well taken, of individuals released from incarceration with tremendous debt to the state. To my knowledge, that practice is much more the rule than it is the exception, and those debts have to do with everything from system fees, parole monitoring fees, court fees, victim restitution, and an enormous contributor to that debt is child support enforcement. Many families have enormous debt to the child support enforcement system after the incarceration of a loved one, and often a five-figure debt, in particular because, in most states, that continues to rack up those arrears during incarceration, even though earning enough funds to pay those commitments is a true impossibility during that time. And to the also quite well taken question of what happens when individuals are released with debts that are far beyond their capacity to pay, what happens to those debts, there is fairly strong indication that those debts are paid by the women family members of incarcerated and released individuals. They are not forgiven. They are shunted onto those who can least afford them.”

Dr. Avon Hart-Johnson made further comments on behalf of mothers of incarcerated persons and the impact on families.

“I’d like to address the question about what happens when the mother is incarcerated. The first thing I want to say is that, when you incarcerate the mother, it has the greatest impact on the children. Let me give you an example. In Washington DC, we don’t have a prison. So therefore, when mothers are separated from their children, they are sent across the United States to serve their sentences. That could be California, Texas, West Virginia, for example. We know that in Washington DC, the zip codes that have the highest incarceration rates also have 16% of the people living at or below the poverty level. So how do you stay connected? Let’s talk about what happens in the family system. Well, first of all, it’s recognized as a crisis. Children are often not told where their parents are because of the stigma and shame associated with it, or perhaps the adults who are raising the children at home don’t want to emotionally burden the children. We know that about 11% of the fathers are taking care of children. We know that 11% of the children are going to go into foster care. And the vast majority are going to stay with the grandmother or grandparents who may be on a fixed income. So when we start to think about what happens with the children and why is this thing about intergenerational incarceration showing up, well, the short story is, parental incarceration is an adverse childhood experience. Probably 60% of us in this room have gone through an adverse childhood experience. It could be a frequent change of caregivers, it could be abuse, neglect, it could be violence or conflict in the home, or parental incarceration. The thing is, when children are exposed to contiguous stressors, it actually changes their genetics. So, there’s this science called epigenetics, and so when children are living in these situations, incarceration is probably just one issue, there are many complex issues going on at the same time. When the body is exposed to contiguous stressors, over and over again, it stays in a state of hyper-vigilance, and the cortisol levels are bring produced, and those kids are always in fight-or-flight, even if it doesn’t look like it, they’re in fight-ir-flight, and so therefore, the genes in the body will adjust, and it will start to put all of this energy in the fight-or-flight, rather than fighting off infections.”

Attorney Maya Hylton-Garza, Esq. spoke about efforts at reforming the carceral system:

“I just wanted to speak briefly on some reforms that are occurring. In the state of California, the Racial Justice Act was passed, which specifically tries to address the effects of racially disparate sentencing and arrests, and allows for somebody who has been convicted to bring forward evidence of racially discriminatory behavior and then allow for some type of reduction in sentencing. The law is extraordinary in the fact that it is retroactive, and it covers all families and anybody who has picked up a juvenile case, so as far as we’re concerned that’s basically everybody in the state of California who has been arrested and experienced … confinement. The law has been passed. We don’t know yet how the judges are going to handle that responsibility. It’s the Racial Justice Act, 2021. Right after George Floyd, people were very inspired to suddenly realize discrimination existed. And so, we don’t know yet. It leaves a lot to the judges in terms of how they’re going to handle each of those cases. But it does allow [for evidence of] racially discriminatory behavior to be used as evidence to prove the case, and so that is one example of reform. There are two other states that have passed Racial Justice Acts. Neither one of those are effective in any way. One is so broad that no one can use it and the other one is so narrow that no one can use it. The first one was so broad that it was repealed, and the second one is so narrow that it’s useless. We don’t know yet how California is going to handle this, how California judges are going to handle this power. I’m going to stay optimistic, but what we’ve seen in the United States is that there is a fear of too much justice, that because everyone has experienced racial discrimination, Black and Brown and Native American people have experienced racial discrimination that has impacted the way in which they engage with the carceral state, that reform would require everyone to be helped, and the United States is simply unwilling to do that.”

Closing Remarks from the Chair

IACHR President Margarette May Macaulay

IACHR President Margarette May Macaulay offered some closing comments. She noted that quite a few people have been released because DNA evidence showed their convictions were false, evidence was flawed and the convictions and sentences were unlawful. She noted that in other countries, “such persons will be compensated by the state for their mistake”. In the news, we see that people who are released in the US have received “no compensation, despite the claims about America’s largesse. Where is that when they are at fault?” There are similar issues with social welfare, in which recipients who were determined to have received Social Security and health benefits by mistake were ordered to repay years later (usually with onerous amounts of interest) regardless of their ability to pay. This had been reported on the previous day on the CBS News program 60 Minutes.

President Macaulay asked what the presenters would want the Commission to do to assist them in this matter, and expressed the desire to collaborate with them. IACHR wants to hear about the issues and specific complaints people have that are related to this case. The Web site and phone number are available for submitting information and complaints, and there is training available in some cases for Non Governmental Organizations.

Ms. Macaulay closed with these comments: “This is long past due, long, long past due. And I don’t understand why the American establishment doesn’t recognize this, and it doesn’t augur well for the reputation of the state, for this sort of thing to go on. And then I hear politicians on TV, in Congress and the Senate, Senators and Congressmen, talking about how America is not a racist country. That is the biggest, what i call ‘real politics’, because everybody looking around can recognize it, and yet they’re denying it, so how much trust can one have in the system? So please, let’s collaborate. And thank you, thank you, thank you for coming to us.”

About the IACHR

IACHR’s mission statements explain that

The IACHR is a principal and autonomous organ of the Organization of American States (“OAS”) whose mission is to promote and protect human rights in the American hemisphere. It is composed of seven independent members who serve in a personal capacity. Created by the OAS in 1959, the Commission has its headquarters in Washington, D.C. Together with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (“the Court” or “the I/A Court H.R.), installed in 1979, the Commission is one of the institutions within the inter-American system for the protection of human rights (“IAHRS”).

The formal beginning of the IAHRS was approval of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man at the Ninth International Conference of American States held in Bogota in 1948. There the OAS Charter (hereinafter “the Charter”) was adopted, which declares that one of the principles upon which the Organization is founded is the “fundamental rights of the individual.”

Full respect for human rights appears in several sections of the Charter, underscoring the importance that the Member States attach to it. In the words of the Charter, “the true significance of American solidarity and good neighborliness can only mean the consolidation on this continent, within the framework of democratic institutions, of a system of individual liberty and social justice based on respect for the essential rights of man.” The Charter establishes the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) as one of the principal organs of the OAS whose function is to promote the observance and protection of human rights and to serve as a consultative organ of the Organization in these matters.

The work of the IACHR rests on three main pillars:

      • the individual petition system;
      • monitoring of the human rights situation in the Member States, and
      • the attention devoted to priority thematic areas.

Operating within this framework, the Commission considers that inasmuch as the rights of all persons subject to the jurisdiction of the Member States are to be protected, special attention must be devoted to those populations, communities and groups that have historically been the targets of discrimination. However, the Commission’s work is also informed by other principles, among them the following: the pro homine principle, whereby a law must be interpreted in the manner most advantageous to the human being; the necessity of access to justice, and the inclusion of the gender perspective in all Commission activities.

According to the American Convention on Human Rights, the Commission shall be composed of seven members, who shall be persons of high moral character and recognized competence in the field of human rights, elected in a personal capacity by the OAS General Assembly from a list of candidates proposed by the governments of the Member States. Each of those governments may propose up to three candidates, who may be nationals of the State proposing them or of any other OAS Member State. When a slate of three is proposed, at least one of the candidates shall be a national of a State other than the one proposing the slate. The members of the Commission are elected for a four-year term and may be reelected only once.

For more information on IACHR and OAS, go to the Web site

To View the Full Hearing Video

The full hearing in video form, ‘Loss of Resources and Impact of Intergenerational Incarceration on Black Women’, can be viewed at (scroll down to Monday’s hearings, APP-HRC is first hearing)

About Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign (APP-HRC)

APP-HRC is an organization dedicated to securing the freedom of those who have been held in penitentiaries and prisons for upwards of 20 to 50 years. Many of these aging people in prison are what we often refer to as Political Prisoners, members of organizations such as the Black Panther Party (BPP), American Indian Movement (AIM), MOVE and other political-dissident groups who were targeted under the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Counter-Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO). Others were convicted in tainted trials on questionable evidence in spite of their lack of political activism, and still others were handed draconian sentences for relatively minor offenses and have been imprisoned for decades. Practically all of the prisoners and former prisoners represented by APP-HRC have grown old under incarceration, and have faced struggles not only in securing their release through parole or exoneration, but also in adjusting to “life on the outside” after being freed.

We ask you to support APP-HRC by making a donation to; Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign ( so they can continue to do their human rights reparative justice work of breaking the systemic pipeline to mass/intergenerational incarceration.


Africa400 Goes on Hiatus; Check Out Classic Shows on Our Media Page

Africa400, the weekly Pan-Afrikan radio show hosted by Mama Tomiko and Baba Ty, with Special Episodes guest-hosted by Grandmother Walks On Water (“Mothership”) and Baba Francois Ndengwe (“Fresh News From Africa”), is taking a break from broadcasting as they make plans for the coming year.

Africa400 has discussed issues of children’s education (with a variety of guests including Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu), women’s issues, political prisoners (especially Imam Jamil Al-Amin), Afrikan-centered business ventures, Afrikan and Afrikan-American history (significantly, with historian Dr. Gerald Horne), culture, music (most notably highlighting pioneering jazz bagpiper Ancestor Rufus Harley and singer-rapper-songwriter Sis. Maimouna Youssef), health and spirituality (with health and spiritual experts such as Mama Ayo Handy-Kendi), among other compelling topics and guests.

While we will not have live shows for the immediate future, we are certain our readers have not had the opportunity to listen to all the shows of Africa400.  To remedy that problem, you are invited to visit our Media Page, which features every Africa400 episode from the show’s inception on traditional radio (WFBR in Baltimore) and even the show’s predecessor that was briefly broadcast under the Little Africa title.  All of these shows are available, with written introductions to the shows’ topics and guests, on our Media Page.

And keep visiting this site for updates on when Africa400 will resume live broadcasts.

A Panel of Human Rights Defenders and Organizers on Africa400, Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Wednesday, September 15 edition of Africa400 features a panel of guests representing several organizations working in defense of human rights and the empowerment of People of African Descent.  Show hosts Mama Tomiko and Baba Ty welcome members of several organizations to discuss their roles in the pursuit of human rights, restorative justice and raising the voice of the grassroots Pan-Afrikan Diaspora and marginalized communities.

To listen to the September 15 show, click below:

Below are descriptions of each of the organizations that appeared on the show:

US Human Rights Network (USHRN)

The US Human Rights Network (US Human Rights Network ( is a national network of organizations and individuals working to strengthen a human rights movement and culture within the United States led by the people most directly impacted by human rights violations. We work to secure dignity and justice for all.

We work to realize human rights by:

  • Engaging, connecting and mobilizing communities, Peoples, workers, and diverse sectors across issue areas, constituencies, and regions to uphold and defend human rights and hold government accountable;
  • Building the capacity and leadership of grassroots groups and individuals to effectively apply the human rights framework in developing strategy and making long-term structural shifts to achieve justice;
  • Raising the visibility of local human rights concerns and activism to shape the public discourse locally, nationally, and internationally; and
  • Facilitating effective collective action to secure the structural change needed to fully realize human rights.

 The US Human Rights Network is guided by these core principles:

  • Human rights are universal, interdependent, indivisible, and inalienable.
  • Human rights movements must be led by those most directly affected by human rights violations.
  • Human rights advocacy and organizing should prioritize the struggles of the poor and most marginalized groups in society.
  • Human rights movements must be inclusive and respect and reflect the diversity within communities.
  • Human rights encompass civil, political, economic, social, cultural, environmental, sexual, and development rights for individuals, Peoples, and groups.

Jericho Movement

Jericho is a movement with the defined goal of gaining recognition of the fact that political prisoners and prisoners of war exist inside of the United States, despite the United States’ government’s continued denial … and winning amnesty and freedom for these political prisoners.

The Jericho Movement ( addresses four principal issues:

  1. Building the Amnesty Campaign

A big part of this work is locating political prisoners, compiling dossiers on them, and building the case for amnesty.

  1. Continuing the Educational Campaign

About the Existence of Political Prisoners inside the U.S.

  1. The Jericho Legal Defense Fund

Providing supportive expenses for lawyers and law students etc. to provide legal defense for political prisoners.

  1. The Jericho Medical Project

Fighting for adequate and quality medical care for political prisoners.

George Jackson University (GJU)


In 2003, Abdul Olugbala Shakur, Sitawa Nantambu Jamaa, Hodari Kambon, Abasi Ganda, Yafeu I-yapo, Dr. Donald R. Evans, and Dr. Rashad Ali developed the concept of transforming the entire U.S. Prison Industrial Slave-Complex (P.I.S.C.) into the largest university in the country. The initial name for the project was University of the Mind, but under this title we received very minimum feedback, so by Summer of 2003 we decided to name our university The George Jackson University (GJU),, within six (6) months we received over 20,000 applications for enrollment into our GJU from New Afrikan (Afrikan Amerikan) prisoners across the country, we even received applications from as far as Brazil, London, and Canada, brothas and sistas trying to connect.


In the past five (5) years a growing number of people have inquired about the GJU, make no mistake about it, we were not discouraged from pursuing our objective, many of us have been extremely busy working on a number of other issues, and not to mention all documents related to the GJU were fraudulently confiscated, therefore we have to start all over again. Our first step towards revising the GJU is developing a strong and dedicated outside support network and faculty . We are re-instituting the concept of transforming the entire U.S. prison industrial slave complex into the largest progressive educational institution in the country with emphasis on Afro-centric and Pan-Afrikan studies and New Afrikan political education.

The Kent State Truth Tribunal

On May 4, 1970 a troop of Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on unarmed Kent State students protesting America’s invasion of Cambodia. Four students were shot dead and nine others wounded. Ten days later, also in a student protest against the Vietnam War, two Jackson State College students were killed and more than 11 wounded by the Mississippi police. 

The Kent State and Jackson State student killings seized headlines at a watershed moment in American history, bringing the war home and distressing a country already divided over the Vietnam War. In the days that followed the campus massacres, more than four million students rose up in dissent across 900 university campuses, generating the largest nationwide student protest in U.S. history. 

The Kent State massacre has never been thoroughly, impartially investigated and no person or group has been held accountable for wrongdoing. Through the courts, families of those who were killed or injured received paltry sums of compensation and a statement of regret.

Forty years after Kent State in 2010, new digital forensic evidence emerged in a tape recording of the Kent State commands-to-fire and gunfire. Still, the U.S. Dept. of Justice refused a credible inquiry into the new audio that contained the sounds of shooting and killing of students exercising their fundamental right to political expression. There has been no admission of responsibility on the part of the state.

The Truth Tribunal ( is a direct response to this history of impunity for Kent State. On the 40th anniversary of the Kent State massacre, Allison’s sister Laurel decided to learn and record the truth at Kent State from the people who were there. For decades she had watched Kent State University and the U.S. government act with institutional power and unlimited funds as they repressed the truth at Kent State and buried all evidence of government complicity in committing the Kent State massacre. The Truth Tribunal archive will stand as an enduring record of the truth, as told by those who witnessed and survived that day. 

Just before his death, Boston University history professor and renowned advocate Dr. Howard Zinn sent Laurel this note:


You are right that trying to get “redress” via the judicial system is a dead end, or a maze, and that learning and spreading the truth is the most important thing you can do. That was the idea of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa. 

Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (SRDC)

The Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus ( was founded in 2006 in response to the African Union’s (AU) decision in 2003 to invite the African Diaspora “to participate fully as an important component in the building of the African Union.”  The AU initially coined the term “Sixth Region” to describe the Diaspora, which consisted of “people of African descent and heritage, living outside the Continent, irrespective of their country of citizenship, who are willing to contribute to the development of the African Continent and the building of the African Union.”  While the AU established the Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC), an AU organ that was established to allow for the participation of Africa’s “non-state actors” or grassroots civil society in advising the General Assembly, as the means by which the Diaspora would begin our journey to full AU membership, as well as a set of criteria and procedures to establish that representation, the actual organization of the people of the Diaspora to accept this invitation was left up to us in the Diaspora ourselves.  Toward that end, SRDC has developed a plan to empower the people to choose our Diaspora representatives in ECOSOCC through a series of local, national and international elections (one cannot appoint themselves or others to be a representative), and to bring our many Pan-African organizations together in a cooperative effort to accomplish this task, so we can truthfully say that the result of our efforts is a delegation that truly speaks for the people of the Pan-African Diaspora.  Our work will  not stop there, however; our hope is to help establish representation for the Diaspora in the AU’s Pan African Parliament (which can actually create legislation), as well as fight for the recognition of the Diaspora by the United Nations and its numerous international human rights and geopolitical bodies.

This, of course, has turned out to be no easy task.  To maintain the trust of our grassroots communities, we need to consistently demonstrate that we are indeed dedicated to addressing the issues that afflict us as a people, which we continue to do by holding Community Town Hall Meetings where information and ideas are shared with and by the community, by planning or assisting with on-the-ground projects such as cultural events, educational events and capital projects, by inviting different organizations to participate with us, and by forming coalitions to help bring those organizations, as well as our communities, together on a more regular basis.  Still, rivalry and distrust continue to threaten the unity we are working toward, disinformation is spread by those who wish to prevent us from coming together in the first place, and even the African Union itself often allows its own bureaucracy to complicate our work and make our job that much harder.  These obstacles cause some activists to lose hope and abandon the struggle, but SRDC has continued to push forward despite all this.  Thus, while we continue to work to establish our voice in the African Union, we also participate in discussions and forums of the United Nations, coalitions of grassroots civil-society groups and of other international Pan-African organizations in hopes of building a standing global coalition that can more effectively pursue truth, justice, self-determination and prosperity for African people and the world as a whole.

SRDC is organizing in several areas of the US and Canada, and our organizational allies in Central America (Central American Black Organization, or CABO), Europe (African Union African Diaspora Sixth Region, AUADS), the Caribbean (Mouvement International pour Reparation in Guadeloupe), the Middle East (Middle East African Diaspora Unity Council in Dimona, Israel) and recently, the African Continent (Sehwah-Liberia and organizations in Tanzania) are doing similar work where they are.  Our plan for organizing the Diaspora includes sponsoring regular local community Town Hall Meetings, establishing Councils of Elders, holding an annual International Summit (This year’s Summit will be in Monrovia, Liberia) and building alliances and coalitions with other organizations.

To find our more, visit, or email or

Spirit of Mandela Coalition

Created in 2018, In the Spirit of Mandela Coalition ( is a growing grouping of organizers, academics, clergy, attorneys, and organizations committed to working together against the systemic, historic, and ongoing human rights violations and abuses committed by the USA against Black, Brown, and Indigenous People. The Coalition recognizes and affirms the rich history of diverse and militant freedom fighters Nelson Mandela, Winnie Mandela, Graca Machel Mandela, Rosa Parks, Fannie Lou Hamer, Ella Baker, and many more. It is in their Spirit and affirming their legacy that we work. This October 22-25 2021,  In the Spirit of Mandela Coalition  will be organizing and hosting an International Tribunal which will be charging the United States government, its states, and specific agencies with human and civil rights violations against Black, Brown, and Indigenous people. The Tribunal will be charging human and civil rights violations for:

  1. Racist police killings of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people.
  2. Hyper incarcerations of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people.
  3. Political incarceration of Civil Rights/National Liberation era revolutionaries and activists, as well as present day activists.
  4. Environmental racism and its impact on Black, Brown, and Indigenous people.
  5. Public Health racism and disparities and its impact on Black, Brown, and Indigenous people.
  6. Genocide of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people as a result of the historic and systemic charges of all the above.

Black Alliance for Peace (BAP)

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP),, seeks to recapture and redevelop the historic anti-war, anti-imperialist, and pro-peace positions of the radical black movement. Through educational activities, organizing and movement support, organizations and individuals in the Alliance will work to oppose both militarized domestic state repression, and the policies of de-stabilization, subversion and the permanent war agenda of the U.S. state globally.  



BAP is not a pacifist movement. While committed to peace, we understand there can be no peace without justice, and we will stand in solidarity with all peoples (and nations) who strive to liberate themselves from oppression.


BAP supports people’s struggles for national liberation and self-determination, with a special focus on the struggles of Black peoples and nation-states in the “Americas.”


BAP takes a resolute anti-colonial, anti-imperialist position that links the international role of the U.S. empire to the domestic war against poor people and working-class Black people in the United States.


BAP identifies the Black working class as the main social force of any reconstituted Black Liberation project.


“People(s)-centered human rights” as defined as emanating from bottom-up mass struggle and informed by a Black, revolutionary, feminist intersectional framework will be the basis for analysis and actions.


All members, on an organizational and individual level, must be committed to ending patriarchy and all forms of male domination in either internal organizational practice or external/public political positions.


Members of this Alliance see the U.S. state as the ongoing institutional expression of settler-colonialism and are committed to an authentic process of decolonization in every sense of that term.


BAP is committed to working against all forms of state and domestic repression, including the issues of political prisoners and prisoners of war in the United States.


BAP sees itself as one aspect of the effort to revitalize the broader Black Liberation Movement.


The South is the base of U.S. military infrastructure. It’s also where 55 percent of Black people happen to live. BAP identifies this region as a priority for collective learning, organizing, and mobilizing the power and influence of Black workers and the poor to oppose militarism, war and imperialism.

Wednesdays 2-3pm EST.





Remembering Phil Africa


Saturday, January 31, 2015, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Kingsessing Recreation Center, Philadelphia, PA

Mama Ramona Africa, the sole adult survivor of the May 13, 1985 bombing of the MOVE Organization’s house on Osage Avenue in West Philadelphia, addressed the hundreds of friends and supporters in the audience who had come from across the country to the Kingsessing Recreation Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to pay respects to MOVE Nine Member and New Ancestor Phil Africa on this cold Saturday afternoon, January 31, 2015.

“A lot of people have come up to MOVE People and asked us how we’re doing, are we okay.  Of course we grieve the loss of our brother.  John Africa [MOVE’s late founder, who died in the May 13, 1985 bombing of MOVE’s Osage Avenue house – Editor] has taught us that we are living beings, we’re alive, we have feelings.  So, we can be hurt, our feelings can be hurt.  But one thing is for sure, we can be hurt but we won’t be stopped.  And that’s what’s important.

“Phil touched the lives of so many people, and we got so many responses, so many statements, that we just can’t read them all. … But meanwhile, what we’re going to do is let you know how people, all across the globe, feel about Phil Africa.”

Mike Africa was born in prison, the son of Mike Africa Sr. and Debbie Africa of the MOVE Nine.  He has spoken about growing up the son of two Political Prisoners and how that legacy has guided his steps as he has grown to become a father himself.  He and Sis. Rain Africa, one of the Next Generation of the Youth of the MOVE Organization known as the “Seeds of the Seeds”, along with a Brother from Friends of MOVE New York, served as the emcees for the event.

I entered the hall to the sound of the tribute to Phil Africa from the world’s most famous Political Prisoner, Veteran of the Black Panther Party and longtime MOVE supporter, Mumia Abu-Jamal:

[col. writ. 1/10/15] © ’15 Mumia Abu-Jamal

He was born William Phillips, on Jan. 1, 1956, but few people called him by that name.

Most people knew him as Phil, and after joining the revolutionary naturalist MOVE organization in the early 1970s, most called him Phil Africa.

He was part of the confrontation of Aug. 8, 1978, in Philadelphia, where nearly a

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Mumia Abu-Jamal

dozen MOVE members were charged in connection with that conflict, in which a cop likely died from friendly fire – but MOVE members were charged.

Among them, Phil Africa. Phil was among 9 MOVE men and women charged with murder, and convicted in a hotly disputed trial, of third degree murder. So disputed, in fact, that several days after the trial, Judge Edwin Malmed would admit, in a locally broadcast interview, that he “Hadn’t the faintest idea” (his very words) …who killed the cop.

The 9 MOVE members were sentenced to 30 to 100 years: the longest in Pennsylvania history since third-degree became law in PA. Judge Malmed reportedly acknowledged the illegality of such a sentence, telling those sentenced that it may be reversed on appeal, but, for now, it would hold them. It appears Malmed believed the State Appellate courts were fairer than even they believed.

But not to people named Africa it seems.

For today, 37 years after the events of August, 1978, the fact that 7 remaining men and women are still in prison is nothing short of a scandal.

The MOVE men and women should’ve been free, at least 7 years ago, when they reached their minimums.

But this is Pennsylvania, where madness passes as normality.

Phil lost a son back in the mid –‘70s, when police trampled his child, Life Africa.

On May 13, 1985, when the police bombed a MOVE home, another son, Little Phil, was among the 11 people shot and burned to death.

Phil was an extremely talented artist and painter. He was a man with a gift of lightness, a witty sense of humor, and an ever-present smile.

Phil Africa, MOVE member, will be long loved and remembered by his wife, Janine Africa, by his brothers and sisters in MOVE, and by many, many prisoners across the state, whom he counseled over the years.

Phil lived through 59 cycles of planet earth, before being returned to his Mother.

From Prison Nation, this is Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Mike Africa read the following statement from MOVE Nine Political Prisoner Debbie Africa just after I entered the hall. 

Remembering Phil
The one thing that always stands out in my mind when I think about Phil is his urgency to be family to all of us in MOVE and those outside of MOVE that love MOVE.  No matter what he was doing, if you needed his attention, he was there.  Phil always had an ear for anybody who needed to talk.  Phil always had a hope for anybody who needed a strong arm.  There was no time that was not the correct time to talk to Phil.  No matter what, he would drop what he was doing and make you his priority.  Long Live John Africa.  Phil was always ready to feed people MOVE’s Law, no matter who or what you are.  Black, White, Puerto Rican, French or German, always ready to encourage people with MOVE belief whether the garbage man, lawyer, clergy, or cops.  He always understood what his purpose was.  What his purpose is.  Everybody knows him.  People even name their sons after him.  He’s the big brother that anybody would want to have.  Phil never passed up an opportunity to talk our Move Nine Debbiebelief to people, and boy did he talk.  I believe that’s another reason we got along so good.  We shared that characteristic, talking.  Janine said, while in prison, Phil earned the respect of many, many inmates and staff alike.  Phil earned respect of prison guards because of his sincere commitment to be right.  Phil commanded the appreciation even from people who weren’t receptive to MOVE’s principles.  They had no choice but to acknowledge that example of loyalty to John Africa.  Phil took a lot of the younger kids in prison under his wing.  Working hard to keep them out of trouble, and steer them in the right direction, away from gang violence, drugs and nonsense.  They loved Phil at Dallas and called him Father Phil.  Phil never misused their trust to ego-trip or lord it over them or others.  Phil always remained humble, to model MOVE’s principle and always acknowledging of the source of his strength and courage: John Africa.  Phil even had time for the older generation in Dallas, making them feel comfortable and young by playing on the Dallas Senior Ball Team with them.  Everybody who came in contact with Phil loved him, as he left a vibration of courage and determination stamped on the hearts of all who loved him.  That vibration will live forever in us, as Phil will live forever, for Phil is with Mama and Mama will always be.  Ona Move!  Long live the Power that pulls all things together.  Long Live John Africa.

Suzanne Ross, New York Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition, made reference to one of Phil’s paintings, a lion with the caption “Real Power”, which she dubbed a self-portrait.  She never met Phil personally, but she exchanged many letters with him and he sent paintings to her.  “Phil knew that the deranged police and correctional officers, as much harm as they did, did not represent real power.  Phil’s revolutionary love and power was the kind of power we appreciate and support.  When I think of Phil’s passing I think in ultimate, extreme terms.  Good versus evil, love versus vengeance, revolution versus reaction.  Phil and MOVE represent [this] in all the positive ways and the System in all the opposite.  When my granddaughter, who is twelve years old, heard Phil had passed, she burst into tears and she said, ‘He never even belonged there in the first place!’  And the outrage of someone who never belonged there in the first place, and then ‘mysteriously dies’, is very hard, in just the simplest concept of justice, to accept.”

Ann Lamb, New York City Jericho Movement, shared her pain and her love with the crowd.  “It is really, really devastating [to have heard] that Phil had passed the night before, because there is no excuse for it, there is no reason for it to have happened, and it is really, really painful to stand up here and talk. … I never actually met Phil, but we corresponded for many years, and he did send me many of his paintings … and I extend from the Jericho Movement to the entire MOVE Family our sincerest love for what you are going through right now, and we will continue to support you, and all US-held Political Prisoners, until everyone is home, and everyone is free.  Because there is no alternative.”

Baba Karim, a longtime supporter and ally of MOVE, read a letter from Delbert Africa, another member of the MOVE Nine who was famously, and brutally, beaten by Philadelphia police as he was being arrested at the end of the 1978 police assault.  He began with the reading of the letter:

Delbert Africa being beaten by Philadelphia police, August 8, 1978.

Delbert Africa being beaten by Philadelphia police, August 8, 1978.

Ona MOVE!  Long Live John Africa’s Revolution!  Long Stand Phil Africa’s revolutionary example. … I’m in a state of shock, but handling those troubles as I know Phil would.  Working hard, keeping mind and body busy, so as not to [brood on] a lot of questions.  That way can only lead to depression, ultimately stopping work.  And that’s what the demon wants, to stop those working to revolute this foul system. … Yeah, it’s rough right about now, but Mama ain’t gonna put up no barriers in our way towards freedom.  It’s this damn System that took Phil away from us too soon, way too soon.  I can feel the void, you know.  I try to keep all the good times in mind, so as not to get too sad.  You do the same, Old Soldier. … I can handle whatever they come up with as long as I hold tight to MOVE Law. … With a warm revolutionary hug, and a sharp salute of solidarity, Ona MOVE Karim, Stay strong.  Delbert Africa.  Long Live John Africa Forever!

Baba Karim spoke of his experience meeting MOVE in prison and being impressed that none of the MOVE members were ever depressed, despite the fact that “everybody knows that MOVE didn’t kill that cop”, there were “nine MOVE members [who] were innocent in jail, they’re innocent!  They didn’t do nothing but try to protect their family, defend themselves against the brutal-ass police force headed by [police commissioner and future mayor Frank] Rizzo.”  About Phil specifically, “his dedication, his commitment, his honesty, his sincerity, being lighthearted all the time, is an example that we can all learn from.”

Paulette Dauteuil, National Jericho Movement, shared greetings from former Political Prisoner Larry Butler and current Political Prisoner Tom Manning.  She then added her own comments: “It is an example that we on the outside need to take.  As Safiya [Bukhari, former Political Prisoner, Veteran of the Black Panther Party and Founder of the Jericho Movement who became an Ancestor in 2003] said, we have to pick up this work to free our Prisoners. … There should be a thousand people sitting in this room for Phil.  [There were several hundred as it was – Editor.]  It’s great that we’re all here, but with the work we do, we need to embrace and organize more people.  So please, if nothing else, take Phil’s philosophy, and talk to people, and help people understand the lives of our Political Prisoners are at stake every day they are [inside those walls].”

Do Right Ministries supports prisoners in several Pennsylvania prisons.  Elder Lee G. Farrell sent a message of solidarity that was relayed by Mike Africa.  Elder Farrell had met Phil and Delbert while visiting his nephew Gabriel Pitman at SCI Dallas, where Phil and Delbert were being held.  He shared letters with Phil over the years and buried some of them under a tree in South Sudan to “spread his DNA in the Motherland.”  Mike Africa then read a poem Elder Farrell had sent him from Gabriel Pitman:

Bro. Phil, True Revolutionary
Mama called, and I answered.
Don’t y’all grieve for me.
As I lived life, so too I embrace death.
Free, able to see deep within, far beyond and far behind
These bars of steel and brick that bind
Lies Mama’s essence.
Just look around.  Can you see?  Can you feel the blessings of her presence?
If not, my sympathies are for you.
‘Cause truly you use her goodness for bad.
Living life in fear of losing things you never had,
And never will.
As your freedom, justice and equality
Are premised on all the people you’ve killed.
Liberty for all, it’s just an illusion.
That’s why, as I lived life, so too I’m choosing to die.
Free, in Revolution!  Yes, the whole damn system is guilty as hell.
Through our lives, this is proved.
So while the system dies, in fear of its self-made hell,
We’ll live life free, faithfully, forever.
January 10, 2015 to Infinity
For Rebel Phil, for Sista Merle, and the whole MOVE Family,
Your light shines on forever.
A Messenger, 2015, a.k.a. Gabriel R. Pitman.
Long Live Phil Africa!

Kevin Gilroy, representing the Partisan Defense Committee, made a statement in support of MOVE, recounting the history of MOVE’s longtime conflict with the Philadelphia police that culminated in the 1978 police assault on the MOVE House in Powelton Village that led to the MOVE Nine’s imprisonment and the subsequent 1985 bombing of the Osage Avenue MOVE House that killed six adults and five children.

Sis. Taina Asili, New York-based vocalist and longtime supporter of MOVE, sang a beautiful and moving song she had dedicated to MOVE, Mumia and Political Prisoners, including Phil Africa, titled “Prison Break”.  Videos of her performances of “Prison Break” can be seen on YouTube, as well as on the full video of this event at MOVE’s Facebook page,

Sis. Basiymah Muhammad-Bey, Longtime MOVE Supporter and Former Assistant President-General, UNIA-ACL, brought “warm greetings of revolutionary struggle.”  She met Phil Africa at age 17 during the Powelton Village police siege when her mother insisted they bring water to the MOVE Family as the police were trying to starve them out.  “She made us have an assembly line where we organized cases of water and we brought it to the compound. … We are under attack … and we have to help each other pull ourselves up.  Some of us are a little tougher than others.  But from what we see going on right now … all of Ferguson, all of New York, all of the world rising against the injustices to our people, and we are left to still tumble harder to Free ‘Em All!  So in the midst of all the storm that’s going on, look at MOVE.  Long Live John Africa!  Still standing strong!  That means something to you when you’re in the field.  I [remember] watching them, and thought that something was mentally wrong with them.  Had no idea that something was mentally wrong with me!  And so I say to my teachers in my school, of course the training that I have received, from MOVE and many others, has allowed my revolutionary fight to be as strong as the [air] that I breathe!”

Zack Africa, MOVE Family Member, presented a Slide Show he produced in honor of Phil Africa.

Sue Africa, MOVE’s first Minister of Confrontation, made some extensive comments, which we excerpt here: “I’m going to start out today by reading a quote from a book titled Strategic Revolution from John Africa because Phil is a true revolutionary, still revoluting, generating and moving. … To quote John Africa:

John Africa

John Africa

MOVE is strong-willed, clear-visioned, one-minded, true in dedication.  MOVE don’t stagger, waver or stumble or fall short.  With the MOVE Organization, a step forward is a step gained, and a step lost for the System, because the MOVE Organization will not take a step back.  Our aim is revolution, our trust is Mama, our drive is consistency, our target is System, and we will not be stopped, for we have the courage of fight, the understanding of true law, and the power of God in both fists.

She went on: “Long Live John Africa!  Like we’ve heard all throughout today, Phil touched a lot of lives.  I have some letters and readings that the inmates at Dallas with Del and Phil wrote.”  She then read a few of those letters, including one from activists at the Bruderhof, one from a MOVE support group in France, words of support from friends with Save the Children in Minneapolis, Minnesota and some remarks from Baba Omar Sadiki, a supporter living in Morocco. 

She finally shared some remarks from fellow MOVE Nine Political Prisoner Eddie Africa:

Eddie Africa

Eddie Africa

Ona MOVE!  My brother Phil is a good man.  A father, a husband, a brother, a good soldier.  I sit here thinking of him and I’m smiling.  I can hear his voice, see his laugh, and it touches me in a good way.  The memories of our brother are countless and I think of them a lot. … At times I would call on his strength.  I would lean on him to get past a particular problem.  He would give me MOVE Law to make me strong.  And his smile showed his love.  We spent a lot of time together and I will hold that time together close to me. … He is not perfect, but he strives for it, as we all did.  His friends are many, prisoners and staff.  They gravitated to Phil.  Some of them not understanding why, as the stories told about us were supposed to turn folks against us.  But the lies that are told don’t match Phil and MOVE’s behavior, how we really are in person. … Phil was taught to revere family.  Life, wherever, whoever it was, without prejudicial characterizations.  Phil’s example is a good one, and instead of feeling down about him, I will use his life to strengthen mine.

Mama Alberta Africa, the wife of The Coordinator, MOVE Founder and Ancestor John Africa, spoke about Phil.  “Phil and I were extremely close.  He always took care and looked out for me. … I have a small quote here from Alphonso Africa.  It’s very small, just one line.  It’s from when he was on trial with The Coordinator.  And Alphonso said, ‘Now, as MOVE Members, we are secure in that we live, so shall we live.’  And I have a little something here from the writings of John Africa:

Everything that is dependable has always been here.  And everything that has always been here stays here.  Because it don’t fail.  You don’t see a thing outside your window that is within the Law of Life that hasn’t always been here.  The sky you see was here for your mother to see.  The sun in the sky was experienced by your grandmother as by you.  The grass that abounds the earth that you walk was witnessed and walked by your grandmother’s mother.  The water that is wet to your touch today was wet to the touch of your parents a zillion years ago and beyond, because the composition of water don’t fail.  The language of life is very plain.  Life plainly states to live, as death plainly states to die.  MOVE don’t have to be fearful of death.  MOVE will never know the suffering of death.  Because our belief is engaged in the principle of life.  All that life just outside your window, that is MOVE Law you’re looking at.  All of that life you see didn’t just happen to be here.  Life is here because life is alive.  MOVE believes in life.  And it ain’t life that disappears.  It is death that will not last in the Law of Life.

Mama Alberta concluded her remarks: “Life is the most powerful thing there is, and Phil Africa is connected to that force, a proven prophet of God, a MOVE Member.  All those involved in interfering with Phil Africa’s work, MOVE’s work, will not be able to will away the suffering they’ve got to do for violating MOVE.  Long Live John Africa.  Long Live MOVE.  Long Live Phil Africa.”

Mike Africa, who had been serving as one of the emcees for this event, took some time to share some remarks of his own.  “All this dates back to ’78 when they arrested Phil and they arrested the MOVE Nine, that started as a result of March 28, 1976, when the police came out there and they killed Phil Africa’s baby [Life Africa, who was knocked out of the arms of his mother, Janine Africa, and died when his head

The MOVE Nine after the 1978 assault.

The MOVE Nine after the 1978 assault.

hit the pavement – Editor].  People don’t know that.  Because the police tried to say that the baby didn’t exist because the baby didn’t have a Birth Certificate.  Phil Africa was in prison because of the work to protect our children.  To protect us.  And this is how the System repays people for trying to protect children!  It’s no different than when they killed Jesus Christ, when they were looking for Jesus Christ because they had heard that the Messiah was coming to bring peace.  It’s no different than when they killed Martin Luther King.  It’s no different than the killing of Malcolm X.  Because the System is not here to help us.  It is here to eliminate anybody [that opposes it].  And this family here, this MOVE Organization, is a family, and we’ll work together, and we’ll be close to each other and we will continue to fight this system as Phil Africa did.  Long Live John Africa.  Down with this rotten-ass System.”

There were a few musical performances from supporters of the organization.  Three strong young Brothers from MOVE had formed a group named Raw, and they performed “We Ain’t Crazy” for the appreciative crowd.

Baba I Abdul Jon spoke about his introduction to MOVE and the devotion he has felt toward them ever since: “I was following the MOVE Organization [since] 1976 when they came out with the arms [the famous “Guns on the Porch” incident when MOVE Members stood on the porch of their Powelton Village house with rifles in a show of defiance toward the brutality of the Philadelphia police – Editor].  I thought that was the most amazing, craziest thing I had ever seen in my life.  They were standing their ground with their weapons [saying that] no longer would they allow [police] to come in and beat on them. … It was Phil Africa’s child who was killed [in 1976].  Phil Africa had a child killed prior to August 8, 1978 and on May 13 [1985, the police bombing of the MOVE house on Osage Avenue that killed six adults and five children, among them another of Phil Africa’s children – Editor].  The MOVE Nine is making sacrifices. … If we have to spread some of this work out, people have to start standing up for themselves. … The MOVE Organization is standing up against this government in a manner and way in which nobody has ever done, and in a manner and a way that everybody needs to do.  One of the things that Phil told me is that it only takes a few people. … There’s no compromising with this System because they don’t have anything that they ever offer you.  They don’t have health, they don’t have wealth, they don’t have anything. … It’s just war and murder!”

The Commemoration of Phil Africa.

The Commemoration of Phil Africa’s life at the Kingsessing Recreation Center.

The Daughter of Delbert Africa spoke briefly and shared her feeling with the audience.  She spoke of her connection to Phil and the MOVE family even when she lived in a different world.  “I want you all to know that the movement continues.  It continues whether there’s rhetoric, whether there is marching, poster boards; life lives within.  It was taught and bred in me from the time I was born in Canada till today.  I have never denied my MOVE Family, nor have I denied my lineage, and I make sure that everyone is clear, I am here because of my father, because of what Uncle Phil taught me, because of my mother. … I want you to keep love in your heart. … I’m glad that he existed and he exists still within me.  Ona MOVE.”

Fred, a local supporter, sang a brief song and then he recounted a conversation he once had with Phil.  “I remember trying to express the [pain] I felt from the darkness this System had imposed upon me.  And he stopped me and said, ‘Fred, look.  We all have done bad things.  But when you came to MOVE, and you embraced John Africa’s teachings on life, these things no longer mattered.  Under the System’s influence you had no choice but to be corrupt, and in the dark, because the System is sick and corrupt.  John Africa’s influence is the influence of innocence, truth.  Once you turned around, you started to leave that [corruption] behind, and as long as you stay, work, keep on generating, you only get cleaner, and you leave that darkness behind.’  I never met a man who brought so much light into the darkness.  I love you Phil.  Long Live Revolution.  Long Live John Africa Forever.”

He then read a statement from Kristen Reed, a longtime supporter of MOVE and Mumia who now lives in New Mexico:

The best word I’ve seen in the aftermath of this tragedy that describes Phil’s open and honest demeanor is love. … You knew he would always be there for you. … To try to make sense of such a loss is impossible.  The world has lost one of its strongest, brightest and warmest souls. … Rest in Power, my friend.  You are sorely missed.

Political Prisoner Sundiata Acoli, imprisoned since 1973 as a result of a Shootout with New Jersey police that left Zayid Shakur dead and led to the conviction of himself and Assata Shakur (who subsequently escaped and now lives in Cuba) in the death of police officer Werner Foerster, released a statement through Prison Radio:

I could not have met a better comrade. … Very intelligent, good confidence and courage, yet easygoing and not concerned with his own self-importance.  Or, in other words, a comrade’s comrade, who was too soon transferred to points unknown, but left indelible favorable impressions on me.  And while I’d like to use this occasion to commemorate both the MOVE 11 [who died in the 1985 Osage Avenue bombing – Editor] and the MOVE Nine … we commemorate the dead by remembering them, by honoring them, for as long as one person remembers their name, they yet live.  We commemorate them by remembering and honoring them all, and by coming together, working together with them, for we all know MOVE Political Prisoners want freedom, all Political Prisoners want freedom, and it’s time we brought our Political Prisoners home.  So let’s … get together and make it happen, for MOVE Political Prisoners and all Political Prisoners.  Free them all.  Bring them home.  I thank you.

Mama Pam Africa, President of the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal (ICFFMAJ), roused the audience with her usual revolutionary fire: “Phil’s life is an example of resistance, of true resistance.  And you find that in Phil, but you find that in every last MOVE Member. … Everybody talks about the greatness of Phil, and you could talk for hours and never even get to the tip of the iceberg. … When I met MOVE and Phil, I thought that I was coming to help MOVE.  When I saw the confrontation in 1978, ’77, and police had surrounded MOVE, I thought I was out there for me to help them.  But through these years it’s been MOVE Pam Africa 1MOVE helping me, and I want everybody else to understand the battle that the MOVE Organization is doing and waging against this government is for each and every last one of us.  Inside the prison, outside the prison, and when for years, all you hear MOVE speak about is life, about Mama, about the air, the water, the soil, and that is so important.  To fight for these things, the necessities of life, is something that we all must get involved in.  I remember one time, when our sisters were fighting about water the prison, and another Political Prisoner said ‘Y’all are talking about water?  I’m talking about freeing Political Prisoners.’  Well, if you can’t make the connection between water and Political Prisoners … you’re not making the connection at all, because you need water to survive. … My brother Phil died in that prison because he wasn’t supposed to be there.  He was healthy and strong when he went in. … And they write letters about the people that are now dying in prison on a regular basis. … We say ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ and ‘Black Lives Matter’; all lives matter! … The same information and love and understanding that people get on the street, is what you get from every last MOVE Member that’s in prison.  We can’t tell you enough what it means to fight for your air, your water and your soil.  That is revolution.  That is protecting yourself. … This system didn’t come after MOVE because MOVE cursed and MOVE demonstrated against Puppy Palace and things like that.  They came after MOVE because MOVE is waking people up about all life.  The Animal Rights Movement now – I learned about animal rights in 1977 when MOVE was battling toe-to-toe about animals that are in prisons, and people who see zoos as a place to go and take your family and think that the animals are doing fine.  Those are concentration camps, death camps, just like the ones that people recognize that people are in inside those prisons.  I’ll never forget, when I first encountered MOVE, they were demonstrating at Puppy Palace. … It’s MOVE who will make you understand about the necessity of life, and if you’re talking about freeing Political Prisoners, all prisoners, you’ve got to take it all the way across the board, or no one’s going to be free.  That’s what John Africa taught us. … The same monster, the same government … the same people that are doing all these things, are the same people that are doing it all the way across the board. … This fight is about each and every last person that’s in this room, and your children, your family. … And I know I appreciate what MOVE has done for me, and my children and what’s continuing to be done for me and my children. … These [people] thought when they dropped the bomb [in 1985], that would be the end of MOVE.  I’ll never forget Rizzo saying the same thing in 1978.  Now he’s gone, all the judges are gone, a lot of the cops are gone, and MOVE is stronger, and these people are getting weaker.  When you saw Occupy, that was their children coming up against them. … When you see ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’, you see their children coming up after them because of the wrong that they do. … You want to do something for Phil?  Do what Phil has done, and what Merle has done. … Stand up, continue to resist, continue to fight. … Let’s get to Philadelphia on that day [May 13, the 30th anniversary of the MOVE bombing on Osage Avenue – Editor], so that we can shut it down.  And we want them to feel us coming. … Ona MOVE, Long Live John Africa, Long Live the Power that pulls all things together.  Ona MOVE!”

Bro. Russell Shoatz, son of Political Prisoner Russell “Maroon” Shoats, followed up Mama Pam’s comments by briefly recounting his own awakening to the importance of MOVE’s decades-long resistance.  “I’m that ignorant kid, I’m that person who didn’t know.  There are still people outside this room, who don’t know.  And Pam is 110% right.  We’re talking about ‘People’s Socialism’ and ‘Maroon the Implacable’, my dad’s new book.  But I remember the conversations about MOVE, about the Africas, that were in prison.  They aren’t crazy!!  Now, the crazy done come full circle now.  Now the crazy’s come so full circle that we’ve got a whole movement talking about People’s Socialism, but they were doing that a long, long, long time ago.  But nobody is pointing back and saying ‘do you remember when MOVE was getting locked up for defending animals and everybody was saying they were crazy?’  Now we’ve got a whole movement, trying to save the planet, White folks, Asian folks, Purple folks, Green folks.  But nobody is saying ‘here’s a whole family that was bombed’ [for taking a similar, uncompromising stand – Editor]. … It ain’t about nothing but freedom.  And these people exemplify freedom.  Behind the walls, and here.  In front of your face.  You want to see freedom?  You want to see life?  Look at MOVE.  You see life.  You see freedom.  Long Live John Africa.  Ona MOVE!”

To close out the event, the Seeds of Wisdom, the MOVE Organization’s original youth group who are now adolescents and young adults, gathered on the stage and recited, in unison, the following creed:

In MOVE Law we trust.
All things in order of life.
The Power of Truth is Final.
Long Live MOVE.
Long Live John Africa’s Revolution.
Long Live John Africa.
Long Live John Africa.
Long Live John Africa.

On Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 12:00 Noon, supporters and activists will gather again to commemorate the 30-Year Anniversary of The May 13 Massacre: The 1985 Bombing of the MOVE Organization by the City of Philadelphia.  The event will be held at First District Plaza, 3801 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  For more details, be sure to visit or the MOVE Facebook page,